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Balls-Funny Girl on Anesthesia

African Lollipop


Deadpool - Australia Day message

Dog playing with ball by himself - Austin

Eklek says...

it seems like off-screen with the "robot" they're referring to *related=

Darth Lord pancake art

Darth Lord pancake art

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Eklek says...

in politics counter-movements are there to correct imbalances: there are valid specific feminist and masculist points to be made in the discussion..I'd say in general there are still more feminist issues that need to be tackled.

Jinx said:

Feminism isn't oppositional to men's rights. I consider myself a feminist not just because I want women to be paid the same as me, but because I think its a movement that seeks to create a society that is better for men too. I'd call myself a masculist but I'm afraid that term has probably been tainted too much by those who see it as a sort of counter-movement to feminism.

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Truck attempting to go across a very thin wooden bridge

The Victoria's Secret Angels Stop By For A Quick Nosh

Guinea Pig Takes Cat's Bed - Cat Wigs Out

Zawash (Talks Talk Post)

the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

Eklek says...

Sad to hear this! I fondly remember the time Schmawy was telling a story with his submissions and avatar and how we were discussing our ideals for building a community and promoting video diversity...RIP.

Ever Fallen in Love... - Buzzcocks / tribute to John Peel

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