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JAPR (Member Profile)

Against Me! - Stop!

Against Me! - White People for Peace

Doc_M (Member Profile)

Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

This is my first sifted video. Readily apparent are the sparse use of tags, signifying my previously careless sifting. Also gleaned from a cursory glance at the video are my love of Indiana Jones and good cinema in general, especially for those scenes that give you nightmares.

However, if you delve deeply into the clues on the page, you notice some other things. The *dead that gorgonheap posted reveals the attachment that I show to this video, since I bothered to fix it, multiple times actually. The video's length is 4:26, perhaps an expression by my subconscious intent on revealing my love of multiples of 3 and 6.

The title of the video also conveys my tendency to write long-winded, descriptive titles for my sifts that explain exactly what the video contains, even if the result is somewhat less than elegant.

I'd like to thank the first ten people who upvoted that first sift in order, starting with:

- Myself
- mlx (we miss you!)
- lucasgreen (we miss you!)
- swampgirl
- dotdude
- James Roe
- firefly
- NickyP (we miss you!)
- benjee (we miss you!)
- raven (we miss you!)

This post deserves 100 *quality-s.

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Good luck with that then, partner. Stop by when you can.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Sweet, thanks for letting me know. I haven't been around the sift much because I started my own business a couple of months ago, while still working my other job. It's put a lot of strain on my time. So hopefully when I'm able to shift my main source of income to my company I'll be able to have some free time.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Don't wish to disturb your slumber, your purpleness, but there's a complete episode of MST3K that's been posted, "Manos, The Hands Of Fate."

I know you're a fan of the show, so I felt a heads-up was appropriate. So please don't hurt me.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

Sweet, thanks for letting me know. I haven't been around the sift much because I started my own business a couple of months ago, while still working my other job. It's put a lot of strain on my time. So hopefully when I'm able to shift my main source of income to my company I'll be able to have some free time.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Don't wish to disturb your slumber, your purpleness, but there's a complete episode of MST3K that's been posted, "Manos, The Hands Of Fate."

I know you're a fan of the show, so I felt a heads-up was appropriate. So please don't hurt me.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

Thanks for the thought. Actually I've started up my own company while still working my old job. So it's become a great demand on my time. I'd love to be sifting as much as the good ol days but my spare time has been in real short supply lately. One o these days I'll get back into the swing of things. Just as soon as I can drop one of my jobs for the other.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
What's happened to ya, Gorgon? Dead or something? Seems a bit strange asking you if you're dead, but after all there's zombies-a-plenty here at videosift.

Mega Punch!

colt45 says...

>> ^gorgonheap:
The writing on his uniform and background are Korean. The art would be Tae Kwan Do not Karate.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the fact, my girlfriend confirms: that is a Tae Kwon Do tournament.

Voting Voting System (Sift Talk Post)

davidraine says...

>> ^gorgonheap:
But we need a way to vote on the votes that get votes. I mean sure it only counts for .25 of a vote but it wouldn't be right to not count votes about the votes of other votes. After that we can repair a brand new car!

Why stop there? Videosift can be the first site on the internet that allows for voting on any element, including any other vote, to an arbitrary depth.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Whoah, there we go. That's strange, I don't recall ever setting a preference for the background display color, maybe it was defaulted at white? Because I recall Gorgonheap having the same problem according to that thread on sifttalk.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Yeah, I'm using Firefox. This is how it looks to me:

My guess is that you have specified a background color of #ffffff in your account preferences so it's forcing the background to be white instead of green.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Are you using firefox? If you are, it should be pretty easyto see...just go to any video and look at the links under the related videos and such...they appear in a very light silver text on a white background.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi Japr- Thanks for reporting back, but I just spent a few minutes browsing the Asia and I still couldn't find the silver links you're referring to.

Do you think you can paste a URL and mention where exactly you're seeing it? If so I'll have a better chance to fix it. Thanks!

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Hey, just a quick word, there are still text sections that are really really hard to see when using Firefox on the Asia channel, specifically the text color for links when not moused-over.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
I've made a couple of changes, but still haven't been able to locate any silver links on a white background anywhere in the Asia channel.

Is it okay now? Thanks, btw.

marinara and dead_tofu hit 100 Star Points! (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Congrats, mi amigos! Welcome to the 100 star club. If you will follow gorgonheap, he'll issue you your executive washroom key. But, please be mindful of others, so you'll have to clean your own A$$ GR@V33 off the walls and flush your own rottenseeds. Trust me, no one likes to see someone else's rottenseed floating around in the toilet. That's just gross. Oh, that's embarassing, did I say rottenseed? I meant shit. I get those two things confused often because they smell the same.

My Dream Job (Blog Entry by dag)

My Dream Job (Blog Entry by dag)

Star Wars vs. VideoSift (Scifi Talk Post)

choggie says...

Ok so.....hmmmm, Quite telling innit, that the Jar Jar Blob Chog is represented by a link, and not part of KP's shmorgasbard heah.....Would that be because true colors shine through cheap veneer???....Great pic Gorgonheap....waist down Jar Jar was the only one with staff and minerals, well....Sam Jackson comes in a lengthy second.....

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