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*Incredible* acoustic cover of P.Y.T. by 20yo Tori Kelly

Controversial PSA from Chile: Boobs Throughout Everyday Life

Romney Loses the 2012 Election: Complete Concession Speech

Florence Fight Club - Trailer

Living Under Obama's Drones

9.3 deca-queefs in 0.5 minutes

John Dies At The End - Full Trailer

Hive13 says...

>> ^ToastyBuffoon:

This looks amazing. Hopefully it releases relatively wide so I can have a shot at seeing it in the theater.

It is releasing on "in demand services" on December 27, 2012, so, if you partake of one of them, you'll have a good chance of seeing it. It is getting a theatrical release January 25, 2013, but I am sure it will be limited.

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What Mormons Really Believe

I Got a Yoga Boner

Disney A.N.T. Farm meets R2D2 and C3PO

Republicans explaining why you should NOT vote for Romney

Hive13 says...

I can't believe that Romney not only got the party nomination, but that it is still even considered that he may win.

It just goes to show that all you have to be is white, mid 50's, semi-attractive (with a dash of salt and pepper hair), be anti-gay rights, anti-Obama and anti-abortion and most Republicans will blindly support you no matter your name, stance on issues (other than the three above), economic plan (or even a vague one), and a consistent, verified, proven history of lies, flip-flopping and deception.

It is pathetic. It is like those Calvin peeing on Ford/Chevy stickers that everyone had on the car a few years back. Blind loyalty and devotion to anything is such a bad thing.

Next election, I sure hope that the third party candidates get the time in the spotlight. If the media actually showed more on Gary Johnson or Jill Stein Or Virgil Goode and the like, I promise you that there would be a lot more people willing to support them over Romney/Obama.

Interactive Version of Bowie's Life on Mars that YOU Direct!

Parachute Malfunction Followed by Mid Air Collision

Actual Politcal Ad

Hive13 says...

Matt spent his life educating himself around the world, going to grad school, writing, working with the Biosphere, speaking at the UN and having some drinks and dogs while he does it all.

Meanwhile, Kristi is doing nothing but living on a farm with her parents, working for her dad, and....well, the end.

Hmmmmmm, tough choice.

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