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Whats the hardest part about being you?

That's not a motocross bike mate....

Shit. . . . . OK :)

TREMORS 4: Underground Insurgents

Coach attempts a half-court shot to win tuition for student

Queen Elizabeth II Lighter Moments

Dogs trying to Break Up a Cat Fight

Fluffy Kitten playing

Beautiful street magic tricks by a little Indian Boy

Talented Indian street Kid uses languages to Sell his Fans

Talented Indian street Kid uses languages to Sell his Fans

randeepsamra says...

Hard working too. . . I wish he had a better chance in life. . . I mean he is able to learn so much by just interacting with tourists. He would go a lot further if he had some proper education

Beautiful street magic tricks by a little Indian Boy

Super Mario Sound Effects Make Life Better

How to chop wood - Like a Boss

Bill Gates jumping over a chair like a gangster

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