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Terminator Salvation -- Teaser

The Incredible Head-Cleaning Cat Hat

Bush to Cancel 2008 Election - Frightening Concept: Possible

Mgshadow says...

And in the meantime the democrats cause fear and make people terrified of something that will never happen. I love stupid people, who would make my food at taco bell without them. This is turning into demosift/antireligosift. give me a break and put something marginally intelligent on again guys.
I'snt this site supposed to be about the BEST the internet has to offer?
BEST! Not mental draining, crock of S*** stuff like this.

The Operative: No One Lives Forever Introduction

Finale of one of the greatest RPGs ever - Dragon Warrior IV

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

Mgshadow says...

>> ^campionidelmondo:
If anyone is going to hell, it's gonna be Fred Phelps. Preaching hatred and ignorance doesn't sit well with the big guy upstairs.

You hit the nail on the head there. And please people dont lump real Christians in with this moron or any of the "God hates fags" church. Its like assuming every mexican in America jumped the border. Its rather infuriating.

INCREDIBLY well-done recitation of Zelda music on piano

9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

Mgshadow says...

I loves me a good conspiracy theory. So just because we dont understand the whole picture then it didnt happen right? The people of flight 93 didnt come home. Neither did anyone on those planes that hit the world trade center.

Imagine for a second that its even remotely possible that all of 9/11 was a huge elaborate hoax. How many people would have to know about what really happened? How many are good enough to come out in the open and tell us where all these people that vanished into thin air went?

The footage was crap any way. i know people that could throw together fake videos better than that.

Ricky vs. The Warden

You think Rock Band's drums are hard? Try DrumMania.

Mgshadow says...

You know i think the combo meter was measuring how many times this guy played this song to get that good at it. Im thinking he didnt even watch the screen and just played from memory. Really kind of insane at that speed.

Great White Shark vs. a seal. Any bets on the winner?

An Awesome and Hilarious Lost Muppets Blooper!

Mitch Hedberg - Smacky the Frog

Mgshadow says...

Its because your ant. By the way, can you call your 5 million relatives and tell them to stop trying to eat my cats food? Its getting old...

Hillary: Don't Think Of A Black Man

Johnathan Coulton sings Still Alive in Rock Band

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