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Even Fox News is Fed Up With Romney on his "Loophole" Cuts

bareboards2 says...

@messenger, I get that. Although I don't think that Rmoney is only about the wealthy. It's hard to tell with Rmoney, since he is the King of Flip Flopping -- what the hell does he really believe and want to do? I honestly don't know. If he gets into office (GOD FORBID, INCLUDING THE MORMON VERSION OF GOD PLEASE), I don't know how hard he would push for lower tax rates for the wealthy. He is such a flip flopper, I can see him letting that go.

The goal of reforming our tax code is a laudable one. I personally think it is impossible -- there are too many vested interests in the pieces where "I got mine" and nobody is going to want to let "theirs" go.

However, my original point remains -- if Rmoney's goal is to reform the tax code, which people have been wanting to do for decades, HE ISN'T MAKING IT CLEAR.

I am starting to feel sorry for the man. He has wanted to be President for so long. To be running such a poor poor campaign, unable to make a single smart step... I feel for him as a fellow struggling human being.

And relieved that he is so piss poor at it.

Not A Single Fu*k Is Given By Owl Which Trounces Epic Moth

chingalera says...

>> ^Payback:

Moth flies into Klieg lights: MOMMA IM COMING HOME!!!!
Owl: Hmmm. I can see THAT guy in the back row has no chance with that woman.
Moth flops down to the ground.
Owl: Oooohhh... what have we here?
Owl runs toward blind, dying moth.
Owl, looking around: Hey! Anyone call dibs on this? Anyone? Hey? Last chance!
Owl pounce!
Owl: What? You wanted that moth? Where'd it go? I don't see it. You see where it went? How about you check back over there?
Owl waits.


Not A Single Fu*k Is Given By Owl Which Trounces Epic Moth

Payback says...

Moth flies into Klieg lights: MOMMA IM COMING HOME!!!!
Owl: Hmmm. I can see THAT guy in the back row has no chance with that woman.
Moth flops down to the ground.
Owl: Oooohhh... what have we here?
Owl runs toward blind, dying moth.
Owl, looking around: Hey! Anyone call dibs on this? Anyone? Hey? Last chance!
Owl pounce!
Owl: What? You wanted that moth? Where'd it go? I don't see it. You see where it went? How about you check back over there?
Owl waits.

The infinite possibilities

"Borat" Arrested for Swimsuit Malfunction in Asbury Park NJ

Porksandwich says...

Let's see what gets ignored pretty regularly.

Ass cracks. Hell Im probably guilty of this while out working and sweating like a pig and the pants start getting saturated and sagging. But also the girls who intentionally show them off...or dental floss bottoms that only fill in the gap slightly are somehow OK.

Loose tits, when they flop out of bikini tops, sides of shirts, etc. Never seen anyone arrested for this, but it's still against the law.

Far too tight of clothes, especially in the crotch area of guys. If the only difference is I don't see hair and skin tone but everything else is clearly visible. How is this not properly clothing yourself?

And people walk around in outfits that do this shit all day one bats an eye. This guy drops his pants and something shifts out of place letting you get a peak and off he goes. Not like he's purposefully pulling his bathing suit aside to let you get a good look.

A guy cleaning a Cobra Pit filled with 200 cobras

mintbbb (Member Profile)


Freakin Awesome Flip

Catnip Overdose

evilspongebob says...

Can we please have a separate internet for cats?

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Note to cat owners: Catnip is fine, but he should be worried about the cat swallowing the plastic from that bag. Ingestion of plastic of any significant size could block up the intestines and kill your cat!
It also happens when cats rip up flip flops and eat the chunks they tear off.

Catnip Overdose

JiggaJonson says...

Note to cat owners: Catnip is fine, but he should be worried about the cat swallowing the plastic from that bag. Ingestion of plastic of any significant size could block up the intestines and kill your cat!

It also happens when cats rip up flip flops and eat the chunks they tear off.

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

RFlagg says...

Part of the problem is that tipped minimum wage has been frozen (thanks to Herman Cain for a large part) at $2.13 since 1991. Even when they saw fit to raise the federal minimum to $7.25 in 2009, they didn't raise the tipped minimum. Since to keep up with inflation, minimum should be closer to $10.35, that puts tipped minimum far behind... and minimum is far below living wages... they should couple it back up with minimum and perhaps just drop that provision all together, then the servers could bust ass to make more on tips.

Some of the terms she used are used and understood by many Americans. Seems she was hanging out with a bunch of sheltered people. Who doesn't know flip flops=thongs or trunk=boot? The ATM thing is odd as I think the drive-through ATM is also a safety thing over having to walk out to an ATM on the side of the bank, plus the bank usually has a drive through anyhow, so it saves them money from having to build a shelter for the ATM and all that.

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

xxovercastxx says...

I was expecting this to be more about cultural differences (like the tipping thing) than dialect differences. Dialect differences are interesting too, but it's not that we don't get that the "boot" is the trunk and "thongs" are flip flops, it's that we don't call them by these names so some confusion is to be expected.

I got one more thing she can add to her list of shit she doesn't get, too: apostrophes. (Or maybe I should say "apostrophe's")

*nochannel *downunder *talks (it's not about education)

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

deedub81 says...

We called them "thongs" growing up near Santa Cruz, CA. I think we started calling them "slappers" or "flip-flops" a few years before that Sisqo song came out, but the Thong Song was most definitely the final nail in the coffin.

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

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