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Mormons Declare War on Masturbation

walle says...

Oh...and no shorts or flip-flops on campus.

"Standard #1: Shorts and Flip Flops

The most frequent question I get about the Honor Code at BYU–Idaho is our standard on shorts and flip-flops. We ask you not to wear shorts or capris on campus, including when you are walking to and from the Hart Building or the fields to work out. The same thing is true of flip-flops. They may be appropriate in other places, but not on campus."

The Data Behind Hollywood Hits - BBC News

9547bis says...

Flops are still there, but with a lesser impact. This company helps set a maximum budget per project, so that over the whole year the studio will break even, or at least persist (hence the ongoing trend of risk-averse "neatly categorized + predictable budget" movies).

But they still don't know in advance which movies will make it. So we have a watered down version of the 70s "production roulette": the majority of movies will still lose money, but the with an overall budget under control the company is still there the following year.

Case in point: in 2013 most big budget movies bombed badly, but (as opposed to the 70s) no major company went bust.

oritteropo said:

This was certainly true in the past, but how many true flops can you think of since Waterworld?

The Data Behind Hollywood Hits - BBC News

oritteropo says...

This was certainly true in the past, but how many true flops can you think of since Waterworld? Even it ended up breaking even after video sales. In the 70s and 80s there were any number of gloriously awful 'B' films, or 'A' films that took risks and then flopped, but these have just gone away... they just aren't made any more. As film budgets have climbed, the business has become more risk-averse and predictable and, many people would claim, more boring.

9547bis said:

Large publishers, whether it is for books, music, or movies, all rely on the same strategy: for every 10 works produced, they expect 1 to be successful and pay for all the others. I'm guessing these people are in the business of providing estimates to budget the 9 others.

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...


And this calculation exists in complete isolation from the rest of the universe and laws of physics? That was the angle I was coming from and I did explain several times how it was indeed unnecessary and self indulgent of me to do so.

Just because a simple weight/force calculation was all we needed practically didn't mean that the rest of the universe just disappeared. We can just conveniently ignore it.
I didn't because I was A. bored and B. had rocketry on the brain from playing too much KSP.

This is what I meant by not the whole story. Your not wrong but that does not necessarily preclude what I was waffling on about.

Though while were at it if that astronaut and suit weight say 100kg then that'd be 180N of force right? So that's like lifting a 18kg object on earth? I don't know about you but 18kilos would take some shifting for me, especially if I was trying to throw it vertically. Doable but not what I'd call easy. (& naturally throw in the cumbersome suit and its a total pain in the arse)

And goddamit the whole Fosbury flop thing flashed into my head but I dismissed it. Never occurred to me that that extra meter or so would have such a profound effect when you introduce a multiplier like gravity. Great example!

Olympic Diver Tom Daley Comes Out

chingalera says...

Aren't all competitive divers gay??
Srs'ly, congratulations Tom, let go and let em talk smack, assholes are assholes and are always gonna be that way.
Celebratory 90 meter belly flop!!

Sixty Symbols | Cosmic Strings & Superstrings

eric3579 says...

A string one km long thinner then a single proton has the mass (energy) of the earth and they flop around at almost the speed of light.

Just Wow!

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

MilkmanDan says...

I grew up on a farm, and like many/most such kids, went through the experience of having "pet" chickens, pigs, and even a cow or two that ended up on our plates. I think that the key is to explain verbally that such animals are being raised to be food, and then using your best judgement about when they are ready to see something small get slaughtered and butchered.

For me, it was when I was about 6. We had an old rooster (we mostly had chickens for eggs, this fella was a 1-off), and I was a few feet away when my dad held it down and hacked off its head with a hatchet. Got to watch it run around headless, etc. Then I had to help (a little) in the plucking and processing. If you don't regularly do those things, you don't know the little tricks and they take FOREVER. We put way more hours and dollars of toil and effort into plucking, skinning, and preparing that old chicken than it would have cost to buy 10 whole rotisseried chickens from KFC or something. And he was too old to really provide good meat. BUT - I learned something and appreciated the food more, which was the point.

Later in life I was involved with the raising of pigs and cows for meat. I helped feed them every day, and then would help get them into a trailer and deliver them to the meat locker when it was time for them to be slaughtered and butchered. I didn't witness that in person, but I was old enough to fill in the gaps between putting that animal in the trailer and then eating a steak or pork chops a few days later. I think that if my parents had wanted me to have the experience of actually seeing the slaughter, the locker would have easily obliged. Not sure if the same would be true today.

OK, I've been rambling but I'll throw one more thing out there. Now I'm living in Thailand, where a lot of food is purchased in small farmer's market kinds of places, and some is slaughtered and prepared right in front of your very eyes. I love eating fresh Tilapia fish here (the "farm"-raised and frozen fish back in the US always tasted like algae to me, but the fish here don't have that taste at all) and they are alive in tanks when you order one at a market in Thailand. Within 45 seconds, they will pull out a fish of your selection, smack it on the head with a blunt instrument to kill it, rasp off the scales, gut it, put some slices into the sides for even cooking, and hand it to you in a bag to be cooked at home. Sometimes they flop around in the bag a bit (not alive, just muscles unwinding/relaxing) like a headless chicken. I think that will be a similar growing experience for my daughter that she'd be able to witness at a much earlier age. Then maybe when she's 5-6 like I was we'll watch a chicken get the axe.

lucky760 said:

Makes me hungry.

Funny story about my oldest son: Whenever we go to our local children's museum and he sees the young chickens walking around in their small enclosure, I tell him to say "Hi chickens," but he instead always just yells "Yummy!"

I really want to instill an understanding and appreciation in my children for the origin of their food, especially the breathing kind. Growing up, I guess it always seemed to me like technology had gotten us to the point we could manufacture all our food.

I don't know what would be a good age to show my sons live animals being slaughtered and butchered.

Top Ten Summer Box Office Bombs 2013

Best Movie Death Ever?

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

newtboy says...

OK, I watched at full res/screen a few more times...they all slow down and stop again shortly after the 'crash' and she's all floppy, then her friends release their brakes but she holds hers a few seconds to give some space between her and the one in front, then she releases her brake, partly. All that time she's flopped over like she's out, but she must have some control or she would still be on the bumper of the guy ahead.
I don't mean to say I think it didn't hurt, just that I didn't think she was completely knocked out when it looked like she was. So I'll retract "faking it" and replace with "exaggerating it".
Also, I don't think she did it on purpose, but she rear ended the guys (apparently her friends) in front of her who had stopped, again.
Admittedly, right after the crash she is on his bumper, but he does not seem concerned in the least and leaves her flopped over, like he knows something. She may have really been out for a few seconds, but I think not as long as she made out. If she is really hurt, isn't her 'friend' still the real douchebag? First for stopping short in front of her without any warning, causing the crash at least in part, and second for not helping his friend when she rear ended him 'unconscious', but instead just riding on?
The guy in back was 'tailgating' a bit, but did not seem to hit her intentionally and had no chance to brake, and may have not had enough time the first time he hit her either. Those brakes are just friction brakes, they don't stop on a dime, especially if you're a full grown man. (agreed, that's a good reason to not tailgate at full speed, so they're all douchebags?)

artician said:

I thought she was right on the tail of the guy ahead of her. It seemed like she was basically connected to his ride for the duration of it.

I accept I could be wrong. I'm not so suspect of people as that, and definitely didn't have that conclusion. If I were to extrapolate on that line of thinking I would still disagree because I'd expect anyone who would have the gall to do that in the first place wouldn't then get off the ride and walk meekly away knowing that the guy who rammed her that hard (and it was hard, regardless of the effect) was going to be stopping just behind her.

All types of people in this world, so could go either way, but I personally think the assumption she's faking it is absurd. The number of people who are that shitty is pretty low, at least statistically and empirically, and I doubt someone like that would enjoy a nice roller-coaster down a hillside in the first place.

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

newtboy says...

The problem with that theory is that she's faking it. If she were knocked out, like she's pretending to be, she would not be holding her brake on and would be ramming the guy ahead of her the rest of the ride, she's not. She's flopping. (soccer term, not the descriptive term) That said, the tactic worked because she fools the rear-ender into backing off and shutting up. When she gets off, she's just fine (but weeping).

artician said:

The real issue I saw, and I may have to go look at it again at a higher resolution, but did he knock her out from the whiplash for a bit? It looked like she spent a good few meters lolling to the side of her cart. If that's the case, guy is definitely a fucking asshole. Childish irresponsibility without any recompense.

EDIT: yeah after watching it again, during the same stretch where she seems to be unconscious the guy says "Oh shit, she doesn't look so good". Doubt there's any chance of justice from the video though.

QWOP Cosplayer at Anime North 2013

Saving Bob: Surgeon Simulator 2013

lucky760 says...


I'm crying laughing so hard at this it's so ridiculous. I love it.

Can't find the video, but it reminds me of that game where you have to control a guy running a race, but it's so difficult that his body always ends up flopping around.


Extremely hard foul by... the goalkeeper?

Puppy Determined To Get On Treadmill

Asmo says...

Ahh ya big fucking sook, have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up. You haven't even provided a single link to this mountain of supporting evidence and you're already exhausted? /eyeroll

1. "There are many organisations which have conflicting views, (my Tamaskan is 5 years old, male, un-neutered, and non violent) you happen to support the one that supports your extremely slim argument." <-- Having my "extremely slim" argument supported by the biggest animal protection agency in the US tends to lend it some credibility... Your dismissal of my argument is a dismissal of the ASPCA's similar argument. If you're too pig ignorant to understand that, not much I can do about that.. =)
2. I take it you don't have kids? Or are you one of those sad cunts who never let your kids actually do anything? Life is a risk. Going to the beach is a risk. Going to the park is a risk. Living is a risk.

3. Forced as in "made to give up the bone against her will"... Already explained it, you train them on the "leave it" command on something they are more willing to drop without aggression then migrate them progressively to things that are more likely to get a reaction. Reward good behaviour, punish bad. And before your asshole starts weeping tears of blood about punishment, it's a thwack on the bum with a thong (I guess what yanks call a flip flop). Don't overstress the dog and once you've asserted that you can get them off the bone, let them have it undisturbed.

4. So you're going to pick a position and be too fucking bone idle to bother supporting it with your own research?

5. Many bans are knee jerk reactions to situations rather than considered actions.

6. Yes, you did. Commentary on my parenting (which you know almost nothing about), assuming "force" meant something rather than clarifying. Your entire tone is bombastic and condescending and it's not just to me. Everyone else in the thread that has disagreed with you has been dished up a serve of your sneering lip.

7. Expert evidence that is so freely available you can't even cite one example. So yeah, you're done. Dismissed. ; )

A10anis said:

You are truly tiring me out. This is my last post on the subject.
1; Where did i say I knew better than the ASPCA? read my previous post again s l o w l y.
2; Yes, you are a bad parent. Exposing a 3 year old to even the slightest possibility of serious harm, is beyond comprehension.
3; In your first post you said you forced the dog to give up the bone (try reading your own comments), what exactly do you mean by "force?
4; I told you to look for the information on fighting breeds. And what anecdotes did I quote? (again, read my comment)
5; I did not say "ban them because everyone else does" I said countries have banned them based on their own research. (read my comment again)
6; I make no "arrogant, ignorant, assumptions." (read my comment again and point them out).
7; Whatever personal attack you perceive is groundless. My comment was based solely on evidence provided by experts (look it up yourself), and your attitude regarding your child's safety. Your only concession is the mind numbingly stupid approach of; "I won't wrap my son in bubble wrap." The fact that you have such an opinion negates you from serious debate. I'm done.

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