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Conspiracy by liberals to ruin Dick Cheney

Some people are holier than other!

Atheist Billboards in Colorado

Beautiful Iceland

Why Sarah Palin Cost John McCain The Election

Some people are holier than other!

Woman at a comedy show in Australia with no sense of humor

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Laura Ingraham, JoeThePlumber people = dumb

dead_tofu says...

in europe, she would be forced by any country to take medication. she is dangerous to anyone around her. if she lived in europe, she would have no one to talk to, to share her views, people would simply think of her as nuts. not stone age, but as a very sick person!

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Imagine If Obama Campaigned Like McCain

Are You a Debt Slave? - Naomi Wolf/ The Frank Factor

The Daily Show - Louis CK

TYT - Charles Barkley into Politics?

Björk on Jonathan Ross (funny)

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