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moonsammy says...

Oops this turned into a semi rant. But I am legitimately open to discussion here, and am curious to get your thoughts on a few points Bob. That is, IF you're willing to actually think about them beyond the level of repeating talking points.

I find it interesting how divergent the two overall "sides" are in this country, in terms of where they focus. None of the issues brought up in this video are really on the radar of most progressives, beyond being aware some on the right are talking about them. And I'm guessing a lot of the concerns progressives discuss rarely come up in your chosen media landscape. A lot of the issues in the video are largely off of my radar, and I have to wonder how you feel they should be addressed - like, actual proposed solutions rather than just complaining about / worrying about them.

We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers

How many should there be? Arguably we have more than one already: there's Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and it seems that Sept 11th is often used for the purpose as well.

I'd argue we should spend more time acknowledging and understanding the principals behind WHY our soldiers died in the various conflicts which caused them to fall in the first place. Let's make sure our citizenry appreciates what we collectively rejected in the Revolutionary war. Why it was important that we kept the country together rather than allowing the south to split off in the mid-1800s. Why we chose to honor our diplomatic agreements and support our allies in WW1. Why we fought against the countries and governments we did in WW2. What our goals were in Korea and Vietnam, and what lessons we learned from those conflicts and from the Cold War in general. Commemorating and remembering those we've lost absolutely matters, but if we're ONLY doing that while forgetting why they fought OR ignoring what we learned then we're doing them an equal or greater disservice. Remember that America was built on the idea of forming "a more perfect union" - not a perfect one, a MORE perfect one - a work in progress. We're striving towards an ideal, not assuming we're already there. Learning from our past successes, failures, and our struggles around both outcomes is vital. If our self-analysis is no deeper than hero worship we'll never make real progress towards that theoretical perfect union.

The only mask that's gonna save us is duct tape on their mouths

Yeah, sound medical advice and evidence-based science is terrifying. Better to shut up those whose words we dislike, because we're reactionary authoritarian babymen. I truly do not understand being more afraid of reasonable safety measures than of a virus which has been shown to cause serious harm in the short and long terms. The only reason this "masks = liberal / maskless = conservative" crap came about is because politics has devolved to the level of team sports in the US, and one party has chosen "the opposite of whatever our political opponents say" as their entire governing philosophy. (And yes, ONE party - research and understand the GOP's 2020 platform if you want to argue the point.) This video even seems to reach a reasonable conclusion at the end, while coming up just short of that final logical leap to "maybe I should question what the public faces of MY side have been claiming in this Us vs Them madness." Seriously - keep going friend, you're almost there! George Washington was 100% right in wanting to avoid political parties being a force in the US, and it makes me immensely sad that his fears came true.

Big oil runs the world / the only wars to get fought are with the countries who have natural resources they want

Solid point here, no sarcasm. The US military has long been a tool of our profit-driven form of "free market" imperialism. A really great way to combat this, specifically with an eye to ending Big Oil's goddamn death grip on our foreign policy goals, would be an aggressive implementation of renewable energy projects. Remember the space race? America can be an absolute beast at clever engineering solutions when we dedicate ourselves to it. Fuck the petrostates, we have the available land and resources to absolutely kick ass in the realms of solar and wind power, and be leaders in the the post-hydrocarbon reality. We can certainly agree on that, right Bob? Left / Right nonsense fully aside, I think any reasonable American can agree on at least two points: let's stop sending heaps of cash to buy oil off of the Saudis (etc), and Fuck Cancer.

But if a white man acts too white he's white trash / he's a racist he's a bigot he's a monster

What the fuck is this horseshit? What does "acting too white" even fucking look like? Watching NASCAR on a sailboat while listening to polka? Typically when I see racism from white people it's in the form of denying that brown-hued people deal with any additional difficulties in life due to their skin tone, or denying that there have been structural obstacles for them through history, or lamenting that their white children are being burdened with a broader lens on culture or with (gasp! shock!) an accurate accounting of actual US history, including the ugly bits that we shouldn't be proud of (but MUST learn from). I'm progressive / lefty as fuck and there is no aspect of "white culture" or "acting white" which upsets me in the slightest. UNLESS one counts "denying racism exists / has ever existed" as a fundamental value of being white. Which... why would anyone want to claim that nonsense? If you want to listen to classic country music in a rusty pickup truck while driving to an evangelical church, then discuss hockey over Buds after 18 holes with the rest of your tractor pull team, then absolutely go nuts my fellow caucusoid! Just recognize and understand that your life experiences may not be the same as those of others. Further, if we care about trying to avoid unnecessary, avoidable unfairness in life (recognizing that life will never truly be fair, for anyone), then it might be reasonable for some governmental / legal / structural recognition in furtherance of that notion. There is absolutely room for legitimate policy disagreement here without being accused of racism. It's denial of others' reality which tends to garner the label of racist (sexist etc) - steer clear of denying the lived experiences of other people, allow for the possibility they may have encountered difficulties you haven't / won't, and we've room for further discussion.

Edit / final point: I voted the video back up to 0 from the -1 where I found it. Because while I disagree with a lot of the positions taken by the performer, they may have reached them through no fault of their own and with no true malice. Misinformation / disinformation is a devious shit of a motherfucker, and the rot it causes can run deep. It is painful to abandon deeply-held beliefs, on a fundamental level. If nothing else, the video gives us room to discuss some specific viewpoints held by people who think of themselves as good, but which can lead to harm.

Dry Bar Comedy - this guy is hilarious

The Day Jesus Returns

shinyblurry says...

Hey BSR, I appreciate your question.

It's hard to overstate the impact that Christ has had on my life. Since I was saved He has transformed me into a new person. Not a perfect person, mind you; I am a work in progress.

Before I knew that God existed, I was totally secular in my beliefs. I didn't believe in anything supernatural. When I found out that God was real, it was completely mind blowing because it meant that everything I knew about reality was in some way wrong or incomplete.

I didn't immediately become a Christian, however. I didn't know who God was, but I did know He was all powerful and personally loved me. Actually the last thing I wanted to be was a Christian.

However over the years I received revelation that showed me that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the bible is His book. It all kind of culminated one day when God showed me my spiritual beliefs were delusional and my choice was either to give my life to His Son or deliberately deceive myself. I didn't want to give my life to Jesus but I didn't want to believe a lie either. So I kind of begrudgingly asked the Lord to come into my life. He answered and did show up almost immediately.

I knew I was a sinner, no one had to convince me of that. I knew that if God was holy I needed forgiveness because that meant there would be a judgment. I knew that was the reason that Jesus was sent, to save us from that judgment.

As Christians, our goal is to grow closer to Christ. I am getting to know Him a little better in the last few years. Jesus has come to me not just as Lord but also as a friend. He has given me joy and peace which cannot be described and doesn't come from this world. If you had one second of His joy you would never be the same and never see this world the same way again. Everything you can gain in this world is dust and ashes in comparison.

Jesus Christ is God, but also an intimate friend, and He sincerely cares about our lives. He came to reconcile us to the Father and that is His heart for every person. Because He was human, He understands our weaknesses and doesn't condemn us for it. He knows we need help and has provided everything we need to live a godly life pleasing to God.

His revelation has taught me that there is hope which is real, substantial, and available every day of our life. He has taught me to love sacrificially and lay down my life for another. He has wiped every tear from my eyes and helps me with every problem and situation. He has shown me that He is all the bible says He is, and even more. I know He is faithful and eternally, He will always be there.

BSR said:

What has Jesus' revelation to you, taught you, shinyblurry?

Can we clean these comments out somehow? (Wtf Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

I see @lucky760 redacted the comments but for me some video pages still won't display the comment sections and the ones that do are ridiculously slow to open. Work in progress? Anywhere those comments were are still slowing down the loading of the comments and some won't load at all.

Can anyone see the comments on this video? They won't come up for me (one of a handful of videos that won't show the comments).

You're F*ckin' High

bareboards2 says...

@Stormsinger If you trust Bernie, then follow Bernie. That is just a cold stone truth.

If you don't trust Bernie, then don't follow Bernie.

Bernie is closer to the reality of the situation then you or I will ever be. He has worked with Clinton. He knows her weaknesses and her strengths and her basic trustworthiness.

So yeah. IF IF IF you think Bernie was the only good choice for President because of his basic integrity and his desire to work towards progressive goals, and Bernie says vote for Clinton to protect progressive gains? Then you either trust him or you don't. He either has integrity or he doesn't.

I call that voting your conscience. You don't like my choice of words. But you know what? Voting your conscience means you do the hard thing sometimes. Not the easy thing. Voting for Clinton is a hard thing to do, when you want Bernie.

It is the right thing to do though. Stopping Trump is of paramount importance. Bernie, Mr Integrity himself, knows that. You think it is easy for him to fight so hard for the Presidential nomination and then say vote for Clinton? No, it isn't. But it is the right thing to do. And he has the integrity to say so.

Of course, if you don't admire Bernie, if you don't think he is smart enough to make an intelligent choice, then of course, vote your "conscience."

If you do admire him, then there is no other choice but to vote for Clinton. You either trust him or you don't.

The Craft of Being Good

Star Citizen Pax East 2014 Live - Actual Ingame Scenes

VoodooV says...

what they are showing and what they are focusing on are two different things.

unless you are in with the development team, I'm going to go ahead and say you don't know what they're focusing on.

and even for us backers, it's very understandable that they don't tell us everything, especially since gameplay will always be a fluid thing. The instant they set down some gameplay, something will inevitably need to be tweaked.

graphics and immersion will either hit or miss. gameplay however will be an ongoing work in progress as players figure out optimal ways of doing stuff.

Sylvester_Ink said:

I'm eager to see the space sim come back, but I feel the Star Citizen developers are really focusing too much on graphics and "immersion" where gameplay should come first. Compare it to Elite: Dangerous, which started production at the same time but on a smaller budget, and yet at this point in time, has a multiplayer alpha that is amazingly fun to play and shows huge promise for the rest of the game to come.
I want both to succeed, but I'll definitely be spending my money on ED first, and waiting for Star Citizen to flesh itself out later.

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Fair enough ma'am, and as to my sincerity I consider such assertions to be somewhat subjective in light of association and nearness to your heart......and if my memory serves me incorrectly as to his mission, passion, or prominence I do with all heart and sincerity apologize once again.

Hearsay is in fact, what prompted my accusatory tone, I seem to recall someone having told me he was in fact, working for the Obama campaign in some form or another which in my personal playbook would include pejoratively your man in the ranks of similar eager apologists for the lame-duck's fan-club. I was never a fan of the damaged President, his works have proven his mettle thus far to have been a dire shame to America rather than some savior or healing saint.

You may believe me mint, that I harbor no ill-will whatsoever to your man, or to his sincerity and passion for the healing of this country. I simply consider fans of anyone whose knowledge of the facts consists of promulgated sound-bites and half-truths at face value, self-deceit of the highest order. I do respect his mind and heart, his passion and dedication to ultimate truth and peace.

As to my sanity well, what IS sanity would be my question and who if anyone is qualified to make such a bold assumption as to another person's mind? I maintain that nobody holds the keys to that mysterious kingdom and would offer, that my own dysfunction lies in my inability to use language very well, to express my emotions and angst, my joy and contentment, that all may understand and relate to. We all have our problems and mine are several and constant-Expression of heart comes at a great price for me. I am an angry person, a thoughtful person, a sincerely confused and connected person, and all humans share this with every other, with no exceptions.

If I may be called a shill as well, my fanaticism rests in the camp of understanding who and what I am relative to the rest of the human race.

We're all works-in-progress until we stop sucking air and pumping blood, my hope is to remain incarnate for another 1000 years, at which point I may become an adolescent just passing the age of reason (7 years old in human dog years)!

I hope you come back strong and NetRunner too, in 2014. I welcome what everyone has to share. Sorry I was such a dick in the past-

I won't promise that you will not see it again, keeping oneself in check is a 24/7, 365 chore.

Peace and understanding to all members of this site, and above all, love.

Kids Cover "46 and 2" By Tool and Kill It

chingalera says...

Her voice is still developing, she's not holding-back, those vocal chords are a work-in-progress mate, she's barely 15 yet-

Asmo said:

Yeah, not an unfair comment. Don't know if she's deliberately restraining herself or just a bit unsure, but it still rocks.

I can understand picking Tool as a school project though, their music is so multi faceted and involved (not to mention the sheer number of instruments and effects used to create their sound), featuring some really wacky timings etc (Lateralus) that it probably constitutes a master class... =)

bi polar-psychology of being

enoch says...

this doesnt even fit into any definition of religion.
how you extrapolated religion from this video is a stretch of logic.
disagree with premise? thats fine.
calling it religion? not a chance.i dont see any dogmatic approach based on you?

which brings me to @Engels commentary.
this video proposes an alternative way of dealing with bi-polar.this alternative has been proven to work in some cases.
does this mean that we should dump modern psychology?
well this video does not make that assertion.

it simply offers an alternative way of dealing with people in crisis.
who are you to judge the validity or success of something that may work for some people?

or has psychology answered all the questions pertaining to consciousness and i just missed the memo?

i understand your skepticism concerning methods such as represented in this video but as @eric3579 suggested.if you have never experienced:depression,mania,psychotic episodes then you are already at a disadvantage in your understanding.

medication is not the end-all be-all of answers.sometimes compassion,understanding and empathy are far better fascilitators in helping a person overcome episodes of depression or mania.

when we consider just how prevalent diagnosis and medication have become:

we should all stand up and take notice.
or do you feel the 1 in 5 numbers are correct?
that even pre-teens can be bipolar?
and if so.could you please tell me the conclusive test a psychologist uses to determine if someone is bipolar?

i am in no way by my commentary dismissing the exceptional works psychology has brought to the human table.i am just saying that it is still a work in progress and the field of psychology has not answered every question.

on a side note.freud along with his nephew edward bernaise helped create mass marketing and propaganda systems.
so....yeah.fuck freud.

Second Amendment Rights Gone Wrong

digitalbombdog says...

1. The 2nd Amendment calls for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. Emphasis on WELL REGULATED. The majority of Americans are in favor of at least some form of gun control. The idea is to get the most dangerous weapons we have out there out of the hands of those most likely to misuse/abuse them. And personally, I think accountability should be factored in. Gun owners should be required to have background checks, inspections of homes with required gun safes, ammunition limits, mandatory certification in gun safety courses, with regular testing, marksman training, and insurance to cover any damage done by weapons they own. And honestly, I wouldn't mind if people were required to join their State Militia or National Guard in order to own more than a hunting rifle.

2. The Constitution was never intended to be sacrosanct. It's a living, breathing work in progress. Hell, the ink was barely dry before the Bill of Rights was introduced. We "amend" the Constitution as needed to address issues that were never foreseen by our forefathers.

martin luther king debates malcolm x-vintage coverage

natalier says...

I lived through that era. I lived through both men's attempts at deriving a semblance of equality for a people which had been MUCH maligned throughout history. I always had and still do have mixed emotions about Malcolm X. I am white. Malcolm sent shivers of inspiration up my spine because of his anger at a condition that deserved MUCH anger. In some ways I believe Malcolm was more effective at harnessing black rage despite the fact that it often turned on itself.

I think I believe that that rage was used as a catalyst for many black people to engage in activism USING the NON violent techniques of Martin Luther King. I believe BOTH served a purpose to ameliorate the black condition and while it is still a work in progress much good has been established. I find them both necessary to rectify wrongs.

DARPA's robot will follow you like a dog

La Monte Young The Black Record 31 VII 69 1026 - 1049 PM

chingalera says...

So this work of Young's when I first heard it back in the 80s, was a work in progress, as in, it never ends-Young had worked on this piece as an open-ended composition and performed it live once a year to dedicated patrons of the drone.

On a prepared piano, he would begin the piece and play it to it's end to date....The entire concert's duration was some insane 18-30 hours in execution.

Progressive Insurance Defends Killer of their own Client

entr0py says...

>> ^vaire2ube:

Aye but the guy did say the Progressive lawyer in the courtroom did more than give a little assistance:

"At the beginning of the trial on Monday, August 6th, an attorney identified himself as Jeffrey R. Moffat and stated that he worked for Progressive Advanced Insurance Company. He then sat next to the defendant. During the trial, both in and out of the courtroom, he conferred with the defendant. He gave an opening statement to the jury, in which he proposed the idea that the defendant should not be found negligent in the case. He cross-examined the plaintiff’s witnesses. On direct examination, he questioned all of the defense’s witnesses. He made objections on behalf of the defendant, and he was a party to the argument of all of the objections heard in the case. After all of the witnesses had been called, he stood before the jury and gave a closing argument, in which he argued that my sister was responsible for the accident that killed her, and that the jury should not decide that the defendant was negligent.
I am comfortable characterizing this as a legal defense. "
>> ^entr0py:
The good news is the Fisher family won the case regardless. There were also a few factual errors in TYTs reporting, as porksandwich mentioned the other driver had insurance which had already paid out to it's maximum, and progressive didn't represent him legally. But what they actually did do was bad enough to deserve the condemnation; a progressive lawyer contacted the defendant's lawyer and gave him assistance, so they could ultimately avoid liability.

I admit I didn't read the blog on account of the short attention span. But yeah it's fucked up. I would have thought defense attorneys would have to do most of that work to earn their standing, apparently not.

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