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TED Talk: "The Vagina Monologue's" Eve Ensler

sweetlime says...

>> ^spoco2:
Upvote because she's done an awful lot of good in regards to women's rights and to stop abuse of various sorts.
I couldn't watch it all the way through though due to her speaking just a tad too hippy dippy for me.. I'm turned off a bit by talk of vagina waves and the like, she can go on about slightly absurd stuff a bit.
Plus, you just start getting the feeling that she hates all men, it's a danger in these things to not demonstrate that not all men are evil, women hating monsters.
Actually... just reading on her wikipedia entry about a section from the monologues called "The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could" about effectively a rape of a 13 year old girl by a 24 yr old woman, and how it ended with the line "If it was rape, it was good rape.". That kind of double standard is really infuriating. 'Women can do no wrong', 'Eveything men do to women is evil'.
Quite frankly F ck off. There are plenty of us who treat women with all and every respect and think of their pleasure before our own, and have been treated badly by women... it's not always a one way street.
Still, there is a lot more to be done in the way that a lot of women are treated by far too many men.

actually, the last line of "the little coochie snorcher is:

"She transformed my sorry-ass coochie snorcher and raised it up into a kind of heaven."

That monologue is about a woman who was raped as a little girl, and then re-found herself and her sexuality through an experience she had with an older lesbain.

TED Talk: "The Vagina Monologue's" Eve Ensler

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alien_concept (Member Profile)

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