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Daredevil Fires Flare Gun Into His Own Parachute

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

New regulation in effect in Baden-Württemberg: any new appartment building has to include two weatherproof bicycle parking spaces for every appartment.

I don't own a car anymore, been taking my bike everywhere for more than a decade, so... yay. No more cluttering the hallways with dirty bikes. Then again, I live on the other side of the country.

Fyi: Greens run Baden-Württemberg.

Everything Is Awesome Oscars 2015 LEGO Movie Oscar Performan

Pangea - Alfred Wegener and continental drift

Happy 9th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

Happy 9th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show.

poolcleaner says...

I don't necessarily disagree with you. My opinions, while oft contrarian, are really just open ended processes without judgement or declaration. They are hardly even opinions, as I almost always simultaneously believe and hold dear multiple conflicting ideas about particular subjects. An enlightened doublethink as it were. Everything is a theory worth pondering. Thanks Socrates. Thanks for making me not know anything.

Now while tenure certainly holds clout, it can also blind us to the moments in time which were shorter but sweeter than any of the fine tuned complexities of empire. The Internet as we know it, with youtube and Facebook, for example, may be the fixture but I'll always think kindly upon those early 90s, when it was the awkward but mysterious world wide web.

So, cool, yay for fixtures, but I'm a founders man, not a member of the club after its maturity. The Thomas Paine -- Cool, the revolution is over, now fuck yo couch. Where's the next one?

Other examples where the fixture isn't necessarily the only method to decide value by: Van Halen's prolific career versus that first, highly exceptional, fast and heavy album. Or the short but sweet years Ronnie James Dio or Glenn Huges sang for Black Sabbath -- Ozzy is the fixture, but those short moments of time where something strange and magical was created with other diverse geniuses, prior to or after the bread winners, those are the moments of fascination.

I love Jon Stewart but this ain't no thang. My interest was already piqued and held years ago, before him. He's great though and far better than a single television show.

direpickle said:

Kilborn did the show for three years. Jon has done it for 16-17 years. That's about half my life, whereas Kilborn's stint was a little blip. I think a lot of people are in the same boat. We may have liked Kilborn's version of the show (I did! But I was in Jr. High, so what the hell do I know) but it was never the fixture that Jon Stewart's version became.

The Knockout Beer BONG

Homeworld : Remastered trailer

BoneRemake says...

I have been playing FALLOUT 3 for a couple days. FREEAKING COOL GAME !

Too bad I JUST figured out how to use the targeting system, also known as the fighting system or whatnot - I have been playing/aiming like I was in a online deathmatch, people die much faster now. YAY for learning.

I do not play any flight games or space because I do not have a control stick, mouse is not my thing for flight.

Misconceptions about getting sick - mental_floss

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Dog Buried in Landslide that Killed 50 is Saved by Rescuers

The Embarrassment - Immigrant Song

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