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Who Is Stephen Colbert?

Reptile Wins - Fatality

Zawash (Member Profile)

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

The Lexus Hoverboard - It's Real!

lucky760 says...

Hmm. Bring me what you have so far and I'll have my research team think tank it and focus group it before I can get back to you with a firm yay or nay.

newtboy said:

OK....if that's how you want to be about it! ;-)

Still, it seemed to me that that guy (over water) had something much closer to a 'real' hoverboard than these guys did.

There was also that version that worked over any copper surface,
which was also way 'better' than this version which needs the embedded mag-lev track to work.

The 'over water' guy just needs to miniaturize (although that would make balancing near impossible) to meet your specs.

Just curious, would you accept a pair of skateboard sized (+-) hover-boots as hoverboards, or would that be just a pair of hoverskates?

I'll put a hole right through your head!

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

Daldain says...

I highly doubt the police officer would have even tried to have a conversation at first (it was hardly an interrogation) if the camera guy wasn't deliberately pointing a camera at the officer in the middle of nowhere. The officer first asked (twice) politely how the camera guy was doing.

I'm certainly not saying that the camera guy doesn't have the right to film, but I am almost certain he was trying to provoke a reaction and was very likely pleased with the eventual outcome. Yay for him I suppose by escalating it so.

newtboy said:

I'm still at a complete loss as to why some people seem to think that calmly not submitting to random intrusive 'investigative' questioning makes a person a tool. The cop's not looking to have a nice conversation or make a friend, he's looking for anything he can use against the person he's interrogating...and often, as in this case, when they can't find anything, they'll make something up.
EDIT: often, they'll say you said something you didn't say, or twist what you may have said to come up with a reason to go farther and charge you with something made up. That's why you should say NOTHING, then they have nothing to twist or lie about 'mishearing' or 'misunderstanding'.

As I see it, not answering questions is not disruptive, not dangerous, doesn't cause fear (in normal people), is patriotic, and is also a methodology suggested by nearly EVERY lawyer worth their salt. I can't see the drawback, or how being respectfully reasonable and safe makes someone a tool. I think answering a cop's questions makes a person a that gives up their hard won right against self incrimination in order to not upset or inconvenience their overzealous interrogator, at the risk of their own freedom, safety, and sometimes life.
Since no one has put forth a reasonable explanation WHY one would act in such a self defeating, disrespectful (to those who died to secure the right to not incriminate yourself or be searched at random), unsafe, victimized way, it seems we should just agree to disagree. I think I put forth a number of logical reasons why I see this behavior (not answering questions) as perfectly reasonable AT ALL TIMES, and fortunately for me the DAs and judges agree with me.

Jedi Chipmunks Lightsaber Battle

iaui (Member Profile)

Ronda Rousey's unexpected thug life

The future of indoor farming

iaui says...

I really think "Deliscious" is about putting extra 's's in words that don't need them. Damn, I went back and looked and that's their brand name. I have to admit I have a distinct abhorrent reaction when I see that word. I'm not quite able to put my finger on it but I hate that word.

(Which may make it good and distinctive branding, who knows...)

But yay for a plant manufacturing plant.

erikwdavis (Member Profile)


dag (Member Profile)

Honest Trailers - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

ChaosEngine says...

Lol, I just had the same conversation with a friend!

My response was I'm not sure that comparison holds up.

Alien is a haunted house with a single killer.
Aliens is basically a vietnam war movie.
Different ideas, different directors and a completely different structure.

Whereas T1 and T2 are both chase movies by the same director.
T1 and T2 are much closer in structure.

"what is that? why is it trying to kill me?
run the hell away!
break in the middle for recuperation/exposition
chase scene in a truck
big explosion/crash
yay, it's dead! oh no, wait
final confrontation in factory"

Don't get me wrong... T2 is a great movie, but T1 has more menace.

ant said:

I like both T1 and T2. T2 would be higher to me. Like Aliens and Alien. I love both. Aliens 2 is higher to me. All the rest of the sequels and spinoffs, bleh!

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