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Trayvon Martin 911 Call -- "F***ng Coons" -- TYT

rougy says...

Racism is clearly beside the point.

An unarmed juvenile who just turned 17 was shot dead by a 28 year old man who was not qualified to stalk or pursue people that he found to be suspicious.

This is ten years manslaughter for Zimmerman at the very least.

Considering Florida's "leniency" with criminals, I'd be surprised if he got less.

Inmate gets the run-down from a realist prison guard

Trancecoach says...

When I worked as a psychologist in the juvenile justice system, I met guards who occasionally showed aspects of this guard's assessment of his role and the "system." And occasionally, I'd wonder if administering therapy with the inmates, rather than the guards, was the best use of my time...

That said, I'd like to know (and watch) the documentary or program from which this clip was taken...

Chased by Hippos

rich_magnet says...

To be fair, that was a boat full of yahoos circling around them - including juveniles - in their territory. I can forgive the hippos for wanting to chomp them. I imagine the tour operator intentionally provokes these defensive attacks.

Handling a Female Black Widow Spider

MilkmanDan says...

I'm pretty wigged out by spiders, but I like snakes. So for me, I tried to mentally convert this video into a snake expert "handling" a cobra or something. The way I see it, sure, you can have an expertise level and skill level that would allow you to handle either sort of animal relatively safely. But even in that case, there aren't a whole lot of particularly practical reasons to put that into practice.

My hometown in Kansas has lots of bullsnakes. In my experience, large older bullsnakes are often pretty docile but the young juvenile ones are usually very defensive and will rear up, strike, and mimic rattlesnake sounds and actions. However, they are non-venomous and don't have "fangs", although they do have short teeth that can provide small, shallow puncture wounds if they get a good nip on you.

I like catching bullsnakes when I see them and handling them a bit before releasing them back into the wild. The docile ones are particularly fun, but even the juveniles that show some aggression can be fun to handle with some caution. I have never been bit myself, but I have seen people that have been. No lasting harm comes from that, and in most instances it wouldn't even draw blood -- the surprise of it is probably worse than the damage.

In spite of that, I have no interest whatsoever in handling something like a rattlesnake or other venomous snake. Looking at them, sure. But I don't see much practicality in handling them. In all likelihood, I could safely handle rattlers in the same way that I handle bullsnakes and avoid being bit. But the cost of failure would be higher (lots of pain and small possibility of death).

So at least for me personally, I don't think I'd be interested in handling black widows even if I was a spider person instead of a snake person. I'm not against the author of this video handling them, but I would stop short of the "you should try this at home" tag!

Texas Says: Canadian Crime Bill is a Mistake

criticalthud says...

the implications here are enormous. really good news. i wish i could upvote a thousand times.
This is a wonderful step towards actual rational thinking in the USA when it comes to drugs (non-violent offenses and imprisonment).

at one point in my life i represented incarcerated juveniles in louisiana, the majority of which were imprisoned on petty drug offenses. Once they were in the system it was typically a downward spiral. incredibly sad and incredibly stupid. what a waste.

it's almost hard to believe that texas, who often led the "tough on crime" crap, is leading in the right direction.

TYT - Fox News: "If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count."

quantumushroom says...

Actually the failures in "socialist Europe" are down to capitalists fucking things up. OTOH places like Norway which has essentially nationalised it's oil industry are actually doing well.

Of course you're going to blame "capitalists" for socialism's downfall, what choice do you have? Norway? Great example! The were smart enough to stay OUT of the EU. However, in 30 years, when the oil runs low...

As for your Obama quote, I don't actually think you have read it correctly because it doesn't even remotely support your position, not that you've ever let reality intrude on your juvenile little rants.

The quote is quite apt. A king decides who may and who may not prosper in his kingdom. A US President daring to decide the same? TYRANNY.

And Marx? You remind me of Zapp Brannigan: we don't know anything about them, so we can only assume they stand for everything we don't stand for!

Everything I've written about marx is accurate. Please point to some real-world examples of free, prosperous marxist nations.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Actually the failures in "socialist Europe" are down to capitalists fucking things up. OTOH places like Norway which has essentially nationalised it's oil industry are actually doing well.
As for your Obama quote, I don't actually think you have read it correctly because it doesn't even remotely support your position, not that you've ever let reality intrude on your juvenile little rants.
And Marx? You remind me of Zapp Brannigan: we don't know anything about them, so we can only assume they stand for everything we don't stand for!
>> ^quantumushroom:
Not overly interested in whether my comrades here think I sufficiently understand marx, he's the left's savior, not mine. Not only was marx a lousy human being and horrible in his personal handling of money, he thought the profit motive could be stripped from the system and it would work just as well.
Then we get this from His Earness:
“You don’t have some inherent right just to–-you know, get a certain amount of profit."
Words more befitting the late, ungreat kim ill-dong
Is 3.5 years of this idiot's failures not enough for ya? You need 4 more? Hey, Siftberals, take a peek at socialist Europe, broke as a joke and falling apart. THIS is the crap you want for the US?
Anyone-But-His-Earness 2012

TYT - Fox News: "If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count."

ChaosEngine says...

Actually the failures in "socialist Europe" are down to capitalists fucking things up. OTOH places like Norway which has essentially nationalised it's oil industry are actually doing well.

As for your Obama quote, I don't actually think you have read it correctly because it doesn't even remotely support your position, not that you've ever let reality intrude on your juvenile little rants.

And Marx? You remind me of Zapp Brannigan: we don't know anything about them, so we can only assume they stand for everything we don't stand for!

>> ^quantumushroom:

Not overly interested in whether my comrades here think I sufficiently understand marx, he's the left's savior, not mine. Not only was marx a lousy human being and horrible in his personal handling of money, he thought the profit motive could be stripped from the system and it would work just as well.
Then we get this from His Earness:
“You don’t have some inherent right just to–-you know, get a certain amount of profit."
Words more befitting the late, ungreat kim ill-dong
Is 3.5 years of this idiot's failures not enough for ya? You need 4 more? Hey, Siftberals, take a peek at socialist Europe, broke as a joke and falling apart. THIS is the crap you want for the US?
Anyone-But-His-Earness 2012

It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia - Unless You're This Guy

budzos says...

I listened to it again after posting the link. I'll admit it was not as funny to me this time around. I do think it contains bits of brilliance, but yeah, comedy is hard to pin down, and it looks like eight-years-ago me and present-day-me can't even agree about this one.

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^budzos:
This is two hours of the best, funniest stand-up ever recorded.
You point me to ONE performance of his that is actually funny. Like, is AT ALL clever. AT ALL witty. AT ALL insightful.

If you say so. I've just listened to 10 minutes of it, and that was a friggen struggle. It's such inane, juvenile shit. It's high school humour, and crap at that.
You find it funny. Fair enough. But none of that is clever, witty or insightful. It's all 'Say something dirty for a laugh', 'say something obnoxious about women'...

It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia - Unless You're This Guy

spoco2 says...

>> ^budzos:

This is two hours of the best, funniest stand-up ever recorded.
You point me to ONE performance of his that is actually funny. Like, is AT ALL clever. AT ALL witty. AT ALL insightful.

If you say so. I've just listened to 10 minutes of it, and that was a friggen struggle. It's such inane, juvenile shit. It's high school humour, and crap at that.

You find it funny. Fair enough. But none of that is clever, witty or insightful. It's all 'Say something dirty for a laugh', 'say something obnoxious about women'...

Joe Horn: Has Shotgun, Will Defend Neighbors (911 call)

thumpa28 says...

Whatever point you were making is lost in your juvenility.Try leaving out the personal insults next time, you might be saying something worth hearing.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Hive13:
>> ^Yogi:
So now just being on someones property means you will die instantly? Maybe we can mechanize this in some way...make sure that no living thing will EVER trespass again!
You're too stupid to understand the complexities of this world. Never ever ever join the military or a police force or even umpire little league you sad stupid man.

I served honorably in the Army for six years and received multiple commendations for exemplary service, am a licensed concealed handgun holder in Texas, do more community service in my area than you have probably dreamed of and am a father of four.
Thank you for basically nullifying any sort of argument you may have had in this "debate" and taking the low route to try and prove your point.

Ok here's something that unnullifies my point. My mother was raped and murdered while she was alone in our home when I was 3. I still believe that you cannot just decide someone is deserving of having no life immediately when they trespass or rob you and I do not agree with the Castle Doctrine the most insane piece of legislation since 3 strikes.
So again...Go Fuck Yourself and learn maybe ONE DAY that the world is Not black and white. There isn't a good and an evil, it's all gray.

The Roots diss Michell Bachman on the Jimmy Fallon Show

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Are you high? Right wing media is juvenile 24-7. That is the strategy of right wing media, to keep you in a childlike state; too stupid and frightened to think for yourself. I agree that this is juvenile, but it succeeded because Bachmann is a bigoted, ignorant, dishonest and unpopular political figure of fun in the eyes of the public. I don't think they could have gotten away with it with anyone else in the GOP field, except for Santorum and possibly Perry. >> ^quantumushroom:

If someone claiming to be Right Wing pulled a juvenile stunt like this on, say, Ellen DeGeneres or Michelle Obama the first and loudest voices denouncing it would be from the Right. That's the difference.

The Roots diss Michell Bachman on the Jimmy Fallon Show

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

If someone claiming to be Right Wing pulled a juvenile stunt like this on, say, Ellen DeGeneres or Michelle Obama the first and loudest voices denouncing it would be from the Right. That's the difference.

Yes, because they're always so quick to loudly denounce all the racist, bigoted, childish and/or vitriolic comments that emmanate from the maws of Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc.

The Roots diss Michell Bachman on the Jimmy Fallon Show

The Life of Brian Vs. The Church

braindonut says...

I love how their best argument is just calling the film juvenile.

And yes, John Cleese is correct. We have progressed. And even more since this interview. It's nice to be able to stand back and see how far the world has come, with no signs of slowing down.

TV Host loses it when a name in a quiz question is revealed

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