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dystopianfuturetoday says...

501(c)(4) is a status that non-profit social welfare organizations can apply for that exempts them from paying taxes, allows them to lobby without restriction, and allows them to take anonymous contributions. Raising money for political campaigns is not allowed for non-profits that work as 501(c)(4)s .

There was concern that some of these groups with blatantly political names were funneling illegal corporate cash to politicians, hence the IRS investigations out of Cincinnati. The GOP claimed that only conservative groups were targeted, which ended up being false. Liberal groups were targeted as well.

This story is a strategically smart move for the right wing media to play, because they can simultaneously smear the Obama campaign (which had absolutely nothing to do with this), intimidate the IRS from investigating illegal corporate campaign contributions in future elections, keep their base in a state of irrational fear and distract the public from the House quietly voting to take away overtime pay today.They even managed to get Jon Stewart to unwittingly help them out as a bonus.

I love Jon Stewart, but he got played here.

TL:DR: This story is manufactured bullshit, just like Benghazi and the AP email story.

VoodooV said:

have they given any reason WHY they were being targeted....and targeted for what?

they were under scrutiny..but under scrutiny for what?

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