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Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

budzos says...

Skipped through it. Stunning cinematography. Hope nobody wants to go see it with me so that I can enjoy it on blu-ray. Here's a big fuck you to almost everyone at the movies who won't stop talking and kicking my seat. Even the people I go to movies with manage to annoy me to hell and distract me from the movie with their weird stunts. The person I went to see Captain America (mediocre film, good comic-book movie) with fricking disappeared for the last 20 minutes of the movie. When they reappeared afterwards they said "when I went to the bathroom I didn't want to pass in front of the audience again so I just sat over here." Meanwhile I spent the entire last 20 minutes wondering where the hell they were, and I'm sure the people in the seats around their new seat were also scratching their heads. Just come back to your fucking seat.

Star Wars The Changes: Episode IV

Darth Vader Tosses First Pitch ( Coliseum 9/16/11)

Netflix to Split DVD Service Into New Company: Qwikster

budzos says...

Blockbuster in Canada was supposed to hold out a bit longer but has now died almost completely. Just walked into the nearest location on Friday night and it was in store closing clearance sale mode.. meaning pay only 20% premium versus normal retail buying your videos here, as opposed to the normal 40% premium. Although you could get some great deals on some discs... I bought No Country for Old Men for $8. There were once 5 blockbusters in my city, now down to two.

As someone who loves to rent blu-rays on impulse I find this troubling. Does Netflix Canada offer blu-ray? Last time I checked (admittedly could have been 2+ years ago) they did not (and at that time I don't think we even had Netflix... it was or something like that).

Audience at GOP Debate Cheers Letting Sick Man Die

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Though I don't support the logic of "unless you're going to somehow guarantee that no one will be left for dead",

Me either, which is why that sentence actually reads "unless you're going to somehow guarantee that no one will be left for dead by those organizations".

By "left for dead" I meant denied necessary treatment because they're unable to pay, just like in the hypothetical question Wolf Blitzer is asking Ron Paul in that clip.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Let us try that logic on a different foot shall we? I don't think we should legalize drugs because of all the new people that will die of drugs. I don't think drugs should be legal unless you can guarantee me that no extra people will die.

Wait, so you're suggesting that we shouldn't try to handle moral questions with categorical imperatives, but instead should weigh the pro's and cons of a policy to determine whether it's beneficial on the whole?

Have you finally had a utilitarian conversion?

This hypothetical about the dying man who can't pay for life saving treatment is a pivotal question in deciding what the right rules should be with regards to health care. If you want to insist that healthcare be "free market", then you have to play by the rules of the market. If you don't have the money to pay for a blu-ray of Glee, then you don't get a blu-ray of Glee. If you don't have the money to pay for heart surgery, then you don't get heart surgery. It's that simple. Anything else is "socialism".

You can try to handwave that concern about dying people away by saying "surely someone will just donate the money or a doctor will volunteer to do it for free", but I think most people aren't naive enough to think that's going to even put a dent in the kind of body count that sort of system would rack up over time.

So what's the reason why we should even want some absolutist free market in health care? Because it's cheaper? Because it satisfies some ideological fetish? Because some perverse moral philosophy claims it's just?

How many people's lives are those things worth?

Hitler Hears of the New Star Wars Blu Ray Release Changes

ant (Member Profile)

George Lucas Adds EVEN More Darth Vader Dialogue

Fuck You, George Lucas!

quantumushroom says...

As Red Letter Media pointed out, the original SW was "Art from Adversity." This is the "Art of Profit-Squeezing".

Luc-a$$ put that "No" in there as a "Fk You" to the audience for mocking it in Sith, just like he place-matted Jar Jar in both follow-up prequels because the audience (rightfully) rejected him. It's entirely possible, the man is as arrogant as he is greedy.

>> ^ObsidianStorm:

As previously mentioned, the primary problem is that there is no way to get the film you saw on screen in 1977 (no 'episode IV'...) on DVD or Blu-ray. Anything that you would watch anyway...
I just find it interesting... Lucas set out to make a film called Star Wars in the mid 70's but didn't have the budget or technology to make the film in his head, so he was forced to make compromises, take shortcuts and eliminate scenes he had originally intended to see in his film.
As a result, he created a masterpiece of sci-fi fantasy, which just happened to be BETTER than the film he had envisioned.
What we've seen over the last twenty years or so is Lucas trying to realize that inferior (but original) vision.
I just find it ironic...

Fuck You, George Lucas!

ObsidianStorm says...

As previously mentioned, the primary problem is that there is no way to get the film you saw on screen in 1977 (no 'episode IV'...) on DVD or Blu-ray. Anything that you would watch anyway...

I just find it interesting... Lucas set out to make a film called Star Wars in the mid 70's but didn't have the budget or technology to make the film in his head, so he was forced to make compromises, take shortcuts and eliminate scenes he had originally intended to see in his film.

As a result, he created a masterpiece of sci-fi fantasy, which just happened to be BETTER than the film he had envisioned.

What we've seen over the last twenty years or so is Lucas trying to realize that inferior (but original) vision.

I just find it ironic...

Fuck You, George Lucas!

Yogi says...

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^RFlagg:
Well, these are changes to the Special Editions correct? The original versions, also on the set, are still unaltered are they not?

They're not on the set. That's the problem. Otherwise Lucas could do whatever crap he wants to the films, and no one would particularly care.

I agree...Blu Ray is huge...add the classic versions.

Fuck You, George Lucas!

spoco2 says...

>> ^RFlagg:

Well, these are changes to the Special Editions correct? The original versions, also on the set, are still unaltered are they not?

No... NO!

That's the WHOLE problem. The originals ARE NOT on the set. They released them ONCE on DVD (which I bought) as 'special features' along side the special editions.

But guess what they did? They got the dirtiest, worst possible quality prints for the original version and THEN did not present them on dvd as anamorphic. Meaning that if you watch it on a widescreen tv you have to find your settings somewhere to zoom it in and stretch it out. And, of course, that means that
a) It's a pain in the arse, so you never watch them
b) They are as low resolution as humanly possible.

He did it to fuck with us.
'Here... here's the old versions you've whinged about... here you go, they're on DVD'
'Um, they are just horrible quality and tiny on my screen, and... I can't watch those'
'Well, watch the lovely Special Editions I forced you buy alongside them then, they're much nicer quality'
'Oh fuck you'

And there will NOT be any versions other than the 'special' editions on the Blu Rays.

Hence, no purchase from me.

I don't give a crap how much he wants to muck around with his movies, but you should ALWAYS be able to get them in their original form in as high quality as possible as well. But he won't do that, because he knows people would rather watch the originals, which would just confirm all the shit he's added to them is unwanted rubbish.

Blade runner shows how to do it right. 5, FIVE versions of the movie on the Blu Ray release I have, all fantastic quality. Watch the original release, or watch Ridley's final cut... YOU have the choice. If you like the voice over, watch it that way and still in wonderful quality.

Fuck You, George Lucas!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It does suck. On the other hand, he made them- and I suppose he has the right to change them. I would like to own the very, very first version on Blu-ray, and be done with it. BTW, that video with Jabba is deceptive - I don't think the original human Jabba ever made it to cinemas - that scene was cut.

What if David Lynch had directed "Return Of The Jedi"?

budzos says...

I have Dune on blu-ray and the movie makes sense to me after seeing it 4 or 5 times over the years. It's really stirring and unique in a lot of ways. Not having read any Herbert books, I wouldn't change the movie. To me, the movie Dune is all about one thing: scale.

Fuck You, George Lucas!

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