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Fjnbk Flies to Fifty Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

Fjnbk Flies to Fifty Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

Fjnbk Flies to Fifty Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

VS HomeSchool: Ian MacKaye (Fugazi) Teaches Vowels

VS HomeSchool: Ian MacKaye (Fugazi) Teaches Vowels

Citation Runway over shoot into Atlantic City Bay

Bill Clinton responds to a heckler 1992

EntertainmentMajor says...

Holy rape of the English language Batman! If you are going to post rambling stuff like that you should a) stop taking speed before doing so, b) fill in the letters to those words without vowels and c) refrain from saying you will kill people (especially a former president who is still protected by the secret service) and calling people queers. Its clear that you do indeed come from some podunk area like Bentonville.

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