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Royals - Walk off the Earth cover

shveddy says...

Obviously some of the sound was doctored and added later, and I don't really fault them for that because it's still impressive, but I'd really like to hear what it actually sounded like and how close they were able to get without all the technology.

Big Budget Hollywood Movie About Noah's Ark with Russel Crow

Pastor Pretends to be Open Minded in Sterile Modernist Room

Pastor Pretends to be Open Minded in Sterile Modernist Room

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

shveddy says...

He'd be completely hirable with a 10 dollar haircut at cost cutters, a dress shirt and some slacks.

The fanfare, expense and emphasis on the physical aspect of his transformation over to the lip service his real challenging journey gets, is some gross combination of a marketing ploy and the worst aspects of our society's desire for cute feel good stories and absolutely zero depth, realism or true compassion.

spawnflagger said:

If you were an employer interviewing people for a job, would you hire the man @0:05 or @2:01 ?

While not the cure for alcoholism, I think this boosted his self-esteem, and gave him just enough confidence to try to turn his life around. Hopefully AA will help him stop drinking.

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

shveddy says...

Couldn't agree more - this is disgusting. Implying that a homeless veteran's problems can be solved with some deftly applied hair coloring and an expensive suit doesn't give this guy and his struggles the respect he deserves.

Fausticle said:

Oh that will keep the demons out of his head...

His appearance stems from his experiences. He looks like he needs some real help, not just a new coat of paint.

A Bunch of Naked Snowboarders and Skiers Having Fun

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

shveddy says...

The people in the video are either friends of friends or acquaintances of mine, so I can say that there is a lot of chatter about using the money to replace the airplane that was destroyed and fix the one that was damaged.

As for selling footage - your comment about greater good is spot on. I wouldn't charge for footage of police brutality, administrative abuse, human suffering, etc. but I'd haggle a very good price for any footage that is just a soft news piece with no greater relevance other than appeasing the general public's desire for human interest stories.

The commercial pressure of finding human interest stories isn't all that bad in my opinion. It can definitely go too far (look no further than the frenzy about the royal wedding), but this sort of event falls well within the bounds of reason in my book.

But above all, I'm just glad these guys all survived. A lot of them had a decent chance of getting out, but having everyone escape with no fatalities or even injuries is pretty much a miracle.

Edit to add: I'm pretty sure the FAA doesn't have to ask permission in order to get ahold of this sort of footage. They will investigate the hell out of this.

AeroMechanical said:

To be honest, if I film something spectacular the news wants to show (in between their commercials), I want my cut. Exceptions could be made for genuinely non-profit news outlets of course, but I don't believe for a second that applies to the major network news outlets.

I'd also, of course, be happy to provide it to law enforcement, the NTSB, FAA, or whoever needs it for official reasons or evidence.

edit: I suppose there is also a "public good" angle. I wouldn't, for instance, charge for something like the LAPD beating on Rodney King, nor would I be inclined to just hand it over to the LAPD themselves, internal affairs or otherwise. That's a special case though, and today we have things like Youtube.

Final thought edit: Come to think of it, I find this depressing. My media news pretty much comes exclusively from NPR, the BBC, PBS and Al Jazeera, and this is a good illustration of why. They're certainly biased, but at least they're trying rather than towing some company line dictated by commercial pressure.

How I got onto this rant based on a cool video of two planes crashing in mid air without anybody getting seriously hurt is a bit of a mystery though. I must be in one of those moods.

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

Pastor Pretends to be Open Minded in Sterile Modernist Room

BASE Jumper Almost Loses Foot, Handles it Well

BASE Jumper Almost Loses Foot, Handles it Well

Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee

shveddy says...

ok, so it was "only" 500,000 dollars - that's the only new info here.

190 degrees is still a very common temperature for coffee or tea, it is in fact the ideal temperature for extraction, and yes, you are responsible if you spill coffee on yourself - doesn't matter whether or not you are driving at the time.

Fox News Being Pretty Blatant About their Sexism

New York to LA in 45 Minutes!!

shveddy says...

Yea, maintaining the integrity of a 3000 mile vacuum tube sounds pretty impossible, especially if your are trying to be frugal and only spend 1/4 of what it costs to build a highway...

It would be cool, though.

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