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Football (soccer) in a nutshell

dirkdeagler7 says...

How is changing teams for defense (which has as much to do with specialized players as it does resting) or the breaks in play which are procedural rules in football compare to the use and acceptance of "flopping" to elicit an unjustified benefit in what is supposed to be a fair and competitive sport?

American Football players are under fire for lying about their health to keep playing and to maintain respect which sets a certain expectation for fans and basketball players are heavily criticized for flopping as well so it's not just hating on soccer....its just more accepted in soccer it appears to the uninitiated.

Also google why it's called football so you sound less ignorant. It makes complete sense why American Football is called football just like it makes sense for Rugby Rules, Australian Rules, and Association Rules (Soccer) to be called "football".

thumpa28 said:

Well as the guy says, each to his own. You could say the same about american football, the constant breaks, the changing teams, the fact its called football when they mostly use hands and dont use a ball... I have no doubt gaelic football would cause the same apathy in some individuals. However to say this video is representative of the game is just, well, daft. Firmly tongue in cheek.

Brainiac Science Abuse: Walking on Custard

Susanna Hoff from the Bangles shows off her body in the 80s

Extreme Idiots Compilation 12

rychan says...

Hilarious. Perhaps the best such compilation I've ever seen. So many WTFs uttered. I mean, free fall into a folding chair from the bleachers? How did you expect that to end well?

However, a few were rather tame -- knocking over a Christmas tree, for instance. And I think the belly flop into the wall at 8:10 went exactly as intended and probably didn't hurt much. Likewise for the PVC hanger thing destroyed in the lawn at 3:34. The snow bank (unintentional?) wheelie was frankly awesome. The guy who failed the fence flip at 7:12 was even laughing at himself. These things are still funny, but "extreme idiots" seems a bit harsh.

The Pied Piper of Russia

Smarter in Seconds: Behind the Scenes At The White House

chingalera says...

I'd change the cabinet meeting room a bit.
~Replace seats with sensory deprivation chambers
~Replace the cabinet with the IBM Gene/Q "Mira, a 10 peta-flop supercomputer, and name it Woodrow.
~Turn the basketball court into a miniature horse arena tended by a newly-appointed staff of performers from Cirque Du Soleil
The new color motif for the White house would be using the following HTML colors339
9FF 99C
9FF 996
6CC 663
399 330
066 990
F33 33F
F66 009
933 00C
C66 33F
F99 99F
CCC 006
6CC 669
9CC 999
9FF 999
9CC 993
3FF 660
0CC 660
099 CC3
F66 66F
F99 33C
C66 009
966 66F
CCC 669
999 003
366 336
699 666
6FF 666
6CC 666
699 330
099 993
6FF 990

Republicans explaining why you should NOT vote for Romney

Hive13 says...

I can't believe that Romney not only got the party nomination, but that it is still even considered that he may win.

It just goes to show that all you have to be is white, mid 50's, semi-attractive (with a dash of salt and pepper hair), be anti-gay rights, anti-Obama and anti-abortion and most Republicans will blindly support you no matter your name, stance on issues (other than the three above), economic plan (or even a vague one), and a consistent, verified, proven history of lies, flip-flopping and deception.

It is pathetic. It is like those Calvin peeing on Ford/Chevy stickers that everyone had on the car a few years back. Blind loyalty and devotion to anything is such a bad thing.

Next election, I sure hope that the third party candidates get the time in the spotlight. If the media actually showed more on Gary Johnson or Jill Stein Or Virgil Goode and the like, I promise you that there would be a lot more people willing to support them over Romney/Obama.

Early Onset Romnesia

Kanye West doing a Carlton dance ...

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

President Bill Clinton on the First Presidential Debate

Romney debates himself

Coming To Terms With Having A Gay Daughter And Marriage

Deano says...

How do they make commercials like this? I guess the concept must come first so they imagined this situation then started sounding out people on social networks, they find a likely candidate (doesn't hurt that the ladies are quite attractive - IMO) and start the filming process.

But they've ended up creating a little reality show haven't they? Which is going to be influenced by the very act of filming. I'm just glad the dad didn't flip-flop on his opinion. Did they help write his speech? His voice-over? Did they want him to hit certain points or could he express himself freely?

Even if it was highly manipulated I suppose they got a healthy part of that wedding paid for if not all of it..

The Rumble 2012 - Jon Stewart vs. Bill O'Reilly

shagen454 says...

Ok yeah took me a while to finish that one as well. Bill O flip flops on his ideas all of the time.I mean Bill O was one of the main people fighting on the airwaves to go to war in Iraq... how soon people forget. Now he thinks it was a bad idea..

He has the audacity to say capitalism is the problem with discourse saying it creates fakes and he was the one saying that we should not pay for NPR, why? Because NPR does not tout the same temporary quote issues unquote as the FOX agenda? It really seems to me that Bill O doesnt have any sort of real opinions that have not been bought and paid for, which is another reference he kept making.

NBA Worst Flops of All Time

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