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Is The War on Drugs "All About the Money"?

deedub81 says...

While I can't argue with the daunting task that law enforcement faces in the "War on Drugs," I completely disagree with the premise that we are persecuting addicts for breaking the law.

They know the consequences (legal and physical) and they choose to use.

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

lucky760 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^lucky760:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
@dag @lucky760
Inline bug report... There's 5 replies to my comment in this thread and I got exactly zero emails about them. The only reason I even noticed is because Obsidian's comment is in the Top Comments block.

I too've been getting emails every day. Check your spam folder and if you find emails there, please forward it with all the original headers to siftbot at videosift dot com.

Considering how long I was an Exchange admin, I'm kinda embarrassed I had to be told to check spam. There's a whole pile; I'll forward them momentarily.

Glad it was enough time that you are now mature enough to admit your oversight.

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^lucky760:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
@dag @lucky760
Inline bug report... There's 5 replies to my comment in this thread and I got exactly zero emails about them. The only reason I even noticed is because Obsidian's comment is in the Top Comments block.

I too've been getting emails every day. Check your spam folder and if you find emails there, please forward it with all the original headers to siftbot at videosift dot com.

Considering how long I was an Exchange admin, I'm kinda embarrassed I had to be told to check spam. There's a whole pile; I'll forward them momentarily.

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

lucky760 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

@dag @lucky760
Inline bug report... There's 5 replies to my comment in this thread and I got exactly zero emails about them. The only reason I even noticed is because Obsidian's comment is in the Top Comments block.

I too've been getting emails every day. Check your spam folder and if you find emails there, please forward it with all the original headers to siftbot at videosift dot com.

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I got your reply by email. Check your junk mail filter?>> ^xxovercastxx:

@dag @lucky760
Inline bug report... There's 5 replies to my comment in this thread and I got exactly zero emails about them. The only reason I even noticed is because Obsidian's comment is in the Top Comments block.

dag (Member Profile)

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Quboid:

Phrases like "big government" or "small government" don't belong in any serious discussion with the possible exception of extreme communism and libertarianism.

Good thing I was just making a joke then.

Is this a good time to point out that government health care pretty much guarantees no drug decriminalization for the foreseeable future? That's one that yanks me in both directions: I support decriminalization and I was also for the public option.

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

Quboid says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I love how the Sift suddenly believes in small government as soon as the topic shifts to drugs.

Phrases like "big government" or "small government" don't belong in any serious discussion with the possible exception of extreme communism and libertarianism. It's like labelling someone left-wing or right-wing, it's a vague, ambiguous label that means virtually nothing and only really serves to put up barricades to productive debate. I believe the government should be bigger in some respects and smaller in others. I'd guess that about 100% of fellow sifters believe the same.

Let me put it this way: I don't believe in government health-care because I'm in favour of big government, I am in favour of it because I believe it is the best option. That this results in a part of the government being big is an effect, not a cause. I believe the government should stay the hell out of my personal business, which has the effect of me believing that the "war on drugs" part of the government should be very small. That's not the hypocrisy that you imply, that's a mature, considered position that's not trying to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to an enormously complicated situation.

pyloricvalve (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

poolcleaner says...

>> ^jmd:

Looks like cops and a dose of Mr Obvious.
The war on drugs is because a significant part of the population does not want drugs in their country. Now is it having a huge impact on us because of our poverty rates? yea.. if anything it is a holocaust on the dollar bill. The more we spend on drug wars, the more people that get poorer. There isn't a GOOD ending to this scenario.. either we stop fighting it or it will eventually makes us broke.. how ever...
Still doesn't stop the fact that we don't want these types of drugs around, or the people that use them. Find a different country if you want to shoot up. A country I can't go around without seeing people overdosing in front of me is not a country I wan't to live in.

I took your advice, rounded up all the drug users, quickly organized them for a mass exodus, and gleefully watched as they ratified amendment after amendment into their own system of government. I take no credit in this feat, as the combination of their GEDs and generations of unchecked family abuse paved the way. If their government fails they can always move to Liberia and die in a torrent of AIDS and more AIDS. Thanks for the advice, fuckface.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

DuoJet (Member Profile)

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ObsidianStorm (Member Profile)

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The War on Drugs in America is NOT about Drugs

pyloricvalve says...

Although it's counter-intuitive the case of Portugal suggests that you are less likely to see people overdosing in front of you under legalization than prohibition. Does this alter your views?
>> ^jmd:

Looks like cops and a dose of Mr Obvious.
The war on drugs is because a significant part of the population does not want drugs in their country. Now is it having a huge impact on us because of our poverty rates? yea.. if anything it is a holocaust on the dollar bill. The more we spend on drug wars, the more people that get poorer. There isn't a GOOD ending to this scenario.. either we stop fighting it or it will eventually makes us broke.. how ever...
Still doesn't stop the fact that we don't want these types of drugs around, or the people that use them. Find a different country if you want to shoot up. A country I can't go around without seeing people overdosing in front of me is not a country I wan't to live in.

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