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sarah palin-wins "misinformer of the year"

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Good to know she still sticks in the left's craw.
Media Matters = George Soros operation

I can understand you don't like the owner of a organization so you would paint that organization as negative. However you can look at the evidence and show that she's just plain lying or ignorant on almost every subject. This isn't a subjective or political thing you can be objective about someones stating facts and hers simply don't match up.
That brings up a bigger issue of the media and how everyone has a voice...there's always a side to the story. Some sides just aren't equal...some people are idiots and should be exposed as such. I'm sorry but equal time and patience should not be given to people just because they have an opinion...some peoples opinions they have a right to themselves and not be broadcast into our living rooms constantly.

We've already tried this argument with Creationists, and look how far that's getting us.

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