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Truther Proves 9/11 was an inside job with a $20 bill

Skeeve says...

Yeah, cause the people who blew up the World Trade Center couldn't help but put clues on the money.

Who do they think did this, The Riddler?

P.S. September 11 was/is not New Years Day on the Egyptian calendar. Just more verbal diarrhea coming out of this guy's mouth.

Amateur Video World Trade Center - 9.11.01

volumptuous says...

>> ^EndAll:
>> ^volumptuous:
Everytime I see this I hate Alex Jones a little bit more.
[ edit] Anyone who has seen the countless pieces of amateur footage of airplanes smashing into the towers and then still following the Troof movement is so mentally overboard it's ridiculous, illogical and frighteningly unintelligent.

Why do you have to turn this into a truther thing? No one had even mentioned a thing about conspiracy theories, until you decided to.

Yeah, noone did until I did.

Should I wait next time? I guess I'm not following this line of reasoning. Don't say anything until someone else talks about it first. Hmmmm...

And why did I turn this into a truther thing? Because this video alone blows a million holes in every variety of conspiracy out there. That's why.

Amateur Video World Trade Center - 9.11.01

EndAll says...

>> ^volumptuous:
Everytime I see this I hate Alex Jones a little bit more.
[ edit] Anyone who has seen the countless pieces of amateur footage of airplanes smashing into the towers and then still following the Troof movement is so mentally overboard it's ridiculous, illogical and frighteningly unintelligent.

Why do you have to turn this into a truther thing? No one had even mentioned a thing about conspiracy theories, until you decided to.

Amateur Video World Trade Center - 9.11.01

blankfist (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf (Member Profile)

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

EndAll says...

Some things to consider:

The towers had asbestos issues.

The insurance companies were held not liable in a prior to 911 court case for the asbestos removal, people don't realize sections of those towers were to become uninhabitable very shortly for being uninsurable.

Can you imagine the symbol of power to the world in NYC being a uninhabitable empty building?

The office that got hit in the Pentagon was the same office where they were conducting the investigation into the 2.3 trillion missing from the defense department that Rumsfeld announced on Sept 10... no more investigation.

Cheney had bought Dresser Industries in 1998 and that made Halliburton responsible for their asbestos abatement.

Halliburton Pays Dearly but Finally Escapes Cheney's Asbestos Mess

The World Trade Center was also a huge asbestos liability and realistically held very little value due to the overwhelming costs associated with the removal of said asbestos. It's funny how it all ties together, isn't it?

It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings.

The projected cost to disassemble the towers: $15 Billion. Just the scaffolding for the operation was estimated at $2.4 Billion!

In other words, the Twin Towers were condemned structures. How convenient that an unexpected “terrorist” attack demolished the buildings completely.

WTC Building 7 was a part of the WTC complex, and covered under the same insurance policy. This 47-storey steel-framed structure, which was NOT struck by an aircraft, mysteriously collapsed 8 hours later that same day into its own footprint at freefall speed — exactly in the manner of the Twin Towers.

Halliburton was legally responsible for the WTC's asbestos problems. It would have been fought out in court but Halliburton might lose. They couldn't do a controlled demolition because of the asbestos. Of all the buildings in NYC, this one was the one whose demolition would be most advantageous for the vice president of the United States. And the first responders paid the price, on 911 and later.

To add to the convenience, Silverstein had the towers insured against terrorist attacks so that not only would he get to stop paying for the lease, he would even get most of his down payment back.

He also claimed entitlement to be paid the 3.6 billion insurance sum twice, arguing that the towers were destroyed in two separate attacks. This resulted in a long court battle and resulted in him eventually collecting his billions.

In short, privatizing the lease of the property and making sure all physical evidence was quickly destroyed by recycling the steel allowed Silverstein to collect on the insurance policy instead of having to go through lengthy forensic analysis over who or what really knocked down the towers.

It doesn't prove a conspiracy but is again one of those important coincidences to take place for the whole thing to play out plausibly.

As for building 7, lets keep in mind that all paperwork for SEC investigation of ENRON and WorldCom were destroyed in its collapse, and the cases had to be abandoned. How much that was worth personally or in cold hard cash is up to anyone's guess.

Glenn Becks tearful 9-11 rant

MSM Refuses to Quote Actual Purpose of the 9/11 Attacks

timtoner says...

I never though there WAS a question. I mean, the name itself, "WORLD TRADE Center". It's all about anti-globalization. They mind the fact that we remove crude oil from their homelands (which, given their delusions about an Eternal Caliphate, is a big swath of land), and give monstrously corrupt regimes all the cash and military might they want, as long as they keep the situation contained. The region was never stable to begin with, but with the way it was set up, it'll never get better. In their eyes, the WTC was where all those petrodollars were laundered and used to put a respectable business face on the dark deeds of the past. It's why Ward Churchill got into so much trouble by referring to those who worked in the WTC as 'little Eichmanns'-- hey, man, they were only following orders, pushing papers around an office. He wasn't calling them Nazis. Rather, Eichmann was found guilty not of killing anyone, but rather perfecting a system, the consequences of which was the slaughter of millions. This does not justify in any way the actions taken by the hijackers and their masters. The religion they so fervently follow forbids 'collateral damage'. They are hypocrites, and they are delusional. All this came out before, and I can imagine the MSM not really giving a damn about trucking out that bag of loons one more time.

As for 'It's Israel, stupid!" I'm not a fan of atrocities against unarmed civilians. I have no idea what it would take to make that part of the world get along. I do know that, were we to follow the whims of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the entire country AND race would be driven into the sea and drowned. There is no pretense to compromise. Israel is a convenient head to hang their hate. Simple as that. Could Israel chill the crap out a little more? Probably. 34 Americans died on the USS Liberty because Israel got sloppy.

The Palestinians need to realize what the people in Kansas seem incapable of understanding--there are people out there who will deceive you. They will make you believe that they are on your side, and protecting your interests. In truth, they only want to stir up the muck within yourselves, and will often make you act outside of your own self-interest. If we can't solve it among people at relative peace, how do we solve it when both sides have been going at it for decades?

Glenn Becks tearful 9-11 rant

JiggaJonson says...

"Groundbreaking for the World Trade Center took place on August 5, 1966. The North Tower (1) was completed in December 1970 and the South Tower (2) was finished in July 1971" -Wiki
----> 6 years to build em

"Initial plans, made public in 1961, identified a site along the East River for the World Trade Center.[6] As a bi-state agency, the Port Authority required approval from both the governors of New York and New Jersey in order to undertake new projects. New Jersey Governor Robert B. Meyner objected to New York getting a $335 million project.[7] Toward the end of 1961, negotiations with outgoing New Jersey Governor Meyner reached a stalemate." -Wiki
----> 6 years to plan for em


Under optimum conditions and not counting any cleanup time/politics regarding the memorial site it should take at LEAST 12 years based on the initial build. How disingenuous can you be?? Do 30 seconds worth of research Glenn Beck. Until then, stop feeding America your lies.

Fox Criticizes Obama For Speaking To The Children

spawnflagger says...

>> ^HugeJerk:
Presidents do this often. Anybody remember where George W. Bush was at when the World Trade Center was attacked? Reading a book, talking to kids, and attending a class at an elementary school. I don't recall anybody trying to imply that he was indoctrinating children into attacking the Middle East.

Yes, and he was interrupted and told about the 2nd plane hitting, and know what he did? kept reading to the school children... I guess he didn't think it was important enough event to drop what he was doing and, you know, go to a secret bunker or something?

Fox Criticizes Obama For Speaking To The Children

HugeJerk says...

Presidents do this often. Anybody remember where George W. Bush was at when the World Trade Center was attacked? Reading a book, talking to kids, and attending a class at an elementary school. I don't recall anybody trying to imply that he was indoctrinating children into attacking the Middle East.

Freedom River.

StukaFox says...

This was made in 1971. Nixon was President. The Vietnam War was raging. The World Trade Center had just been completed.

I'll bet the people who made this thought things were as bad as they were going to get in that year.

Real Time: New Rules - August 7th 2009

nach0s says...

>> ^Lithic:
I gotta say, I would love some fact checking on this.
I admit I don't know a whole lot about America outside of what I get on the TV and internet, which admittedly is a lot, but some of these numbers sound absolutely absurd. 18% think the sun revolves around the earth according to a gallup poll? What were the particulars of that poll I wonder.
That's almost one fifth of the population. If I thought at any time that one in five people I passed in the street thought the sun revolved around the earth, no matter what country I was in, I would get the fuck out so fast I'd leave skid-marks.
Maybe I just have too much faith in humanity in general, but frankly, to me, that number doesn't sound frightening as much as it sounds like bullshit. If it is true however, it would finally explain why some people are afraid of America. And I'd probably have to join them.

From on Iraq:

"Do you think Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?"

March 2008: Yes (28%) No (58%) Unsure (14%)
April 2003: Yes (53%) No (34%) Unsure (13%)

That's the only issue Bill mentioned I could find on this site. He said 34% still believe Hussein was involved, which is quite off from 28%, especially given that it was well over 50% in 2003 (the year the war iraq war started) and dropped steadily to 28% by 2008.

I would guess that Bill's numbers aren't way off, but they're somewhat exaggerated.

Swine Flu Update - What's really going on? (Blog Entry by EndAll)

EndAll says...

Farhad - the 9/11 conspiracy isn't so retarded. The official report was less than adequate in answering all the questions, and there has been new evidence lately adding smoke to this smoldering gun. There are very respected academics asking questions now, too, as more and more bits and pieces of evidence turn up. -- the study described in above article

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