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TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

Did these comedians rip Bill Hicks off?

quantumushroom says...

Artigiano, you beat me to it. Well said.

I would add that whether they're really plagiarizing is in the ear of the beholder. Is it plagiarism if two different comics talk about smoking crack? There's only so much you can do with, "The cross reminds Jesus of bad times."

More cynically, I wouldn't say these dudes are plagiarizing because Hicks isn't around to accuse them of it.

Leary -- retired from comedy long before he stopped performing to do sh-t TV/movies
Carlin -- around LONG before Hicks
Kinison -- plagiarized Hicks by dying
Robin -- never funny; did coke in the 80s and still hasn't come down
Eddie Griffin -- my horse-face be Black...also, did YOU know I be Black?
Miller -- Old McDonald? Let me tell ya something, babe, the only thing that cat had on his farm was an OCD-mania for VOWels: E, I, E, I, O.
Black -- ugly dude with a tv show. Bet your ass he has to beg, borrow, steal jokes just to stay afloat

Nailin Palin First Scene

Videosift Goes Hollywood...sort of. (Cinema Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

A few points:

1. Nobody is doing any nude scene, especially not full frontal. Nobody wants to see computer nerds naked.
2. Kulpims is the resident fluffer, in case anybody just needs a pick-me-up.
3. It is not a romantic comedy, because we couldn't get Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan to resurrect their careers.
4. Blankfist is not allowed within 50 feet of Kulpims' mom, and he knows it. The law is the law.
5. Anybody with no vowels in their username will be killed off within the first ten seconds of their screen time, by a Vanna White impersonator.
6. There will be no bestiality, unless blankfist's mom wants a role. But let her know this isn't Beethoven 5, okay?
7. 90 percent of the people on this site will be extras, because I don't have a clue about most of you.
8. Nobody will be coming of age, coming out of the closet, coming clean or coming to grip with a deep-seated emotional problem. There will be no coming in this movie at all.

That is all for now.

KP is a slut.

Okay, now that is all.

What part do you play in the VS community? (Mystery Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

I'm the one who tries too hard. I barely know how to use HTML, but I try it anyway. My CSS skills suck, but I tinker with them anyway. I run the channel that makes we weep for the future of mankind.

I also fill the important no vowel-niche.

Mad TV - Arnold Swarchenegger - In "Stolen Identity 3"

Ollie North - High Treason

Clinton camp disputes her "Rich people, God bless us" remark

SDGundamX says...

>> ^dannym3141:
That's a bit of a misnomer, SDGundamX. The subsequent word for her was a pure vowel sound.

Agreed, my second example was a poor choice because it was a slightly different case (the first one still stands, however, since the word "where" begins with a vowel sound). I think if you say your version of the second example sentence out loud quickly three times, you will notice that you don't always say /blest/ and sometimes just skip the /t/. My point was that it's a common slip of the tongue when we're excited or speaking quickly.

I think semantically there's a clear difference between "bless" and "blessed." "Bless" is asking for continued divine protection for the rich, while "blessed" is pointing out that the rich are very lucky to be in the position they are in. I think that's what all the furor's about.

I agree with NetRunner that when you look at it back in context of the entire conversation it seems like she was trying to say that because rich people have been blessed with wealth, they have a responsibility to help support the country by paying higher taxes. The clip lends itself to being taken out of context and used by media pundits to sensationalize a non-issue.

Clinton camp disputes her "Rich people, God bless us" remark

dannym3141 says...

That's a bit of a misnomer, SDGundamX. The subsequent word for her was a pure vowel sound.

Try saying this sentence naturally and you'll see what i mean:

"The priest blessed our car."

To a lot of people, it'll sound like:

"The priest blesst our car"

No dice though, she wanted to say that rich people have the opportunity to give back. Fair enough. Why lie? And why implicate yourself into wealth? I think she's got a bit of a spiteful streak, and when he said he was rich, she had some sort of status itch that needed scratching - I'm as rich as you are. Er and god bless us for being able to give back!

Bless or Blessed, the meaning is exactly the same. Ask why she's that immature/stuck up that she can't let someone say "i'm rich" without chiming in along with them.

And why are her "team" lying about it?

Food for thought.

fixing engrish (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

Well, the teeth work fine as a substitute for touching the roof of the mouth, but still, any initial L requires blocking airflow over the middle-front of your tongue. Some dialects get lazy with final Ls and let them drag on without a crisp ending as if it was an extra kind of vowel. But Rs never involve blocking the airflow over the center of your tongue.

Has anyone noticed.... (Religion Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

That confirms my theory about all this power going to Dag's head. But as every married man knows it's really Persephone who pulls the strings. And siftbot spelled backwards is tobtfis. Which is a nickname that Deathcow had in elementary school. And since Dag and Deathcow used to be classmates that means there in cahoots with one another. And if you break down Deathcow it becomes two words Death and Cow. Not take out the first vowel and it becomes Dath Cow. Remove the th and it becomes Da Cow. Now if you write cow vertically and kind of squiggle it it becomes Da g. Now put it together DAG! So Dag is Deathcow, siftbot, and Dag.

Now break down Persephone phonetically Per-sef-oni. Now take the fist one, the 'P' if you reverse it becomes a 9 and the f and i at the end of the other two are tall letters and if you squint just right they look like 1's. So together it's 9-1-1. Or 9/11. Therefore through reason and logic Dag and Persephone are behind 9/11.

Look at it people! The facts all add up! You can't poke holes in a theory that solid!

Oh my God. It gets even worse

jimnms says...

I saw one that was dumber than this. The woman got the first question wrong, which was "how many consonant's are in the word vowel." She thought vowel was spelled "voul" and said two, but she got saved. Then she used the cheats on the next two questions, picked a 5th grade question on the 4th one and got it wrong.

Choose Your Letters Carefully - Countdown Mishap

Being Tom Cruise - Why Scientology Isn't In Any Way Mental

British accents

pipp3355 says...

i think 'nite' is better than 'night'. and basically, i prefer american spelling (wikipedia examples: color for colour, center for centre, traveler for traveller,-ise for -ize, programme for program, skilful for skillful, chequered for checkered, etc.)

and here's the technical lowdown from wikipedia:

Most North American speech is rhotic, as English was in most places in the 17th century. Rhoticity was further supported by Hiberno-English, Scottish English, and West Country English. In most varieties of North American English, the sound corresponding to the letter "R" is a retroflex or alveolar approximant rather than a trill or a tap. The loss of syllable-final r in North America is confined mostly to the accents of eastern New England, New York City and surrounding areas, South Philadelphia, and the coastal portions of the South. Dropping of syllable-final r sometimes happens in natively rhotic dialects if r is located in unaccented syllables or words and the next syllable or word begins in a consonant. In England, lost 'r' was often changed into [ə] (schwa), giving rise to a new class of falling diphthongs. Furthermore, the 'er' sound of fur or butter, is realized in AmE as a monophthongal r-colored vowel (stressed [ɝ] or unstressed [ɚ] as represented in the IPA). This does not happen in the non-rhotic varieties of North American speech.

Lots more here

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