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Indian English Professor Explains the Word Fuck To Students.

The Door to Hell

Bill Maher - New Rules: America Isn't #1

Richard Dawkins - "Hate mail" from god´s children (58 sec)

Ghostly says...

I'm an atheist, but I normally can't stand Dawkins... he doesn't have be such an arrogant prick all the time. This however made me laugh, because the subgroup of people he is mocking here also piss me off. Therefore I upvote.

Water baloons poped in zero gravity

Airmen having fun with Zero Gravity on landing into Baghdad

Airmen having fun with Zero Gravity on landing into Baghdad

Ghostly says...

>> ^NetRunner:
Winged aircraft can definitely dive fast enough to make you feel weightless (free fall), though you'll want a good pilot if you're going to do it.

The thing that confused me is that this isn't zero-g, merely reduced g's, and the forces still acting on the people relative to the plane seemed to be directed straight towards the floor, since they can both stand perpendicular to the floor and jump on the spot. Where as I thought in a steep dive if they jumped they would float towards the tail of the plane, but I must be thinking about the forces all wrong.

Airmen having fun with Zero Gravity on landing into Baghdad

Ghostly says...

Can anyone tell me what aircraft this is? Or anything else about what's going on here. The floor looks pretty level and I wouldn't have thought a winged aircraft could accelerate downward that fast unless it was in real trouble or steeply angled nose down. (I'm not calling fake I just want to know more).

Will Smith on Colbert

Shuttle launch fail?

Slow-mo of a ball-bearing dropped into (fluidized) sand

Ghostly says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Fluidized sand is just normal sand with compressed) air being pumped in. It acts like a liquid until the air is shut off, then it acts like normal sand again.

But in this experiment they shut off the air before dropping the ball. The sand was just very loosely stacked. Have a read of the article published in Nature in Dec 2004, it's only one page so I've put it up: here

Crazy Driver Nearly Killed By Train

Ghostly says...

Even before the supposed dissapearing act by the car on the left, you can already see the train in the distance, and it doesn't appear to jump at the same point.

The ghosting is just an interlacing effect smoothed out by the small res and compression of the video which is only noticable for rapid motion, and you can see it on the train too.

The car stops, because it appears the barrier only blocks the incoming lanes of traffic, so the driver entered in the opposite lane and had to navigate around the barrier on the other side, but obviously failed to do it smoothly.

Timing being too perfect is not proof of anything, there are many examples of crazy near misses.

I do however, concede poor camera placement for license plate collection, but it's not necessarily evidence of fakery, and the other evidence given is weak at best.

Crazy Driver Nearly Killed By Train

Slow-mo of a ball-bearing dropped into (fluidized) sand

Ghostly says...

Yes as Peroxide said this is not regular sand. It's an experiment demonstrating a possible mechanism for the behavior of dry quicksand, which I believe, has not been observed or recorded conclusively outside a laboratory setting. There are many stories of people and things dissapearing into dry quicksand but no one has been able to find a naturally occuring quicksand to reproduce these claims. This experiment lends credibility to these stories, suggesting fine wind blown sands, could potentially settle and accumulate to create a volume of sand with similar characteristics to those demonstrated in the experiment.

Can you spot the cause of the car crash

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