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Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever (for real this time)

budzos says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I just don't get why they had to hire 13 year-olds to do the writing. Searching a titty bar for popcorn, a condom and a fucking vibrator? Seriously? There's raunchy adult humor, then there's just utter juvenile shit.

That's mainly what my comment was about. The original Duke was lewd and suggestive. The new Duke is lewd and explicit. It's the difference between being a funny person and being a person who is convinced everything you say is hilarious.

Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever (for real this time)

MarineGunrock says...

I just don't get why they had to hire 13 year-olds to do the writing. Searching a titty bar for popcorn, a condom and a fucking vibrator? Seriously? There's raunchy adult humor, then there's just utter juvenile shit.

Anthony Weiner Resigns, While "Press" Heckles

Police State: Arrested For Dancing in the Jefferson Memorial

d3n4l1 says...

You know, there are things called scope and context. Dancing in a Memorial is not the same scope or context as what Jefferson worked for.

If you're at the Memorial to have a solemn moment or Reflection about what Jefferson did for our country, I think some moron spazzing out to his iphone doesn't fit the scope of what a "Memorial" is for, nor the context.

Can you go to the University of Virginia, walk in to any classroom, and dance? Do you have a right to do whatever you want in that context, or is there a purpose that is greater than one's rights in that space and context? Can you pull down your pants in reverence to Jefferson in his Memorial. Why the hell not? ... What is the difference? The difference is context. There are certain things we do in certain places.

self expression and protest are not what you do at a Memorial.

Did any of you or the dancers read the the court's decision? Is anyone discussing it openly? I think Jefferson would probably encourage study like that before someone makes a juvenile decision. He kinda thought people should educate themselves about issues first, ya know.

Aural Lobotomy AKA Stupid Things Scientologists Say

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^spoco2:

Just an awesome stream of nonsense drivel, but was it really necessary to keep putting up 'Gay'? Come on, that's pretty f cking juvenile.

I was just about to say the same thing.

Also, while this is all nonsense, of course, they dont really "admit its a setup" he says "we are set up to handle..." As in we are ready to... audit and whatever the hell they do. why would they admit its a set-up as in "a trap" in their own promo?

Aural Lobotomy AKA Stupid Things Scientologists Say

Fox News: President Obama is Dead (!?)

VoodooV says...

There are much better and much more serious things to rip Fox on.

I'm giving them a pass on this one. This is juvenile shit...let it go. Bigger fish to fry.

Stewart Lee on Harry Potter

Woman gets beaten in McDonald's and has a seizure

probie says...

"Police said a 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile for the assault while charges were pending against an 18-year-old woman. It seems that the fight was over “using a bathroom”. Sadly this could get messy also for the victim, legally. The Baltimore Legislature recently shot down a “bathroom bill” which would have given transgender people the right to choose which bathroom they would like to use.

If this is a case of a 22 year old man entering a bathroom while a 14 year old girl was using it – get ready for a legal showdown. "

More here:

When bullied kids snap...

timtoner says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

I went to a school where bullying was just a fact of life. The normal advice you got was to stand up to bullies. It doesn't work. This video is a real one off. If this had happened at my school the big kid who stepped up at 0:27 would have kicked the shit out of the fat kid.

Exactly so. Forget everything you know (or think you know) about why kids bully. We used to think that it was insecure kids seeking to tear down kids that are even MORE insecure, and that the bullying was a consequence of problems at home, etc.

The problem was that all the federal dollars that went towards studying the problem looked at juvenile delinquents, who, as you might imagine, have messed up home lives and self-esteem issues. Even though all the populations studied were far from random, the view that bullies have antisocial tendencies predominated.

Then Columbine happened. Despite what you might think of Kleibold and Harris, they were in fact bullied, and not by kids from broken homes. The people who tormented them were from upper middle class homes with two parents and no problems. Suddenly the federal dollars manifested to study ALL children, and they discovered something astonishing (tho not to someone who'd ever been bullied):

Bullies bully because it works. And we teach them this at a very early age. How? Imagine one of those "paygrounds," with the ball pit and the curvy slides. A team studies literally thousands of interactions between children and their peers via closed circuit cameras. They watched as children who did not know one another navigated the various social networks that would form and dissolve in front of their eyes. From time to time, a kid would get socially aggressive, and the other child would seek succor from an adult. Now the adult probably has the belief that "they have to work it out for themselves," and so must make a choice between intervening and not. Otherwise, children learn to 'tattle', to recruit a heavy (in the form of an adult) to get his or her way, right.

So, out of, say, ten of these instances, how many times has the aggrieved child made an earnest effort to negotiate on a peer level, and actually needs an adult for intervention? 1 time? Half the time? Try 9 times out of ten. And almost always, the adult rebuffs the child. So this teaches the socially aggressive child that he or she can do whatever he or she pleases, and no one will come to the aid of their victim. Welcome to the Serengeti, children. It's as if we never left.

So what's to be done? As a teacher, I've thought about it a lot. First, I ALWAYS intervene. This means that 10% of the time, I fall for sheer crap-weasel-ness, but that only works once. If another intervention is needed, I keep an eye on the petitioner, and if he or she's becoming an instigator, it's time for a little time out, usually with no explanation (until after class is over). The next is to muck with the social dynamic. I control the environment in the room, not the students. They can interact with each other as much as they want, but I control all the mundane things that add up to so much in the long run.

What this kid was demonstrating in this video was the Ender Wiggins's School of Social Dynamism, which is that if you show yourself capable of great rage that can be tightly controlled, people will give you a wide berth. Is it right? I don't know how long the bullying had occurred, nor what measures had been instituted to resolve the problem. If it's the average American school, 1) too long, and 2) not enough.

Oh, and don't forget the role of the other crap-weasels in this video--the instigators with the cameraphone. Like the now infamous Epic Old Man video, the 'videographer' talked a lot of smack, and failed to help in any way. They too need to be punished for aiding to an atmosphere where such an outcome was likely. Luckily, someone was stupid enough to make a recording of exactly what they were saying.

Michael Moore On What Happened in WI and MI

Mikus_Aurelius says...

"Class warfare" is so overused and misused that it has become an empty pejorative. Moore is wrong to use it here. Republicans are wrong to use it every time anyone proposes a slightly more progressive tax system (39% top bracket, oh no class warfare!).

Critiquing the Democrats for fleeing the state is fine, though you should apply the same criticism to minorities of both sides who were willing to grind US senate business to a halt just because they didn't like one bill or one nominee.

However, indicating that the democrats should have "stood and fought" is juvenile nonsense. The republicans have a majority. This isn't a schoolyard brawl. 14 aren't going to beat 19 if one of them shows up with a tire iron or a baseball bat.

Personally, I find the whole premise of Walker's arguments absurd. He's trying to blame teachers for asking for benefits. If my boss pays me too much and the company goes out of business is it my fault because I ask for a raise every year? Politicians have both the power and the responsibility to find the correct balance between a competitive wage and fiscal prudence for state employees. If low level bureaucrats are too friendly with unions, elected representatives should provide better oversight (or fire them). Wisconsin is in trouble because they abdicated that responsibility. Blaming teacher unions for their own failure is just another sad example of the pass the buck, point the finger mentality that has infested our political system and made us incapable of actually solving our problems.

Charlie Sheen in Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Aniatario says...

If Ferris Buellar's day off, The Breakfast Club, or that gem of a movie "10 Things I hate about you" taught us anything. It's that any uptight biatch with a bad attitude can immediately loosen up by going out with a juvenile delinquent.

Judges Lock-Up Kids For Cash

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tyt, young turks, judge, juvenile' to 'tyt, young turks, judge, juvenile, detention, racketeering, kids, suicide, money, bribe' - edited by lucky760

Mom Lashes Out At "Scumbag" Judge - Sent Kids to Jail for $

Porksandwich says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Not to defend the judge or the "war on drugs" at all but, if the kid killed himself over going to JH, he had bigger issues. It's sad that he didn't get help but that part isn't the fault of the judge.

At some point it isn't, however......over punishing petty crimes even if he didn't take bribes for it is bad. Add in taking money for it, makes it worse. He had incentive to send people who were obviously not meant to be there away for crazy amounts of time given the "crimes" (which are highly debatable and subjective). It's not just the judges responsibility or for that matter a jury's responsibility to send people away for as much time as possible, but also to make sure the person is mentally capable of understanding that they committed a "crime" and that the punishment given them will correct the problem. If you got a guy who has no record, has a trivial offense for a multi-offender..but one that for a first time offender is so minor as to be laughable. The scare of being in front of the judge would often times correct the issue, but if not, they hand out probationary periods and mandatory drug tests to show them how inconvenient their life can become if they keep up with the drug path.

He chose, for money, to skip all other avenues at his disposal on a first time offender with a very very very very very very minor non-violent offense and sentence him with time in juvenile detention. I mean that alone could very well ruin your chances at anything since anyone who knows you spent time in juvenile detention is gonna wonder how fucked up you are...since historically this is a place they put the too young to be tried as adult whack jobs....or the kids who never seem to attempt to turn it around and keep stealing cars or mugging people.

And to think that if he had probated the kid, there would have been a chance to find out the kid had mental issues? Maybe he was bipolar or schizo. Many doctors find that bi-polar sufferers tend to self-medicate via drinking or drugs. The kid wasn't given a chance to be diagnosed, he was stuck straight into the worst possible place someone with a fragile mental state should be "alternative" was offered wasn't a choice anyone but the judge could have made. And he made that choice for dollars in his pocket, condemned a kid with a potentially fragile mental state to a living hell for someone that age...who came out broken. Because why bother? He was shown that a judge will not show leniency he will put you away for as long as possible, whether it's the best option or not. I mean seriously, that is a system that promotes you "die by cop" every time you break the law..otherwise you might spend life in prison putting cash in some judges pocket.

It is most definitely the fault of the judge, and it's even more so if the judge didn't have him mentally evaluated or the government didn't try to help the kid out when he got out. That is all on the judge, he exacerbated this kid's problems by an immeasurable amount.

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