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Feature request: permit start time code in embed (Sift Talk Post)

oohahh says...

Hi Lucky, thanks for the quick response.

Different parameter. In this case, I'm talking about a URL param, Changing the two URL's in the <embed> will also make a video start later.

Your documentation suggests the better way to accomplish that is to insert <param name="start" value="30"></param> in my <embed>.

I've tried it both ways, changing the URL's in the embed, inserting the <param name="start" value="30"></param>, and doing both. None of those changes are sticking. Ideas?


Snape says it gets better!

oohahh says...

I'd love to see someone take this, remove the background, and move it to Hogwarts proper. I realize that a vacuum cleaner is far superior to a broomstick, but I'm one for the classics. Also, you can't use one in Quiddich.

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