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Jeru The Damaja - Come Clean

MrFisk says...

You wanna front what?
Jump up and get bucked
If you're feeling lucky duck
Then press your luck
I snatch fake gangsta MC's and make em faggot flambe
Your nine spray my mind spray
Malignant mist steadily pumps the funk
The results you're a gang stuffed in a car trunk
You couldn't come to the jungles of the East poppin that game
You won't survive get live catchin wreck is our thing
I don't gang bang or shoot out bang bang
The relentless lyrics the only dope I slang
I'm a true master you can check my credentials
Cuz I choose to use my infinite potentials
Got a freaky, freaky, freaky-freaky flow
Control the mic like fidel castro locked cuba
So deep that you can scuba dive/my jive
Origin is unknown like the Jubas
I've accumulated honies all across the map
Cuz I'd rather bust a nut then bust a cap in
Ya back in fact my rap snaps ya sacroilliac
I'm the mack so i don't need to tote a Mac
My attack is purely mental and its nature's not hate
It's meant to wake ya up out of ya brainwashed state
Stagnate nonsense but if you persist
You'll get ya snotbox bust you press up on this
I flip hoes dip none of the real niggas slip
You don't know enough math to count the mics that I ripped
Keep the Dirty Rotten Scoundrel as his verbal weapons spit

Real rough and rugged, shine like a gold nugget
Every time i pick up the microphone i drug it
Unplug it on chumps with the gangsta babble
Leave your nines at home and bring your skills to the battle
You're rattlin' on and on and ain't sayin nothing
That's why you got snuffed when you bump heads with Dirty Rotten
Have you forgotten, i'll tap you [jaw]
I also kick like kung fu flicks by run run shaw
Made frauds bleed every time I g'd
Cuz i've perfected my drunken style like sam seed
Pseudo psychos i play like Michael
Jackson when i'm bustin ass and breakin backs
Inhale the putrified aroma
Breathe too deep and you'll wind up coma-
tose the king i'm hard like a fifth of vodka
And bring your clique cuz i'm a hard rock knocka
I gotcha, out on a limb i'm about to push you off the brink
Let you draw your craw but you burnin' shot breaks
When the East is in the house you should come equipped

Fly like a jet sting like a hornet
Knuckleheads get live and set it off if you want it
Dirty rotten scoundrels is crushin fools no joke
With styles more fatal than second hand smoke
Don't provoke the wrath of this rhyme inventor
Cuz I blow up spots like the world trade center
Come with the super trooper on his assault mission
The tech's technique cuz he's a technician
Wishin he'll go away won't help the weapons stop
The skills are shot cuz any idiot can let off a glock
Hard rock smellin the clutch of this untoucha
You claim you got beef on the streets so whatcha
Gonna do when real niggaz roll up on you
And you don't got your crew
Pull your glock but you don't got the heart
You was webbed straight from the start
Bought a tool and didn't learn how to use it
Got lost in Brooklyn so you had to lose it
Just for frontin you got that ass waxed

A New Standard for Deception by NIST

jimnms says...

From your own link:

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength — and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

The Madrid fire burned for 24 hours at temperatures up to 800°C (1500°F) and did not collapse. In 2004, Venezuela's tallest building burned uncontrolled for 17 hours and did not collapse. WTC7 had two small fires which burned for 6 hours and it collapsed in what looks like a controlled demolition.

When the tapes from 9/11 firefighters in were released, there was no mention of communication problems as we were told, and firefighters only reported small pockets of fire, not a huge inferno that can melt steel.

Two hose lines are needed, Chief Orio Palmer says from an upper floor of the badly damaged south tower at the World Trade Center. Just two hose lines to attack two isolated pockets of fire. ''We should be able to knock it down with two lines,'' he tells the firefighters of Ladder Company 15 who were following him up the stairs of the doomed tower.

Lt. Joseph G. Leavey is heard responding: ''Orio, we're on 78, but we're in the B stairway. Trapped in here. We got to put some fire out to get to you.''

Ladder 15 had finally found the fire after an arduous climb to the 78th floor, according to the tape. They were in the B stairwell. On the other side of the fire were hundreds of people, blocked from fleeing by smoke and flame on the stairs. Chief Palmer was facing similar fires in the A stairwell, across the floor.

''We're gonna knock down some fire here in the B Stair,'' Lieutenant Leavey is heard telling one of his firefighters. ''We'll meet up with you. You get over to the A Stair and help out Chief Palmer.''

If those fires were burning at 1500-1800°F, the people on that floor would have been dead.

I'm no conspiracy theory nutcase, but I'm also not stupid, the "official" explanations of collapse just don't match reality.

The Internets Are Down

Nine Eleven Coincidences Part 11 (Who Benefited?)

rougy says...

The Bush administration is still working with Al Qaeda to destabilize Iran:

The Administration may have been willing to rely on dissident organizations in Iran even when there was reason to believe that the groups had operated against American interests in the past. The use of Baluchi elements, for example, is problematic, Robert Baer, a former C.I.A. clandestine officer who worked for nearly two decades in South Asia and the Middle East, told me. “The Baluchis are Sunni fundamentalists who hate the regime in Tehran, but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda,” Baer told me. “These are guys who cut off the heads of nonbelievers—in this case, it’s Shiite Iranians. The irony is that we’re once again working with Sunni fundamentalists, just as we did in Afghanistan in the nineteen-eighties.” Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni fundamentalists.

The New Yorker

9/11 The falling man

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '911, the falling man, norberto hernandez, twin towers, wtc, world trade center' to '911, the falling man, twin towers, wtc, world trade center' - edited by calvados

9/11 The falling man

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '911, the falling man, twin towers, wtc, world trade center' to '911, the falling man, norberto hernandez, twin towers, wtc, world trade center' - edited by calvados

9/11 The falling man

The last hour before the world changed forever

SDGundamX says...

I live on the West Coast and had gotten up early (before 6AM) and gone to my apartment's gym to work out. Because it was so early there was no one else in there. I was on the treadmill and had the TV on. The news was on and they were showing President Bush reading a book to kids, I think in Florida, when the aide comes in and interrupts him. The news commentators were speculating about what was going on, and then suddenly the broadcast cut to the World Trade Centers. I wasn't really paying attention so at first when I saw all the smoke I was wondering if it was the anniversary of the 1993 WTC bombings. That's when they played the footage of the first plane hitting the tower and I quite literally fell off the treadmill.

Watching this vid reminds me of different a place the world was pre-9/11. And yet, in some ways it is exactly the same. I think we as Americans still have no idea of what is really going on "out there" beyond our borders beyond what mass media spoon-feeds us.

9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

Mgshadow says...

I loves me a good conspiracy theory. So just because we dont understand the whole picture then it didnt happen right? The people of flight 93 didnt come home. Neither did anyone on those planes that hit the world trade center.

Imagine for a second that its even remotely possible that all of 9/11 was a huge elaborate hoax. How many people would have to know about what really happened? How many are good enough to come out in the open and tell us where all these people that vanished into thin air went?

The footage was crap any way. i know people that could throw together fake videos better than that.

Ministry - Lieslieslies

eric3579 says...

Gentlemen we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government
Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?
Does anybody else see a problem here?
If the government has nothing to hide why are they so afraid to answer a few questions?
This story does not add up

We're on a mission to never forget
3,000 people that I’ve never met
We want some answers and all that we get
Some kind of shit about a terrorist threat
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies X3
Surpise surprise

Lies Lies

We're on a mission to dig up the truth
You think we’re stupid and there’s no proof
Well let me tell you that the time has come
To pull the trigger on the smoking gun
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies X3
Surpise surprise

Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to me listen to your head
Don’t listen
Don’t listen to anything, they’ve said
Don’t listen

Lies Lies Lies Lies

America has been hijacked
Not by Al Qaeda, not by Bin Laden
But by a group of tyrants
That should be of great concern to all Americans

We're on a mission to bring out the facts
You got your stories but they all have cracks
Misinformation, lies and deceit
What made you think that we were all asleep
Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies X3
Surpise surprise

Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to me listen to your head
Don’t listen
Don’t listen to anything, they’ve said
Don’t listen

Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to me listen to your head

Was the DC Madam murdered?

SDGundamX says...

Here's the thing about conspiracy theory nuts. They often make the argument that lack of evidence is evidence. What, no explosive residue was found at the site of the World Trade Center? That's evidence the U.S. military blew up the buildings and then cleaned up the mess afterwards.

This video strikes me as no different. It presents no evidence that this was a murder. Having known someone who was suicidal, I can tell you that they often won't tell you what they are planning if directly asked. They're ashamed of what they are about to do and afraid that someone will try and stop them. Don't take my word for it, the Mayo clinic says the same thing:

By the way hanging is the 3rd most common form of suicide for women. Just because it's third doesn't mean NO woman commits suicide by hanging. In 2004 20% of women committed suicide by hanging or some other form of self-suffocation ( It's not a super-rare event by any means.

There's no "evidence" for murder here. Did people have motive? Sure. But given that a hanging death is so hard to fake (the difference in marks on the neck left by hanging versus strangulation are extremely noticeable) and that investigators are specifically trained in how to spot staged hangings, I'd think if someone did want to assassinate this woman they would have chosen a much easier and more easily concealed method.

Air Bear: plastic bag sculpture for subway gratings

choggie says...

can think of so many wonderful air-driven street creation ideas....
Inflatable Penis ("Bite Me" written on the head at prepuce reveal)
Inflatable World Trade Center Effigy
how about a whole buncha undead coming to life along the length of the entire grate inserts-Inflatable Band o' Zombies
A bagga feathers would be cool, too-or a soap-bubble grate-coater....

Urban art rules!

Is It Too Soon for 9/11 Mime Routines?

ant says...

From YouTube description:

Notes: Recently I performed a revised rendition of this piece in Hollywood, obviously with the main point preserved, for "Motion Theory," a Production company in Venice, CA. The scene was shot on New York Street, Paramount studios, Hollywood. At this point, the film may take up to 6 months to produce (scoring, animating, etc). I'm pretty pumped to see the finished result... I have a feeling it will be more powerful than this fuzzy, in-class video, though I hope you still found this original version moving. See pics & read a little about the filming at Paramount here:

Description of this video:
A businessman on the second tower of the World Trade Centers experiences the United States worst terrorist attack.

*Note! This is VERY unlike typical Mime sketches. It is NOT meant to be funny in any way!

Pretty heavy duty in tone, this piece I performed to fulfill the "Serious Sketch" assignment for TA 277 [Mime] at Whitworth College/University (Comparably my miming abilities have improved dramatically, though I still have a lot to learn!). I approached this piece with traditional pantomime essentials, such as music, costume, etc. Filmed by Thomas Robinson from Cannon Beach OR, an Art major at Whitworth University. I ought to mention that Robinson is not necessarily 'used' to film (hence the digital camera that was used); his cup of tea is primarily still photography--the pictures of which would make your jaw drop. Here's a sample gallery of his work: )

Frankenstein for President

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Ah, the old hate crime thing crops up again.

Hypothetical #1: 2 people graffiti on the side of a Jewish Temple. One writes his name, the other writes 'All Jews Must Die". Are these really equivalent crimes? I say no. One is vandalism, the other is vandalism + an attempt to terrorize a community.

The term 'hate crime' is inadequate. It gives the impression that the 'hating' is the crime. It isn't. It would be more accurate and less controversial to call hate crimes what they truly are: terrorism; but as you all know, we Americans have reserved that term exclusively for Middle Easterners.

Hypothetical #2: Two pilots crash into the World Trade Center. One is accidental, the other is on purpose. Are these really equivalent crimes? I say no.

respectfully, -dft

Christianity and Atheism in the United States (Religion Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

It's a reaction to the Bush administrations radical lunge towards theocracy.

(Furthering my previous comment)

The past couple decades has seen a rise in religious violence. From Jews firing missiles at Muslim civilians, to Muslims blowing up World Trade Center Buildings, to Christians carpet bombing Muslim Iraqis.etc ad infinitum.

I think many have had enough.

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