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Section 8 Rental - What a sad and upsetting experience

Porksandwich says...

If the neighborhood is that bad, and their house payments are based on 220k versus the value of the home at 20k. I really doubt they'd make enough on rent without Section 8 to break even.

They'd either be losing money due to wear and tear on the home and it needed constant maintenance and work plus not making enough to cover all the fixed costs.

Or stuck with the fixed costs and an empty place they could let sit...that would probably end up getting broken into and vandalized if the neighborhood is that bad.

It's really difficult right now to find responsible renters in "slow recovery" areas.

Dunno if you can with Section 8, but I know I'd make em carry renter's insurance at the very least. So they are on the hook for the damage they do with a nice big corporation who can afford to go after them for the damages.

There's a reason why many of the places for rent out there are ran by huge corporations who just keep getting larger....the small guys can't afford to put up with all the bullshit problems people cause them. The big guys can effectively keep you from having a place to live if you screw up one of their properties bad enough.

Neodymium magnet clears metalworking shop

Don't park like a jerk

Porksandwich says...

I'm guess it took that long because he didn't want a gear shifter up his ass, and probably didn't want to accidentally let the car roll when it got stuck firmly up there.

I watched the whole thing though, quite amusing. Those guys wouldn't have done this if it were a one time occurrence. They knew the guy was a dentist and made far too much of a deal out of this for it to be the first time.

Man beats ticket on dashcam evidence - takes town to court

Porksandwich says...

Weather permitting, etc. I was always taught the rule of thumb is that you stop on yellow if you can without standing on the brake, and go through otherwise. That way you are preserving the flow of traffic, keeping it smooth and safe.

On red lights, I was always taught that if you enter an intersection before the light is red you clear it as soon as it's safe to do so. And you wait for people for clear it if your side turns green while they are in the intersection. This mainly applies to people making left turns, because oncoming traffic isn't obeying the stop on yellow rule of thumb above. In good weather, of course.

So, I think this guy was in the intersection before the light turned red and he was far enough across to not impair traffic by the time the other light turned green. I don't see a problem...he maintained his speed. Didn't slam on the brakes or speed up that I could see.

The cop followed him for as long as he did because he wanted to make a bust on something and was waiting on some other better reason to come along. He could have pulled him over long long before since that road was basically empty.

So, hope the guy wins. And I like that he was outraged during the ticketing process....his age probably helped him there. Young guy doing that probably wouldn't be fairing as well.

The Official Veronica Mars Comic Con Sneak Peek

Motorcycle Brake Checking a Car, Russian style.

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Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

Well I was using your definition, but I think alley is the correct description of what is in the photos I put up.

And just pulling a few out to highlight here:

2. A path between flower beds or trees in a garden or park. (Goes between trees).
1. a narrow lane or passage, esp one between or behind buildings
1. a passage, as behind a row of houses, permitting access from the street to backyards, garages, etc. (goes behind housing, allows access to backyards)

But you give me the correct word for that location if you would, so I can berate your choice of vocabulary and make insinuations as to your intent.

Haven't posted here in months or maybe a year because of this petty definition bickering that seems to show up each time I post, and here it is again.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

Night photo of scene, Yellow Tarp is covering Trayvon's body.

Daytime photo of scene:

So, not hedges blocking view on sides, but fences and building facades. Small trees to some degree blocking view. Generally and unlit walkway/footpath/alley overall.

As for definition of Alley: An alley or alleyway is a narrow lane found in urban areas, often for pedestrians only, which usually runs between or behind buildings

So I guess you can argue how narrow it has to be to be "narrow" and how "urban" this area is. The buildings aren't sky scrapers, but they rival the height of some of the buildings in the wiki pictures.

I'll take a few extra cookies for doing the looking up you could have done.

Darkhand said:

You vs Myself and Wikipedia ( )clearly have different definitions of what an "Alley" is. If you need help understanding look at the photos!

You're making it sound to be a dark nightmarish where terrible things await when in reality it is a gated community!

Also Please note I'm not trying to be a dick, but as this story gets older people keep adding hyperbole and it really needs to be dialed back.

Here's some images of this place.

Sorry no cookie for you!

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

The location where Trayvon was shot. The only illumination in the area from photos taken were the back porch lights of people's apartment doors. Most barely lit their small yard. And it had some light blocks, like walls, high hedges, etc. All I remember from the photos at the time is that it was pretty dark looking from the photos.

I know having some guy get out of his vehicle and follow me in an unfamiliar neighborhood would put me on high alert..and add in a dark area. With no one really able to see what was'd be in the back of my head that this guy is after me.

Darkhand said:

Show me where the dark allies are and I'll give you a cookie!

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

Exactly, as a lot of us were arguing about this last year after it happened. As long as you are the only one alive when it's can pretty much do anything you like then whip out the gun as soon as it's not going your way. Just don't leave any eye witnesses.

If anyone had seen that whole series of events play out involving Zimmerman's side...I don't think a reasonable person could say he acted with any sort of common sense for a common citizen who saw no crime taking place.

Also it's pretty damn threatening IMO to have people follow you into dark alleys/cross overs, etc after you saw them driving by and/or parked on the street moments before. Hell I've seen women in broad daylight get spooked when I walk to my car at the end of the parking lot and just happen to be in the same row as them. They could gun me down....since I was clearly following them to grab them. Now add in darkness, unfamiliar setting, and some strange guy following you.

I would be highly interested in what that jury was told to include and exclude from their decision. Because I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to make my change my mind that Trayvon had every right to feel threatened and should have been protected first and foremost under the law that Zimmerman used to kill him.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Drunk Businessman vs Escalator

Porksandwich says...

Sure he's not had a seizure or stroke or something? Epileptics will do repetitious stuff for a good 10-15 minutes after a seizure and not remember any of it. Seen my epileptic brother leave his belongings throughout a mall and not realize it for hours, he'll also try to get out of a moving vehicle if he has a seizure in the car.

It's like they get an idea in their head and try to execute it until they recover.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Be Yourself

Florida Gators Fan has a Creepy Stare

Porksandwich says...

Seen a few people on some meds, like anti-seizure or anti-anxiety who just stare without movement or emotion like this at seemingly odd or inappropriate times.

And bored people.

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