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Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Of course you need to resort to threats of violence. Logic and reason are locked doors to you, ninnyhammer.
Is this what the lefties are talking about by "death by drone," your droning on and on between schoolyard insults?
Even you probably know threats = banned. I won't consider sending this little exchange to dag, as I don't consider you at all.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
You'd save wear on your keyboard (and the weariness we suffer at your juvenile growing pains) by simply typing the old liberal creed: Free speech for me, but not for thee.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
No one is harder on Prez Soetoro than me and I think his sanctioned removal of another turbaned anus from the planet is just wonderful. There are plenty of American citizens who are enemies of legitimate American government, such as the entire taxocrat party.
Just kidding.
On a more serious note, His Earness never takes the killing of his fellow Muslim brothers lightly.
(Just kidding, he's a closet atheist).

If I blow out the back of your skull because I "think" you're a threat to the country with all your Obama bashing...
nevermind I have nothing further to add except my creepy smile

It's not growing pains I'm 28. I'm merely saying that I think you should be shot in the head. Also me saying that you should be shot in the head and your brains blown out isn't me impeding your free speech. Say what you want...I'll continue to dream about you being shot in the head.
Also you must be a moron because you couldn't get what I was saying with my comment. It was quite simple, you fucking moron.

At no point did I threaten violence...did you fail reading comprehension as well?

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

quantumushroom says...

Of course you need to resort to threats of violence. Logic and reason are locked doors to you, ninnyhammer.

Is this what the lefties are talking about by "death by drone," your droning on and on between schoolyard insults?

Even you probably know threats = banned. I won't consider sending this little exchange to dag, as I don't consider you at all.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
You'd save wear on your keyboard (and the weariness we suffer at your juvenile growing pains) by simply typing the old liberal creed: Free speech for me, but not for thee.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
No one is harder on Prez Soetoro than me and I think his sanctioned removal of another turbaned anus from the planet is just wonderful. There are plenty of American citizens who are enemies of legitimate American government, such as the entire taxocrat party.
Just kidding.
On a more serious note, His Earness never takes the killing of his fellow Muslim brothers lightly.
(Just kidding, he's a closet atheist).

If I blow out the back of your skull because I "think" you're a threat to the country with all your Obama bashing...
nevermind I have nothing further to add except my creepy smile

It's not growing pains I'm 28. I'm merely saying that I think you should be shot in the head. Also me saying that you should be shot in the head and your brains blown out isn't me impeding your free speech. Say what you want...I'll continue to dream about you being shot in the head.
Also you must be a moron because you couldn't get what I was saying with my comment. It was quite simple, you fucking moron.

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

You'd save wear on your keyboard (and the weariness we suffer at your juvenile growing pains) by simply typing the old liberal creed: Free speech for me, but not for thee.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^quantumushroom:
No one is harder on Prez Soetoro than me and I think his sanctioned removal of another turbaned anus from the planet is just wonderful. There are plenty of American citizens who are enemies of legitimate American government, such as the entire taxocrat party.
Just kidding.
On a more serious note, His Earness never takes the killing of his fellow Muslim brothers lightly.
(Just kidding, he's a closet atheist).

If I blow out the back of your skull because I "think" you're a threat to the country with all your Obama bashing...
nevermind I have nothing further to add except my creepy smile

It's not growing pains I'm 28. I'm merely saying that I think you should be shot in the head. Also me saying that you should be shot in the head and your brains blown out isn't me impeding your free speech. Say what you want...I'll continue to dream about you being shot in the head.

Also you must be a moron because you couldn't get what I was saying with my comment. It was quite simple, you fucking moron.

Battlefield 3: "99 Problems" Full Length Trailer

Multi-Millionaire Rep. Says He Can’t Afford A Tax Hike

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Honestly, that's kinda a pretty juvenile comeback. I expected better from you

I promise to internet to your liking next time.
>> ^ChaosEngine:
That analogy is wrong for all kinds of reasons. Firstly, the bully doesn't use your money to build services you can use.

Most of the federal government services I can't use either. War. Unilateral hegemony. Nation-building. Corporate welfare. Etc. Can you?
>> ^ChaosEngine:
You are free to not pay taxes to your government, you are just not entitled to do so while under the protection of that nation. If you do not wish to pay taxes to the US government, you are entitled to leave the nation and live somewhere else.

Emphasis mine. This is what's awesome about your comment: Isn't it always people like you (statist) that say if I don't like the system then get involved and change it? But here I'm doing that and pointing out a major flaw in "our" representational government, that the government is claiming it's spending more than it earns and spending the majority of that money on things the people no longer want, yet you tell me that I need to like it or get the hell out.
You know how many redneck neocons I've met in my life that have told me the same thing? Congratulations.
>> ^ChaosEngine:
If you don't like all the things your taxes pay for, at least stop being a hypocrite and using them. So, to start with, get off the internet (designed by DARPA and CERN, both tax funded agencies).

Translation: "If you don't like the services you're forced to pay for, you should stop using them but keep paying them!"
How about instead I could stop spending that money on... War. Hegemony. Imperialism. Corporatism. Crony capitalism. That option not good enough for you? You'd much rather I GTFO of the country?
And yet the real point of all this is you say the collection of funds is what's important, not what it's spent on. I think that's dangerous. Who cares how they collect. I care more about what this so called "representational government" spends that money on. I'm a bit disconcerted you don't.

You are more than welcome to campaign against war, imperialism, etc. I'm actually right behind you on those issues. But you don't get to just decide not to contribute at all to society.

And I never said that what it's spent on less important than how it's collected. The two are orthogonal. I said I don't have an issue with paying taxes. I have have all kinds of problems with how it's spent.

In fact I pretty much said the direct opposite of what you claimed I said. I buy into the social contract by paying taxes, voting and so on.

You're not "pointing out a major flaw", you just want to throw your toys out of the pram without contributing at all. I think you missed the "without representation" part of "no taxation without representation".

Multi-Millionaire Rep. Says He Can’t Afford A Tax Hike

blankfist says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Honestly, that's kinda a pretty juvenile comeback. I expected better from you

I promise to internet to your liking next time.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

That analogy is wrong for all kinds of reasons. Firstly, the bully doesn't use your money to build services you can use.

Most of the federal government services I can't use either. War. Unilateral hegemony. Nation-building. Corporate welfare. Etc. Can you?

>> ^ChaosEngine:

You are free to not pay taxes to your government, you are just not entitled to do so while under the protection of that nation. If you do not wish to pay taxes to the US government, you are entitled to leave the nation and live somewhere else.

Emphasis mine. This is what's awesome about your comment: Isn't it always people like you (statist) that say if I don't like the system then get involved and change it? But here I'm doing that and pointing out a major flaw in "our" representational government, that the government is claiming it's spending more than it earns and spending the majority of that money on things the people no longer want, yet you tell me that I need to like it or get the hell out.

You know how many redneck neocons I've met in my life that have told me the same thing? Congratulations.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

If you don't like all the things your taxes pay for, at least stop being a hypocrite and using them. So, to start with, get off the internet (designed by DARPA and CERN, both tax funded agencies).

Translation: "If you don't like the services you're forced to pay for, you should stop using them but keep paying them!"

How about instead I could stop spending that money on... War. Hegemony. Imperialism. Corporatism. Crony capitalism. That option not good enough for you? You'd much rather I GTFO of the country?

And yet the real point of all this is you say the collection of funds is what's important, not what it's spent on. I think that's dangerous. Who cares how they collect. I care more about what this so called "representational government" spends that money on. I'm a bit disconcerted you don't.

Multi-Millionaire Rep. Says He Can’t Afford A Tax Hike

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Can you really not differentiate between how the money is collected and what it's spent on?

I guess as much as I can differentiate how the bully from my high school stole my lunch money and what he used it to buy.

Honestly, that's kinda a pretty juvenile comeback. I expected better from you, but what the hell, I'll bite.

That analogy is wrong for all kinds of reasons. Firstly, the bully doesn't use your money to build services you can use. Secondly the bully does not give you any option as to whether he'll take your money. You are free to not pay taxes to your government, you are just not entitled to do so while under the protection of that nation. If you do not wish to pay taxes to the US government, you are entitled to leave the nation and live somewhere else.

If you don't like all the things your taxes pay for, at least stop being a hypocrite and using them. So, to start with, get off the internet (designed by DARPA and CERN, both tax funded agencies).

Grandma Has A What?

spoco2 says...

Fuck that reaction... really, fuck that completely.

Kids should know what penises are, what vaginas (or paginas if you will) are, and saying it is perfectly fine. To find it funny or rude or anything other than a 'yes, that's correct, well done!' moment is so juvenile.

Is God Good?

shinyblurry says...

It's not about the downvote, it is simply about the dishonesty in saying that he is somehow being impartial with me. What further test do I need beyond the public displays of affection? As far as what I should or shouldn't be doing here, you have plenty of people providing the duck baby videos you intelligent and well educated people are clamouring for. If I ever get a star I am sure it will be by accident, and that is just fine with me.

>> ^shuac:
>> ^shinyblurry:
You're on record for saying you don't like me, anything I have to say, and you think everything I submit is've said it again in this video..or the fact that 95 percent of videos I've submitted here have an HPQP downvote, or that you've openly stated that I should be publically ridiculed and ignored. I think that's evidence for a bias. Are you this openly hostile and unsupportive to any other member? I very much doubt it. If you want to tag along, I really don't care..I just think your behavior is extremely petty and juvenile.
>> ^hpqp:
So I say you're right and this is how you thank me?
I've told @marinara and I'll tell you: I downvote videos whose content and/or form I do not like, and the religion channel is my favourite haunt (i.e. I watch all the vids posted therein). It just so happens that your posts are always in that channel, and practically always atrocious.
But if it rubs your ego the right why to think I stalk you, feel free, (but beware or my VS sweetheart @Yogi -bear might become jealous).
>> ^shinyblurry:
Sniping at me from the peanut gallery yet again, are you? Please come down from the balcony, Waldorf. Instead of stalking me and downvoting all of my videos, perhaps you could actually contribute something for once.
>> ^hpqp:
You're wasting your time @Skeeve, you'll get more out of arguing with a pile of sun-bleached dog poo than with the poster of this video... but you probably know that already.
@enoch I'm afraid shiny's right about original sin: Jeebs' whole skit is completely meaningless without it.

Now, now shiny-hiney: hpqp never said he didn't like you (in this thread) so please be accurate. Do not claim things that are demonstrably false. That's what got the intelligent design folks in such a pickle.
I also think your videos are garbage but I don't downvote them, usually. I don't downvote hardly anything except those horrid Hitler Downfall parody videos: I have a strong bias against them (much to the dismay of my fellow sifters) because I think they are bereft of wit and humor.
People are free to downvote anything they like, so long as they have a bronze star or higher. Now if you ever deigned to take my advice and post a baby ducks video or the odd sleepy puppy video now and again, you'll eventually get a bronze star too and gain the ability to downvote...which I encourage you to do. But you'll never get there insisting on taking the role of Reverend Shiny preaching some bronze-age, self-righteous piddle to a group as intelligent and well-educated as us. <IMG class=smiley src="">
I'll bet if you made an attempt to sift baby ducks or sleepy puppies, we could test whether hpqp was genuinely biased but the way you're can we? See the dilemma?
In short: Mix it up, son.

Is God Good?

shuac says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

You're on record for saying you don't like me, anything I have to say, and you think everything I submit is've said it again in this video..or the fact that 95 percent of videos I've submitted here have an HPQP downvote, or that you've openly stated that I should be publically ridiculed and ignored. I think that's evidence for a bias. Are you this openly hostile and unsupportive to any other member? I very much doubt it. If you want to tag along, I really don't care..I just think your behavior is extremely petty and juvenile.
>> ^hpqp:
So I say you're right and this is how you thank me?
I've told @marinara and I'll tell you: I downvote videos whose content and/or form I do not like, and the religion channel is my favourite haunt (i.e. I watch all the vids posted therein). It just so happens that your posts are always in that channel, and practically always atrocious.
But if it rubs your ego the right why to think I stalk you, feel free, (but beware or my VS sweetheart @Yogi -bear might become jealous).
>> ^shinyblurry:
Sniping at me from the peanut gallery yet again, are you? Please come down from the balcony, Waldorf. Instead of stalking me and downvoting all of my videos, perhaps you could actually contribute something for once.
>> ^hpqp:
You're wasting your time @Skeeve, you'll get more out of arguing with a pile of sun-bleached dog poo than with the poster of this video... but you probably know that already.
@enoch I'm afraid shiny's right about original sin: Jeebs' whole skit is completely meaningless without it.

Now, now shiny-hiney: hpqp never said he didn't like you (in this thread) so please be accurate. Do not claim things that are demonstrably false. That's what got the intelligent design folks in such a pickle.

I also think your videos are garbage but I don't downvote them, usually. I don't downvote hardly anything except those horrid Hitler Downfall parody videos: I have a strong bias against them (much to the dismay of my fellow sifters) because I think they are bereft of wit and humor.

People are free to downvote anything they like, so long as they have a bronze star or higher. Now if you ever deigned to take my advice and post a baby ducks video or the odd sleepy puppy video now and again, you'll eventually get a bronze star too and gain the ability to downvote...which I encourage you to do. But you'll never get there insisting on taking the role of Reverend Shiny preaching some bronze-age, self-righteous piddle to a group as intelligent and well-educated as us.

I'll bet if you made an attempt to sift baby ducks or sleepy puppies, we could test whether hpqp was genuinely biased but the way you're can we? See the dilemma?

In short: Mix it up, son.

Is God Good?

shinyblurry says...

You're on record for saying you don't like me, anything I have to say, and you think everything I submit is've said it again in this video..or the fact that 95 percent of videos I've submitted here have an HPQP downvote, or that you've openly stated that I should be publically ridiculed and ignored. I think that's evidence for a bias. Are you this openly hostile and unsupportive to any other member? I very much doubt it. If you want to tag along, I really don't care..I just think your behavior is extremely petty and juvenile.

>> ^hpqp:

So I say you're right and this is how you thank me?
I've told @marinara and I'll tell you: I downvote videos whose content and/or form I do not like, and the religion channel is my favourite haunt (i.e. I watch all the vids posted therein). It just so happens that your posts are always in that channel, and practically always atrocious.
But if it rubs your ego the right why to think I stalk you, feel free, (but beware or my VS sweetheart @Yogi -bear might become jealous).
>> ^shinyblurry:
Sniping at me from the peanut gallery yet again, are you? Please come down from the balcony, Waldorf. Instead of stalking me and downvoting all of my videos, perhaps you could actually contribute something for once.
>> ^hpqp:
You're wasting your time @Skeeve, you'll get more out of arguing with a pile of sun-bleached dog poo than with the poster of this video... but you probably know that already.
@enoch I'm afraid shiny's right about original sin: Jeebs' whole skit is completely meaningless without it.

Russell Brand Nails UK Riots In Guardian

westy jokingly says...

>> ^RedSky:

I'm not implying that they purely make money.
Investment banks primarily serve to list private firms on the stock market through IPOs.
Hedge funds don't gamble shares, they trade them based on discrepancies between actual price and fundamentals, they contribute by providing insight on stock performance and thereby keep listed prices more stable. They also incidentally had just about nothing to do with the GFC.
Either way they are both pretty beneficial to a functioning economy.
Every business tries to game the system. Your local butcher tries to minimize his tax burden just as much any other business.
I don't disagree with what you're saying, but my main issue was that it's one thing to say a lack of social programs will lead to an increase in disenfranchisement, delinquency and violence in general. It's a wholly different thing to directly link it to acting selfishly, which as far as I'm concerned is implying a lack of individual responsibility and a validation of those actions.
The thrust of his argument I got essentially boiled down to a tit-for-tat "well the bankers are being selfish so it explains your actions" which is frankly both irresponsible and pretty juvenile.

Yes nearly every business tries to game the system that's the point of capitalism and that's why it will always fail ( im not on about simply ballencing your books and deprecaiting assets and playing that sytem , evan though that is gamed in the same way) I'm on about the system at large , surely you can see the difference between a butcher and a company that offers high interest loans to desperate people , when instead of offering the loan the ethical thing would be for them to tell them to contact citizens advice ?

thats the piont im making , you can have companies that game the system but also privde a service but the people that have caused this economic crisis are people that are at the pinicale of gaming the system and do not care to provide a service and purely participate to game the system purely exist to make money at whatever cost to society.

luckily we have people that are ethical and don't just think of the profit bottom line , but in general you will see that a good proportion of those successful at business and profiting are ones that couldn't give a shit about other people or there effect on the environment.

"Either way they are both pretty beneficial to a functioning economy"

so the bankers that turned a blind eye to the toxit assits were beneficail to the econimy ?

how about the lobiests and deregulation that made it possable ?
what about the real estate agents that knew the people they were selling the houses to could not maintain the mortgage?

What about the marketeers that designed the sales materail to obscure the mortgage rates to hide the fact that they would increase and specifcaly designed the brouchers and trained the sales teams to exploit unknowlageable people ?

"hedge funds don't gamble shares, they trade them based on discrepancies between actual price and fundamentals"

Defanitoin of Gambling from Wikipedia - "Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods."

something doesn't have to have unfavourable odds to be considered gambling for example there are many professional gamblers that make a living of horse betting , and in that exact same way there are many people that profestinaly gamble on the stock market , and I would argue that they are themselfs not providing a use to socity. I would however contrast that against sum-one that invests in a company because that company is doing good or employs many people or is developing beneficial technpligy.

the problem is in general capitalism in its current form is fucked , and i belive we need to move towards something that is what I would describe as a

"democratic socialist capitalist system" where we have as free a market as possable and that is achived through democratic regulation guided by socialist princapels. so you try to give every citizen as equal a chance as possible at having free will and succeeding in what they want to do.

the current system allows the top 10% fantastic freedom and chances but at the expense of the majorty of people.

Russell Brand Nails UK Riots In Guardian

RedSky says...


I'm not implying that they purely make money.

Investment banks primarily serve to list private firms on the stock market through IPOs.

Hedge funds don't gamble shares, they trade them based on discrepancies between actual price and fundamentals, they contribute by providing insight on stock performance and thereby keep listed prices more stable. They also incidentally had just about nothing to do with the GFC.

Either way they are both pretty beneficial to a functioning economy.

Every business tries to game the system. Your local butcher tries to minimize his tax burden just as much any other business.


I don't disagree with what you're saying, but my main issue was that it's one thing to say a lack of social programs will lead to an increase in disenfranchisement, delinquency and violence in general. It's a wholly different thing to directly link it to acting selfishly, which as far as I'm concerned is implying a lack of individual responsibility and a validation of those actions.

The thrust of his argument I got essentially boiled down to a tit-for-tat "well the bankers are being selfish so it explains your actions" which is frankly both irresponsible and pretty juvenile.

"The State Against Blacks" - how government hurts minorities

Lawdeedaw says...

The truth is that aid programs fail because of a totality of circumstances. Rich, white people crafted government aid. They set the bar to make sure that you could not work and recieve aid at the same time (Not even pro-rated.) So, if you get off the aid, by say, working, you starve to death. Easy choice, right? I wouldn't say that's "Encouraging people to stay dependent." What a fucking douche Stossel is to oversimplify this type of epidemic...

Then the government also crafted punishments that imprison people for their entire lives--and therefore smother their children under oppression too. Your black and you smoke weed? Well, get on some aid because your useless. Crack and coke laws? Blacks recieve way stiffer sentences.

Society fucks them even furth through sterotypes... What? You're black? Well, being black was your first chance, and getting caught in illegal activity was your second...

Not that I know from experience...but I would say that 95% (Actually, 2 out of 34 to be exact) of the juveniles in eduction classes in a prison are African Americans or Hispanics... Amazing huh?

But no one stops to ask themselves how this happened. QM would blame this on the race itself. But this shit doesn't happen through fucking magic nor does it happen from skin color. At one time the African American community, in the United States, was the strongest community in the world... Now? It makes me weep on the whole--not because of what it is, but what it once was and should be. It's like a battle was fought so fiercely that by the time it won, the victory didn't matter. (I am generalizing about the whole of the problem, not the whole of the race.)

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