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Star Wars vs. VideoSift (Scifi Talk Post)

thinker247 says...


And what makes you think dag would randomly discard your videos?

>> ^gorgonheap:
>> ^Zifnab:
Too funny! Who gets to be Jar Jar?

Here is Jar Jar, now if you don't mind I need to prepare a siftquisition for when a bunch of my video get discarded, when a member, who shall remain nameless, will act out in that way as a lame form of retribution.

DENG MO - WATERMELONS A short clip showing daily marketlife

Chills... Courtesy of Mr. Orson Scott Card (Wtf Talk Post)

laura says...

"If marriage is going to be redefined to include same-sex spouses, animals, inanimate objects, or whatever else people will marry. I have an issue with that. A much bigger one if you include a government that is willing to skip due process and just go by 'what they think is best' rather then adhering to the voice of the people.
How much should the majority sacrifice for the sake of the few? "

The difference here is that people, yes even people of a different/same sex as you are still people. Animals are not people. Inanimate objects are not people. Vice versa. I dislike the idea of grouping homosexuals into the same category as animals and inanimate objects. Makes for a very simplistic argument, too.
The point here is that the government should NOT shape society's social makeup, and should not tell PEOPLE who (yes, "who", not "what") they should or should not love.
That is all.

Chills... Courtesy of Mr. Orson Scott Card (Wtf Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^gorgonheap:
I'm more outraged at the State of California's government to overturn the voters. The democratic system fails when the people's voice is overruled by the select few we elect to a position of stewardship. For the California to overrule Prop. 22 is unconstitutional and a violation of democratic process. If they want to take another vote to annul Prop. 22 that ones thing. But to disregard the people and take matters into their own hands is not democracy.

I agree with that thought, although not on a full scale. There's a reason why we don't have true democracy. That's because people are ignorant and reactionary. While it's OK to maintain those beliefs, I don't agree that a majority should have the right to decide the fate of a minority.

Just remember that there was a time where a majority of people would've voted to continue slavery, segregation and against many civil liberties the African American community have these days. I'm glad that the government overrules certain oppressive values.

I guess we just have to ask ourselves when is it ok for the government to step in. I agree with the title "You Overthrow to Free, Not Lock".

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

Honestly Choggie is the fist Jar Jar that comes to mind. Just saying.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I might make a few more. I'll forward them to you if I do. I'm trying to think of someone that I can turn into Jar Jar Binks, but I don't hate anyone that bad.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Sweet, thanks for the images. I suck at photoshop but I'm gonna try and make a movie poster for SIFT WARS! (subtitle): A lost cause. The 4th movie in a 6 part epic. I'll go back 25 years later and make the first three an bastardization of the last half. Cause no one has done that before. That's all, Kilgo out.

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I might make a few more. I'll forward them to you if I do. I'm trying to think of someone that I can turn into Jar Jar Binks, but I don't hate anyone that bad.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Sweet, thanks for the images. I suck at photoshop but I'm gonna try and make a movie poster for SIFT WARS! (subtitle): A lost cause. The 4th movie in a 6 part epic. I'll go back 25 years later and make the first three an bastardization of the last half. Cause no one has done that before. That's all, Kilgo out.

alien_concept (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says... (Schmawy created it for me, which in turn inspired me to go completely overboard by making all of these.)

And completely unrelated to Star Wars:

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Congrats. Being happy for you really is a alien concept HAHAHA! (que, really long shepherds crook to take me off stage.) I think we need to make a montage of all the Star Wars sift characters that Kronos and Schmawy have photo shopped over the past few months.

Alien_concept hits 100. The Force is strong with this one. (British Talk Post)

Gorgonheap goes diamond, still most hated creature in galaxy (Geek Talk Post)

MrFisk (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

10444 says...

Odd, it works fine for me.

Either way it's designed to look like you're reading the source of a program, but it's actually the site and the navigation.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Much as I love non responsive servers this one had nothing special. In other words I can't locate the site you referenced. It comes up as non existent.

In reply to this comment by karkarlee:
Figured you would appreciate this:

10444 (Member Profile)

Better off Dead, Trailer - Recut

The Spirit - Trailer (official)

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