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An Epic Modern Trailer for Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Why I Hate Composing E-mails

Lann says...

@enoch The whole "you have to stop" makes me think you don't really get the feeling that @eric3579 @lucky760 and other people who relate to this video have. It's similar to telling someone with an anxiety to just stop worrying. Doesn't really do anything.

I know you can just flow though words like whatever but for me (and I'm sure many other people) commenting can become draining. Also, some do take great care in their comments because they want their point to come across. That is another reason why grammar has become more and more important to me. Not looking for perfection but I do want people to understand me.

Please don't take this as a criticism of your commenting style. It's fine. Not all of us are like you though.

What Does the Fox Say

What Does the Fox Say

Real(istic) Expandable Castle (Game of Thrones castle)

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

Lann says...

Maybe because I grew up on a cattle ranch, but I never got anything out of hunting besides food and more work piled on the many chores we already had.

I generally disdain people that talk about hunting like it's a foot ball game. It reminds me of the out-of-state hunters that would come in for sport acting all stoked and shit to kill something. They were generally ass-hats that showed little respect for animals or boundaries.

Bat Shit Crazy Woman Wants Her Chicken McNuggets

Proper Amount of Suction

Proper Amount of Suction

MONSTERS OF THE COSMOS - Symphony of Science

I forgot my phone

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Just please wait for the chorus... It's totally worth it.

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