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Lederhosen Lucil - Semi-sweet

Captain Vegetable! (Our new favourite superhero)

Anea says...

I couldn't believe this wasn't already on here! I love this so much....

This is Captain Vegetable as performed by the late (Great) Jim Henson, 1984 I believe. All hail the master.

The Swedish Chef- Making Donuts!

The Stolen Minks- Great Animated Video!

Latter Daze - The New Mormon Church

Anea says...

Yeah, I know, but it's still funny. They also don't convert people by backhanding them across the face, so I'm willing to suspend my disbelief.

Kids In the Hall- The Bass Player

Red Dwarf- The "Backwards" Universe (with Secret Message!)

Anea says...

This is from the 1989 Red Dwarf episode "Backwards". The crew are in a parellel Earth, where time is flowing in reverse, as a result everyones speech is reversed except their own. The series makers knew people would try and get the sound to play properly, so they left them a message. ... (from YouTube)

Out of the Goodness of Your Hearts... Little Help for a Noob? (Sift Talk Post)

Anea says...

Oh hurrah! Me me me!
I am a full member now! I will go submit 10 million vids now, excuse me.
Thanks Elders for the tips, they will come in handy...

Now if only I knew how to post a little avatar pic next to my name like you guys....

Your Brain On LSD-"The Polka Dot Polka" Busby Berkely (1943)

Latter Daze - The New Mormon Church

Sign of the Apocalypse: Christian Stand-Up Comedy

Jenny the traffic girl decides to rap the traffic report

Downhill Couch Racing - Holy Crap!

The Cheeky Girls - So bad, it's... well, bad. But Funny!

On Thin Ice: Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt

Anea says...

I think this important for everyone to see, it's easy to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. Especially when it is clear that there are many (including the Canadian government) who would like it that way.
But don't forget, these hunters would not be slaughtering seals if there was no market for their pelts. Many of them are fishermen who can no longer make a living due to the decimated oceans. I think it's more important to make sure that protesting of the seal hunt is directed at the people who provide the demand : the manufacturers of the clothing made from the skins of these animals, and the brands, celebrities and stores that sell them. And the people who buy them!

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