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Jon Stewart Blasts Scheuer & Beck for Promoting Terrorism

StukaFox says...

I'm sure as those poor fuckers were falling from the World Trade Center -- a fall that took longer than it will take you to read the rest of this comment -- they were thinking, "I'm sure glad I'm dying to enhance some insane bastard's policy arguement".

Still falling.

Still falling.

Dead now.

Too bad we can't have more of that, huh?

George Carlin - Back In Town

vairetube says...

conservatives want lives babies... so they can turn them into dead soldiers.

man you cant get 2 minutes in without him summing it all up!

...throw a guy off the world trade center and whoever he lands on wins the publishers clearing house... rofl

Rachel Maddow: Ground Zero Freedom Tower Stripped of Freedom

braindonut says...

>> ^EndAll:
Anyone else a little irked by the name? "One World" Trade Center?

If that's the intent of the name, then nope, not irked, not at all. I'm unaware of any other worlds that we've populated, so far. If it is intended to be "One World" as the focus, I think that's a perfect name.

Rachel Maddow: Ground Zero Freedom Tower Stripped of Freedom

Rachel Maddow: Ground Zero Freedom Tower Stripped of Freedom

The Problem With Anecdotes

10677 says...

>> ^Fade:
If someone can pull in the bible and jesus I'm totally pulling 911 into this one.
We only have anecdotal evidence for 911, give me rigorous scientific evidence or give me death1#!!!"!"

Wait what? you're comparing stories of Jesus turning water into wine with terrorists crashing a planes into the world trade center on national television?

Do you even know what "anecdote" means?

Daddy's Little Princess Is Wasted

10677 says...

>> ^westy:
this clip almost justifies sept 11th like maby if you could round upp all the people like this and there parents and people responsable put them in the world trade center, boom usa clean

Brilliant idea! We should totally round up these undesirable and ship them off to be ki - OH WAIT THE NAZIS ALREADY TRIED THAT LOLOLOL

Daddy's Little Princess Is Wasted

westy says...

this clip almost justifies sept 11th like maby if you could round upp all the people like this and there parents and people responsable put them in the world trade center, boom usa clean

Al Gore does stuff that makes me have a crush on him

MycroftHomlz says...

The whole earth is warming. You are a monkey. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Two planes destroyed the world trade center.

Get over it.

Great vid though. I wish he had run this last time. Him and Colin Powell, not that Obama wont be great, I just would have been happy to see him out there.

Lets Thank George Bush For All The Things He Didn't Do!

9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You

StukaFox says...

5:15 of absolute nothing. Seriously, are you trying to convince us we didn't all see a goddamn huge jetliner run into the World Trade Center because some guy on the street said "it was not airliner, it was bomb". Seriously, is this what you're trying to say?

Lewis Black on Conan O'Brien (HILARIOUS!)

StukaFox says...

This young man has moxie and I predict a bright future for him! Now if anyone needs me, I'll be busy counting my shares of stock up here on the 108th floor of the World Trade Center.

Hitchens debates Iraq with Reagan Jr.

rougy says...

"The Baluchis are Sunni fundamentalists who hate the regime in Tehran, but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda, " Baer told me. "These are guys who cut off the heads of nonbelievers--in this case, it's Shiite Iranians. The irony is that we're once again working with Sunni fundamentalists, just as we did in Afghanistan in the nineteen eighties." Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni Fundamentalists.

The New Yorker, July 7 & 14 2008
Seymour M. Hersh, "Annals of National Security", page 65.

Palin on Abortion Clinic Bombers - Not Terrorists

my15minutes says...

wonder what she'd think if we discovered that the 9/11 hijackers weren't interested in destroying our financial and military buildings after all.

what if their real target was a hypothetical abortion clinic,
inside the World Trade Center?

Japanese Animation of the Hiroshima A-Bomb

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