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Rare amateur video of Challenger disaster, 25+ years later

nach0s says...

I remember being at home (at the time Chantilly, VA) and watching this on television. I was 9 or 10. This happened, and I didn't really understand it until my Mom started crying. She prayed at the side of the bed, and I suggested we go to McDonald's to help us feel better.

This Is My Home

Puppy is suspicious of broccoli

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Sh*t the Dowager Countess Says

Crazy Norwegian Guy Returns

Jodorowsky wanted his "Dune" film to induce hallucinations

nach0s says...

I respect his bravery to take a huge movie into the realm of the completely artistic, but it would have been a shit show. A shit show with some mesmerizing scenes, but it wouldn't have been a coherent story. Jodorowsky did some crazy movies ( like The Holy Mountain. He follows the rule of art. Holy Mountain is an installation or a museum piece... not something your average Joe is going to pay money to see in a theater. I can't even fathom eating popcorn while watching...

Every Argument Every Couple Ever Has EVER.

I'm Pete Hoekstra, and I approve this racist message

nach0s says...

This is how dumb the parties think you are. This tool childishly labels his opponent "SpenditNOW" and himself "SpenditNOT". I mean, come on! Who would you rather vote for just based on that? No homework required!

Using your RapeFear Fantasmask

Filthy Cities - Medieval London

nach0s says...

I love this. It's a little scatalogical-focused, but shit (lol?), it was filthy back then. Anyway, two often-heard cliches come to mind:

"Don't shit where you eat."

"Shit always rolls downhill."

Wonder if those were spawned from that kind of living.

Beck interviewed by Thurston Moore, 1994

Raiders of the Lost Archives - 1919-1973

nach0s says...

Great clip. I'd be willing to be that Spielberg was heavily into those adventure movies as a kid and had a mixtape constantly going in his head that he used to make Raiders. As opposed to blatantly lifting ideas from old movies. I guess it's probably a bit of both.

Vending Machine Win !!!!

nach0s says...

I enjoyed this, but stopped to consider how these chaps benefited from others' misery. Let us first take a moment of silence to remember those forsaken souls who excitedly drop coins into a machine only to be cruelly teased by a transaction that never comes to completion.

Old Home Video With "DVD Commentary"

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