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Man tells story of Dept of Education raiding his home.

possom says...

Sorry if my titles have not been appropriate or accurate. I had some private messages suggesting i change it following updated details, and perhaps i should not have.

My final title now is much more generic and i will leave it as-is.

This is my first sift and it has been interesting to see the story change and all the discussion.

Man tells story of Dept of Education raiding his home.

possom says...

His recount of the events, he told them to "hold on" twice. I wonder how much time between those "hold ons" he allowed. Enough to flush her embezzled student aide down the toilet?! And then they had no choice but to bust in!

>> ^bcglorf:

Uh, wow???
I hate to say it, but I seriously question this gives us the real story. I'm pretty sure police don't break down your door and force entry over unpaid loans without even asking you to open the door.
Seriously, does anyone believe that's what happened here???
If it IS what happened, it's really something horrific. But come on, seriously?

Man tells story of Dept of Education raiding his home.

Man tells story of Dept of Education raiding his home.

possom says...

Has to be a struggle between local and federal responsibility. I thought the original news cast was fair. Local police is denying (rightfully so probably) any involvement other than sending 1 patrol car and one officer. Local PD pressure likely resulted in the removal of the video from news10.

This was a DoE/Federal warrant and action. I like the story because Mr. Wright is not screaming suit, racism, etc. He just wants his door fixed! I am sure once the case is resolved the DoE will be happy to reimburse him =/

Man tells story of Dept of Education raiding his home.

Man tells story of Dept of Education raiding his home.

CNN Says You Are Mentally Ill If You Doubt Osama's Death

CNN Says You Are Mentally Ill If You Doubt Osama's Death

possom says...

Why do the two possible scenarios need be: 1. He was killed in the raid or 2. He was not killed, and is still free?

More likely than 2., is that 3. he was CAPTURED and is in custody.

He can not prove his metabolism to the world if he is dead or captured.

You do not need to be crazy to believe this 3rd scenario is possible.

He is surely not free, you would be crazy to believe so. We will never know if he is dead or in custody, and it is plausible that the government would lie about this detail.

Dude, don´t eat that!!!

possom says...

I recall seeing a similar short many years ago where a man sees a juicy red apple on a tree stump, bites into it, and is pulled into the pond. I want to say it was on Twilight Zone or Outer Limits, but cannot find it online.

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