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L.A.'s Spiciest Fried Chicken

Tina Learns Boating

Saitama vs wyzen

Tina Learns Boating

Awesome Lego Garden Railway

No Good Dead

Deadpool 2 Teaser

CHiPS Official Red Band Trailer

Aliens : Bishop's Knife Trick - Bill Paxton

Asperger's Man Hijacks 100+ Trains/Busses, Arrested 32 Times

Mekanikal says...

Give this guy a job doing what he loves. He's obviously good at it and how often do you see someone so enthusiastic to go to work. He's only a felon because he likes it so much.

rick n morty season 3 opening scene

Japanese Pool Player Gives Great Interview

Mekanikal says...

What's your take on the obvious sexual innuendo?

glyphs said:

Dude, there are a lot of ways I could explain it. I don't know which to choose because I'm worried the answer might fall on deaf ears.
I mean, what kind of a person asks someone questions they LITERALLY CANNOT ANSWER? An ass! Asses are generally bigots who do bigot things like travel to another country and expect people to understand their english eeessspeeeciaallllyyy if theeeyyyy sspeeeaaaak reeeaaallllyyyy sssslllooowwwllllyyyyyy.
It kills me when I see people exercise literal zero empathy.
This is funny though.

[url redacted]

John Malkovich Inspiring Other Actors to Become Puppeteers

Camcorder that uses Cassette Tapes - The PXL-2000

Mekanikal says...

I used to have one of those B&W Connectix cams. Case fell apart but it worked until I lost it.

Robot Chicken Couch Gag

Mekanikal says...

I'm kind of surprised too. Usually Parker, Stone, Green and Groening are cool about that kind of stuff, unless it was some kind of inside joke.

ant said:

Wait, why not use the original South Park characters? No money? Rights?

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