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AI vs. AI

BrknPhoenix says...

>> ^Peroxide:

I for one, would like to hear from a programmer who know the more intimate details of cleverbot's program.
For instance, the male lies calling himself a unicorn, and the female challenges his fib. Why? Are they programed to make minor mistakes/ not be entirely logical? What is the philosophy behind their programming...

Cleverbot reuses answers that humans have already given before, so unless humans are deliberately giving it lots of nonsensical answers to questions, it should be fairly reliable. Anything dumb or mistaken it says is because a human gave a dumb or mistaken response to the question in the past.

Rolemodel Cop Finds Gun, Remains Calm

BrknPhoenix says...

>> ^blankfist:

Not sure why people are so incensed by people carrying guns.

I haven't logged in for probably a year or more, but after I saw this...

Look, I'm all for people's rights.

But if you can't even fathom why people would be concerned about an unknown person carrying a potentially loaded deadly weapon in their presence, one that is basically indefensible if someone decides to use it (assuming they don't miss the first time,) then you are seriously disconnected from reality.

I'm sure you're just trying to voice your gung-ho pro-gun opinion, but seriously, to say you can't even imagine a single reason why the other side thinks what they do is absurd.

Naga Viper - Worlds Hottest Chili

Craig Ferguson's Banned Dr Who Cold Open

BrknPhoenix says...

>> ^gwiz665:

I've not really seen episodes of Dr. Who. But from the clips I have seen, it seems silly. I don't get the rabid fascination people have with it.

I can't help but be amused whenever people say something equivalent to "I don't know anything/I know very little about subject X, but I don't get it/think it's silly/whatever anyway."

Fox 4 Dallas spoofs the use of social media in the news

BrknPhoenix says...

I logged in for the first time in forever just to ask why you fools never seem to know the difference between the Fox News Channel and Fox News Affiliates, which are entirely different. It's like whenever you see the word "Fox" your higher thinking centers go off-line, and full-retard mode kicks into high gear. DURR DURR FOX SUCKS DURR DURR HAWWWWW

How not to cure your fear of horses

Cops TASER Woman On The Ground Begging For Mercy

BrknPhoenix says...

>> ^Yogi:

I don't get did that guy get another job when he did something like this? Shouldn't there be something that says "You can no longer work in Law Enforcement" if you're fired for Unlawful use of Force?

According to the video he was not fired. He resigned voluntarily before being fired.

What's inside a US blended cigarette?

BP Rent a Cop Halts Media Coverage

BrknPhoenix says...

Please do re-read your hippie comments and reflect for a bit. These things are why you are throwing fire on an Internet website and not making actual decisions.

Let's think about it a minute. If BP/the gov't gives carte blanche for all reporters, what's going to happen? The next day they're going to have thousands of reporters standing in the way of the actual work being done. All of the workers will be talking to reporters instead of working. They will create a disruption.

I'm not defending BP for the oil spill at all, but having a little fucking common sense, people. The media does have access. There's a web cam on the spill itself for Christs' sake. That does NOT mean any random person can just walk right up to it and get in the way. It's no difference than me going to the White House, and after being denied access, claiming that because of that, they have something to hide.

Also, take a look at that shot. It's dead. There's not a ton of reporters there. Everyone knows the rules. These douchebags know the rules too. They're deliberately trying to stir shit up by asking questions to "Rent-a-cops" about what the CEO of the company says, and making unreasonable demands about going onto a work-site.

Do keep this in mind one day when you finally go over the edge, and after mowing down half a school's worth of kids in your Prius after a hella cocaine bender, the media can't follow you right into your place of work because you too enjoy protections like the workers of BP! Isn't America wonderful.

The steps go like this. Step 1) Think critically. Step 2) Lynch. Not the other way around.

war protester gets run over by a car

Passage: The 100x16 pixel video game

Naked man tasered multiple times at Coachella festival

Zero Punctuation - Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

BrknPhoenix says...

>> ^Aemaeth:
I'm starting to lose respect for Yahtzee. He seems to think Halo Wars is a good example of RTS, he blasts the Wii constantly, and now he thinks HAWX is a good game.

Try watching the Halo Wars video again instead of making shit up. He said exactly the opposite of what you said he did.

Terry Fator does Cher

Obama: "N Korea Broke The Rules" - Iran Has a Choice To Make

BrknPhoenix says...

Yeah! Authority sucks! F U Obama! Hey guys, screw this guy. Let's go put on some black eye shadow and write poems about how our souls are stinging from the eternal dread of the maddening slumber of the great oppressive overseer.


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