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South Park: World Peace ACHIEVED!

Lann paints us a sloth!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

UsesProzac plays us some Linus and Lucy

"The Bear" - @Lann's Miniature Speed Painting

"The Bear" - @Lann's Miniature Speed Painting

Lann says...

Probably not because I want to stay mobile. Smaller metals/design studio is better for that plus I prefer working at jewelry scale.

chingalera said:

Hell yeah?! Love the photo-lapse, watching and hearing the process-Thanks and cheers for grabbing the tools of passion off the cupboard and sharing the ride

Lann-Does your future hold a forge in the backyard(yer pics from school), have you the room and the passion?? - long to work with fire and metal m'self, studio space and time-

This Dancer is a Wonderful Insult to Gravity

Lann says...

I don't get why everyone is getting into comparing strength ability. I personally don't care about that as it's a dance. I like the way he moves to the music. Dancing isn't only about doing complicate things.

robbersdog49 said:

I'm not feeling it. He's good, but male and female gymnasts are very different, and he's doing the female bit. I don't mean that pole dancing is a women only thing, just that he's doing it like a girl. Look at the differences between men and women's floor work in gymnastics. Men need to be a lot more powerful in their routines, but this guy isn't doing anything a good female dancer couldn't.

He's good, but I've seen female pole routines that show at least as much strength and way more stamina.

I'd love to see what one of these guys could do:

(Fast forward to 6:00 to see the routines start).

This Dancer is a Wonderful Insult to Gravity

Lann says...

Blah blah blah. The only reason I replied was because I didn't agree with the comment. As usual, everything isn't about you.

This is why ignore you. You always pull in some personal shit that you THINK you know about someone even though it has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Edit: Someone who makes dance clothes is still a costume/clothing designer. The dance part doesn't change that.

chingalera said:

Ok-Does not fit the conventional MO of dancing dude, or he's got the cover-but his wifes' a, HELLO?? Exotic dancer (or formerly)!??
Exotic dancer=/=costume designer??

You miss Lann, simply have a problem with convenient stereotypes relative to appearances and have never entertained the veracity of the adage, "If it looks and quacks like a duck", riding a personal grudge against me tinctured with an incapacity or unwillingness to kill your own ego.

I could give a damn about the guy's sexuality, he tears up the "stripper pole" with aplomb, and his exotic dancer wife makes stellar costumes. What's yer beef if not well-done-to-charred?

This Dancer is a Wonderful Insult to Gravity

The Circle of Life is smaller than you might think

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

Lann says...

I think that's a normal thing for a child that young. He's not old enough to grasp all the details. For all he knows, that cute chicken magically turns into dinner.

lucky760 said:

Totally fair and valid point.

To be clear, I don't encourage my son to consider a living chicken to be food that walks. In most all human beings there's an automatic distinction between how you consider a living creature versus a butchered/cooked carcass. I would imagine only a psychopath might have trouble naturally making that distinction.

As my son knows nothing about butchering animals, my assumption is he's just made an association between the words "chicken" and "yummy" based on hearing them together at dinners past. Hmm... Now I'm wondering if he really does look at living chickens as upright, mobile food. I hope he's no psychopath.

I'll have to sleep on that.

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

Lann says...


I don't think it's a good idea to only think of animals as food. I've always thought it was really tacky when someone is like "dur hur hur bacon" when they see a live pig. They have thoughts and feelings and are relatively intelligent animals. It was often that we would have to bring piglets into the house for various reason and they were like puppies. Affectionate little puppies that followed you around.

I learned to help butcher animals at a relatively young age and there was always a separation of what the animal was when it was living and the meat. There is some abstract difference between meat and the living animal. Maybe being exposed at an early age helped me understand that.

Not saying you should shelter a child as to where their food comes from but teach them to also respect animals while they are alive. Teach them that they are not an object quite yet and to care about how they are being treated until their death.

Powerpoints with Expiration Date? (Money Talk Post)

Lann says...

I don't come here very often these days so I'm with @lullaby_lune on this one. Also, I don't like the idea of sifters clamoring to use their powerpoints up before they expire. That will probably lead the promoting less quality stuff.

I don't get that many powerpoints and when I do get them, I like to use them for things I really want to promote and quality.

Hidden Camera Catches Dog's Escape from the Kitchen

Lann says...

I don't see how @speechless is making trouble. You are not supposed to put videos in channels based on what you think that channel is about. Channel descriptions exist for a reason. I think it's a fine noob mistake not to pay attention to the channel descriptions but @ant has been here a long time.

braschlosan said:

Why do you like to make trouble? Its something you've done for a while and you rely on white nights to back you up. I know all communities on the intertubes have people like you but at least keep it on the DL.


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