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Respect The Sport You Love

Yogi says...

They keep saying the referee didn't see it. How do they know that immediately? I mean sometimes the referee could see something but the player could own up to it before the referee has a chance to say something. I think at least some of these were the player admitting and the referee agreeing because they were just about to call it.

Not like snooker refs have a whistle.

Ollie the African Grey clicking and whistling

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'animals, humor, fun, music' to 'animals, humor, fun, music, bird, head bobbing, dancing, whistle, click, bright side' - edited by lucky760

Monty Python - Bright side of life

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Munk Debate on State Surveillance

chingalera says...

Freedoms are what we say they are and what we are willing to claim for ourselves. Laws are for morons and apes...domesticated primates.

Here's one I heard second-hand about the other day as reported early today by:

Intercepting orders for servers, taking them to the Grinch-warehouse and outfitting them with virtually undetectable routing hardware, restoring the packaging material as it was and then sending them on to their 'customers.'

As the general here alludes to in his opener, the shit Snowden blew his whistle about resides in iceberg tips-If they reveal anything regarding the technology in place to keep track of ALL of humanity, military capabilities, breakthroughs in science or medicine etc., chances are good once the information gets to the masses the shits been around for quite some time.

What you think you know about their capabilities and the information hidden from the masses is old fucking news. The only meaningful question left is who are, "THEY?"

Trancecoach said:

"our freedoms"
Well, when you put it that way...
They should have a debate about, what are "our freedoms" anyway?

David Letterman on Fracking

aaronfr says...

Happily whistling as I walk by the troll sitting in the corner...

bobknight33 said:

What a hoax, just like global warming, oh wait we go it wrong so lets call it climate change. Yea that's it.

Yes it decided science 100% of scientists that believe that there is global warming say there is global warming. Settled science.

Don't Be A Dick, Jamie sez

Frankie Knuckles (RIP) & The Origins Of House - mini-docu

Laibach - The Whistleblowers

9547bis says...

To complete what oritteropo said: Laibach built a reputation for themselves as a satirical "mock-fascim" band* (their members came from late 70s avant-garde theater).

One of their more well known type of provocation has been to cover popular feel-good items and paint them under a fascistic light, the point being that empty rhetoric can easily be turned on its head to serve the opposite view -- fascists and communists where "feel-good", "patriotic", and "righteous" too, according to their own worldview.

A recent example, in light of the very partisan coverage of the issue from both sides and the "you're either with us or against us" tone, would be to make a song about whistle-blowers, and have it set to the tune of a military march.

* In less sophisticated circles they are taken at face value and some people actually believe them to be fascists.

artician said:

Provocative how?

Laibach - The Whistleblowers

Star Wars Lego Disassembly Prank

Fmr MI5 Analyst: Wars on Terror/Drugs just Means to an End

coolhund says...

I just cant watch these videos anymore. After 5 mins max I get tears in my eyes when I think about the people not caring what is happening, even though there were so many warnings in history, and now we even have hard hard facts.
People just dont care. Once again, humanity proves, that its too stupid to learn from history. And I honestly cant call anyone an intelligent being, who isnt even able to learn from simple history that EVERYONE learns in school, nor reacts properly to actual happenings.

She can promote whistle blowing as much as she wants, if the VAST VAST majority doesnt care, its no use.

Buffalo Sabres win in OT on one of the strangest goals ...

MilkmanDan says...

In case anyone is wondering why they are making a semi-big deal about whether or not you can see the puck once it is across the line, I remember several years ago there was a play where a goalie covered up the puck with his glove (which should result in a whistle, but in this case didn't immediately) and in the split second afterwards had 90% of his glove, including the portion where the puck had been visible a split second before, pushed across the goal line.

The play went under review, and I believe Darren Pang (a former goalie) was confident that it would be ruled no goal because even though it was next to 100% obvious that the puck had crossed the goal line, you couldn't physically see it. The review came back and he had been correct, and he ventured further that even in a hypothetical situation where the puck slipped under a goalie's leg or something (out of sight of any camera) and then the goalie's entire body slid into the net across the line, it would be ruled no goal if the puck was obscured from vision until the play was whistled dead.

I thought it was interesting that the laws of physics can assert that the puck MUST be in there, but according to the rules it won't count unless you can directly SEE it across the line.

At least, that is how I remember the discussion going. Anyone care to confirm or set me straight on any details I may have screwed up?

Snowden Receives Sam Adams Award in Moscow

chingalera says...

"The Sam Adams Award is given annually by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, a group of retired CIA officers, to an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity and ethics. It is named after Samuel A. Adams, a CIA whistle-blower during the Vietnam War, and takes the physical form of a "corner-brightener candlestick". Many recipients have been whistle-blowers. The 2012 Award was *presented at a ceremony at the Oxford Union in January 2013." -WIKI

*To one, Thomas Fingar, former chairman of the National Intelligence Council

Sportsmanship And A Big F**k You To The Ref

Yogi says...

Sometimes when you mess up you have to own up to it as a referee. The best thing he could've done in this situation after making the call is say it was an inadvertent whistle and restart play with a drop ball to the keeper. Which he would've done anyways if there was a stoppage of play that doesn't result in a free kick, like a quick correction of a players kit.

Quboid said:

The goalkeeper should have told the referee that he had a problem, I believe the ref would then stop the game so the keeper can correct his equipment. Outfield players would have to go off the pitch but for keepers, the game stops.

It would have been nice if the ref had let it slide but I don't see this has a horrible decision or a big f-you to the ref.

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