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Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

PalmliX says...

True enough!
>> ^volumptuous:

There's a major difference between political lip-service and doing rhetorical backflips on major policy issues just to get elected.>> ^PalmliX:
>> ^volumptuous:
Ummmm... maybe Obama is so subtle that you can't name a single instance of him doing a complete 180 on a major issue?
promote >> ^PalmliX:
Politics as usual folks! Is anyone really surprised? They will say whatever they need to get elected. Obama's not any different, he might just be a bit more subtle about it.

I don't doubt it, I just don't know... I tend to assume all politicians are liers right off the bat. Not very fair I know, but I have no faith (perhaps this is the wrong word?) in the political process whatsoever.

Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

volumptuous says...

There's a major difference between political lip-service and doing rhetorical backflips on major policy issues just to get elected.>> ^PalmliX:

>> ^volumptuous:
Ummmm... maybe Obama is so subtle that you can't name a single instance of him doing a complete 180 on a major issue?
promote >> ^PalmliX:
Politics as usual folks! Is anyone really surprised? They will say whatever they need to get elected. Obama's not any different, he might just be a bit more subtle about it.

I don't doubt it, I just don't know... I tend to assume all politicians are liers right off the bat. Not very fair I know, but I have no faith (perhaps this is the wrong word?) in the political process whatsoever.

Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

PalmliX says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Ummmm... maybe Obama is so subtle that you can't name a single instance of him doing a complete 180 on a major issue?
promote >> ^PalmliX:
Politics as usual folks! Is anyone really surprised? They will say whatever they need to get elected. Obama's not any different, he might just be a bit more subtle about it.

I don't doubt it, I just don't know... I tend to assume all politicians are liers right off the bat. Not very fair I know, but I have no faith (perhaps this is the wrong word?) in the political process whatsoever.

Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

volumptuous says...

Ummmm... maybe Obama is so subtle that you can't name a single instance of him doing a complete 180 on a major issue?

*promote >> ^PalmliX:

Politics as usual folks! Is anyone really surprised? They will say whatever they need to get elected. Obama's not any different, he might just be a bit more subtle about it.

Joe Scarborough reacts to Romney clip

Kofi says...

Prediction- Post election there will be speculation that Romney was a liberal plant designed to sabotage the Republican party. This guy isn't just a flip/flopper, he's just a giant flop.

Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'flip flop, scary, changes position, mixed messages, lack of character, robotic' to 'ron paul ad, flip flop, changes position, mixed messages, lack of character, robotic' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Ford Focus caught on fallen trolleybus wire

Racist Rant, Assault Caught On Tape -- TYT

BicycleRepairMan says...

Ok, the guy is a racist asshole. I get that, he's an asshole. Its good that he was exposed as a racist asshole. But I do question the real news value here, just people patting each other on the back and competing about who can describe best how assholy and racist he is.. I mean , I've sort of commented on this kind of vigilante business before. I hope the guy is punished for his behaviour and people stop buying his shit and his business flops, and he gets sentenced for assault. But is TYT actually doing anyone a favour here? I'd get it if he was an elected offical, or if this woman was mistreated by officials of some kind, like the police etc. or if they could show how this kind of abuse was rampant in society, but honestly, this is a fight between two people, one of whom is a racist asshole. Why spend time knocking down this clown in the news/TYT?

The other thing is that we dont know the full story behind stuff like this. Surely his behaviour is without excuses, but he could have some problems or whatever that sent him over the edge and he took it out on this woman.

Again, not making any excuses for the guy, but stuff like this should be handled in a courtroom and shit like that, not by rants on TYT or youtube or elsewhere.

Bottom line: Society at large should be better than this guy, take the moral highground and not bring back the Pillory, let that shit rot in the middle ages, just like racism itself.

Ford Focus caught on fallen trolleybus wire

Mitt Romney's One-day Flip-Flop-o-Rama

shagen454 says...

That is pretty much exactly what I said, he does not have an ideology of his own except for the one he was spoon fed his entire life but when that fails he is just a business man and he can weave in and out of it as long as his writers queue him up for it. Romney is a total right winger though, when I have heard him being himself is when he is making vast generalizations with conviction... that is a staple for that sect of thought.

>> ^messenger:

This isn't about conservative/liberal. Te point is that Romney himself is nothing. He's not conservative. He's no liberal. He's just a politician out to get votes any way that he can. Nothing else.
"These are my principles! And if you don't like them, I have others.">> ^shagen454:
The problem with conservatives is that they are supposed to stay the same. Which is why most of them that never leave the farm are about just as good as the cows eating the feed and then they get all tangled up in the masses who have all of these opinions and culture... ITS SO CONFUSING being an elitist, rich piece of right wing turd.

Mitt Romney's One-day Flip-Flop-o-Rama

messenger says...

This isn't about conservative/liberal. Te point is that Romney himself is nothing. He's not conservative. He's no liberal. He's just a politician out to get votes any way that he can. Nothing else.

"These are my principles! And if you don't like them, I have others.">> ^shagen454:

The problem with conservatives is that they are supposed to stay the same. Which is why most of them that never leave the farm are about just as good as the cows eating the feed and then they get all tangled up in the masses who have all of these opinions and culture... ITS SO CONFUSING being an elitist, rich piece of right wing turd.

Mitt Romney's One-day Flip-Flop-o-Rama

messenger says...

"Have you ever seen a politician this greasy? How does anybody shake his hand? It must slip right off!"

"...[Romney] is a world-breaking, hall of fame, flip-flopping, greasy, unctuous, unbearable, slimy politician."

Even Fox News is Fed Up With Romney on his "Loophole" Cuts

messenger says...

You mean, he passed Obamacare in MA? No, I'm sure he's done stuff, but considering what a flip-flop he is, nothing he did in the past is useful to determine what he's like now except for what he's still doing now. He has done an about-face on so many things, the biggest being the healthcare mandate.>> ^bareboards2:

@messenger, well, he did pass Romneycare in MA. That helped a lot of people. He's not just one thing.
As to the rest of it, I had just finished reading this:
right before I read your post above.
Somehow, to me, that link supports what you are saying, in a mushy non-specific way.

Even Fox News is Fed Up With Romney on his "Loophole" Cuts

messenger says...

Now, that perspective/wording makes sense. IF his goal is tax reform, then he's doing a horrible job.

The thing is, if tax reform were his priority, I think he would put together a tax reform roadmap first, not start off with his plan to distribute as yet uncalculated benefits (20% is just a number out of thin air). If this is just a bad campaign, it's the worst I've heard of. Given that he's a politician, and I think the best financed politician ever, it's more likely that he's got a hidden agenda, and those who can read the wind are figuring it out, testing their theories, and coming up positive.

Sincerely, if he's all about tax reform, then by now he should have identified at least ONE loophole that he could find general agreement on as a good candidate to close. No? If not, then on what basis does he think tax reform is necessary? You can't realize the floor needs sweeping unless you have seen seen some dirt. So why not mention just one?

What has he ever done or said that gives you the impression he may care about anything other than the wealthy? He can't even identify with the middle class. He thinks his wife owning two Cadillacs and being friends with Nascar owners will get him in with the working class. He's really that disconnected. It's just blind faith you're going on, and in politics, that doesn't meet with a high success rate when compared with analysing behaviour.

No, the reason he isn't making it clear is that this is a tax gift to the wealthy first (including himself), and later he's going to finance that gift from the pockets of the middle class and poor.>> ^bareboards2:

I get that. Although I don't think that Rmoney is only about the wealthy. It's hard to tell with Rmoney, since he is the King of Flip Flopping -- what the hell does he really believe and want to do? I honestly don't know. If he gets into office (GOD FORBID, INCLUDING THE MORMON VERSION OF GOD PLEASE), I don't know how hard he would push for lower tax rates for the wealthy. He is such a flip flopper, I can see him letting that go.
The goal of reforming our tax code is a laudable one. I personally think it is impossible -- there are too many vested interests in the pieces where "I got mine" and nobody is going to want to let "theirs" go.
However, my original point remains -- if Rmoney's goal is to reform the tax code, which people have been wanting to do for decades, HE ISN'T MAKING IT CLEAR.
I am starting to feel sorry for the man. He has wanted to be President for so long. To be running such a poor poor campaign, unable to make a single smart step... I feel for him as a fellow struggling human being.
And relieved that he is so piss poor at it.

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