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American propaganda at its best....and wins an Emmy!

Solmed says...

It takes more than holding elections to have a democracy. The elections have to be fair and free on intimidation. The elected officials cannot be over-ruled by unelected monarchs, dictators, religious authorities, etc... This is not a reasonable response, it's the same crap Iran has been feeding the West for years. Iranians know nothing about democracy, they themselves do not have a democracy (despite having elections in which the candidates must first be approved by the caliphate), nor do many others in the region, despite saying they do. I can't believe you people actually buy this...I'm not advocating war against Iran, but Jesus Christ, use your noggins people.

Rachel Ray donut ad pulled because of right wing blogosphere

Solmed says...


I don't think you really understand the issue. You are ignorant to the meaning of the Kaffeiya, so why should it offend you. You say it's just a scarf (and I can tell you that statement alone is very offensive to some people). You are not the only person in the world and not everyone in the world thinks like you or has your world view. Just because it doesn't offend you doesn't mean that it isn't offensive to others. Just because people don't think like you do doesn't give you the right to spread hatred.

Rachel Ray donut ad pulled because of right wing blogosphere

Solmed says...


If you believe that, you are truly out of touch with middle eastern current events. The Kaffeiyeh is not what it once was. I hate to break it to you kiddo, but the meaning of symbols change throughout time, whether you want them to or not, whether you deny it or not.
I do not believe that DD wanted to support terrorists or that the thought to do so even crossed DD's mind. I do not believe that the ad in any way supports terror. But, the fact is that people took offense, on both sides of the issue; one group because they thought it supports terror and one group because they thought the symbol of their oppression was being commercialized.
And I know the Kaffeiya isn't a swastika - that was what the Nazis used while trying to kill every living Jew, the Kaffeiya is what Hammas and Hezbolah use as a symbol while trying to kill every living Jew, so you're quite right.

Rachel Ray donut ad pulled because of right wing blogosphere

Solmed says...


If you want to find out who Habib is, or "some guy" as you put it, read the article. As for "They", again, it is in the article. Sorry to confuse you, but I assume that is the state you are most used to.
Here is another article to confuse you :

“A Palestinian customer came up and asked me if I’m wearing this scarf as a fashion statement or for political reasons.

“I had no idea what he was talking about because I don’t follow politics at all. I just laughed it off.

“Two days later he called and complained about it.”

Clearly, the Kaffeyeh does not mean what it once did. Please understand that it has become politicized, if you agree or not, and why would someone selling donuts want to get involved with that?

Rachel Ray donut ad pulled because of right wing blogosphere

Solmed says...

The Kaffiyeh is a modern symbol of genocide against Jews and hatred of the west, just as the meaning of the swastika changed after the Nazis so has the Kaffiyeh. It's very ignorant to defend the wearing of the kaffiyeh as benign fashion. They have been co-opted by those wanting to destroy the west. THEY EVEN SAY IT -
"Ideally, I want everyone to wear the kaffiyeh," says Habib, "but if it's just worn for the aesthetic value, without the spirit of resistance wrapped up in every thread, then they might as well not wear it at all, and if it becomes appropriated by commercial interests, then that's even worse."
Don't just write off those that oppose the Kaffiyeh as racists.

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FKNNewz 09 21 07

Solmed says...

This video has the dubious distinction of being the dumbest thing I've seen on the World-Wide-Inter-Webs-Nets in at least a month.

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