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Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

worthwords says...

It's important because some people are very illogical when it comes to diets many overweight people have tried punishing diet and exercise and evolve two modes of being that of 'dieting and exercise' or fall off the wagon and 'eat anything and no exercise' which endlessly cycle for decades. The better approach would be to have constant manageable exercise regardless of food intake to reduce cardiovascular risk and alongside that generally healthy eating which can tolerate the occasional teat or indulgence.

The idea that exercise solely exists to burn off dietary excess can only lead to unhealthy ideas.

Real Time - Dr. Michael Mann on Climate Change

Asmo says...

I'm obviously talking Swahili here... What part of "do not have a choice" don't you understand? I don't get to set the tariffs or when the sun comes up, and batteries enough to load shift significantly in Aus are still in the 20-30 grand area. You are fortunate you live in a place where the energy company still allows you a reasonable price for the energy you produce. The acceptance you talk about is the same acceptance a hostage gives it's kidnapper when they have a gun held to their head... Perhaps you're even lucky enough to have multiple energy providers competing for your custom. In Aus, it's almost entirely single provider in the realm of electricity supply.

However, that's neither fucking here nor there when it comes to energy returns... Energy returned on energy does not once mention the word "dollars" or "money"...

A simple analogy would be using a thousand 200 dollar bicycles to pull a load or 1 200 thousand dollar prime mover. The bikes are cleaner, certainly, but once you pay the wages of 1000 people to ride them/feed them, give them accomodation etc (vs 1 guy in the truck), and then work out just how long those people can continuously ride, the cost of the fuel in the truck etc, the truck becomes the obvious answer. That's why we use trucks instead of team pulled wagons, they are just better suited to the task. The same counts for energy generation, we need a clean prime mover, and we're going to have to suck up the cost to do it. If we're going to save the world, we're going to have to make sacrifices in the form of paying more until someone invents clean abundant energy generation that is also cheap.

Your "double the return on coal" is completely unsubstantiated.

Of course solar PV is cleaner than coal, but you need to expend far more energy to generate 1 KW/h of PV energy than you do to generate 1 KW/h of coal energy... It's part of the reason why coal is cheaper than solar and why so much of the world still relies on it. Because people cannot see past their wallet to the bigger picture.

I would love if PV on roofs were the answer, just like it would be awesome if everyone could farm their own vegetables in their backyard. But we moved beyond subsistence living to mass production a long time ago because people realised it was a huge effort that paid relatively small returns. Residential solar PV is a convenient foil to keep people thinking that it's making a difference when we could be investing public dollars in to wind (more viable), nuke (more viable), solar thermal (more viable), wave (more viable), hydro etc. And a lot of those techs are probably going to be more expensive than solar PV. What did that Native American fellow say? 'When it's all gone to shit, will you eat money?'

Money being the only concern is what got us to where we are at the moment ffs... =)

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

Obviously not, I would prefer people didn't kill each other. Failing that, I wish things were more balanced overall. You seem to believe it's either 10 to 1 or 1 to 10. How about 1 to 1 like the rest of us?
Crime is down across the board, but that disgusting ratio continues to climb...meaning the less crime there is, the more violently police are reacting to it. You can argue about why, I'm just saying those statistics are telling and terrible, on all levels.

Police work daily with the DA, and are rarely prosecuted even when there is video that's clear and complete, while private citizens don't get the same treatment by far. You know this well.

Nothing I said would give suspected criminals (innocent until proven guilty, remember) the upper hand in any way. Reasonably TRYING less lethal methods is not walking into a hail of gunfire to try a billy club.
I would prefer that police put safety first, and not just their own safety, and certainly not police control over a citizens safety. I would prefer that police would go back to trying to de-escalate situations instead of trying to gain full control at all cost. I would really prefer that police caught acting badly were not supported and defended by other cops (sound familiar?), and were prosecuted by special prosecutors more often and more harshly than normal citizens. Since it's their job to uphold the law and the peace it's up to them to be better than 'normal' citizens, breaking the law as a lawman is doubly bad and should be punished as such.

But I'm sure you'll misread this, ridiculously misstate some of it, and make up a new straw man to argue about, and I'm already sorry I fell off the wagon and engaged again. Bad newt.

lantern53 said:

10 people killed versus one cop killed.

I imagine you would prefer those stats to be reversed, considering your animus toward cops.

The reason that stat is correct is because cops are called into dangerous situations with dangerous people, the cops have training and the responsibility to use deadly force.

If the cop does something wrong, he has to answer to his local prosecutor up to and including the attorney general of the United States and the resources of the entire Dept of Justice...which, by the way, was used on Darren Wilson, and Darren Wilson was found to have acted correctly.

You would prefer the criminal get the upper hand, which puts you well out of the mainstream of normal people.

Why is that?

You really need to use some critical thinking instead of just taking a statistic and trying to draw a conclusion from it. Especially when that conclusion is so blatantly specious.

judge dredd-interrogation scene

gorillaman says...

No man, that body armour, those boots...I'd harvest the bones of a thousand murdered infants to build our bed if that's what it took. Do you think that's what she wants?

I had to go rewatch this. It's practically perfect. Not an origin story, no romance subplot, no compromise. Just a day in the life of Judge Dredd. Love it, but my favourite Dredd story was told in rhyme:

They'd been waiting there since nightfall for the Sharks to come along,
They knew they'd have to pass this stretch of street.
So they'd sharpened up their stickers and they'd brought along their bars,
And they were wearing steel-tipped stompers on their feet.

There was Big Frank Zit and Faceache, Crazy Joseph with his spear,
The Dixon Boys were there and Billy Rat.
Ike the Spike had brought his sister with her homemade ghetto blaster,
And the Ghoul had put new rivets in his bat.

Now it wasn't nothin' personal that they had against the Sharks,
Any bunch of dead-end spugs would do.
'Cos there was nothing they liked better than to mash and bash and stomp,
Same as any normal Mega-City juves.

"A-rumbling! A-rumbling! We love to go A-rumbling!
We love to lay in ambush in the night!
A-rumbling! A-rumbling! The Zits were born for rumbling!
There's nothing we like better than a fight!"

Then a headlight pierced the darkness - a rider gaunt and grim,
Daystick drawn and ready in his hand.
     The chin belonged to Dredd,
     And the voice as well, which said:
"You creeps can do your rumbling in the can!"

"It's just one judge!" cried Cindy Spike and opened with her blaster -
"I'll send him back to Central in a sack!"
But Dredd's bike absorbed the blast and laid her on the street,
With tyre marks running right across her back.

Then the judge got down to business and his daystick rose and fell,
Striking out at every head he saw.
For though the Zits launched the attack, the Sharks were fighting back -
And self defence is no defence in law!

As the heap of bodies mounted, Big Zit could see his Waterloo,
Waiting just one station down the line.
Oh, sure, he loved to rumble - but he preferred to be on top...
"Let's scram and live to fight another time!"

("Dredd to Control! We got forty-plus juve rumblers fleeing east through Bernstein. Zits and Sharks, back-up required."
"Wilco, Dredd!"
"Med squads and meat wagons to Moreng Alley. Estimate twenty casualties, more to follow."
"Control to all units area Bernstein. YPs on the run."
"Pick 'em up!")

In the space of sixty seconds there was a judge on every street.
From watching bays others scanned the slab -
"We got two Zits runnin' fast though the Tamblin Underpass!"
"Krupke here! I got 'em in the bag!"

They cut them off at Sondheim and they mopped them up on Wood,
On Pedway 12 they corned Crazy Joseph.
He tried to make a stand - but a spear's not worth a damn,
When it's up against a judge's high explosive.

The Ghoul surrendered quietly, he didn't have much choice -
Ike the Spike tried to scale the sector wall -
("Save your bullet, he'll never make it." "Oh no! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" SPLATT!)
The Dixon Boys all copped it when they tried to hitch a ride,
On the 2020 Zoom to Bernstein Halt.

Big Zit thought he'd play it clever, the law was everywhere,
The safest thing for him to do was hide -
Dredd tracked him down on infrared - "Don't bother to come out!"
"The best place for trash like you is inside!"

In minutes flat they'd caught them, every Shark and every Zit.
To Dredd it fell to ladle out the years -
"Twenty years apiece for Cindy Spike, Billy Rat and Ghoul."
An extra ten left Big Frank Zit in tears.

For Faceache minus half his face, for the hapless Dixon Boys,
For Ike impaled so cruelly on his spike,
For Crazy Joe with his gaping hole, there'd be one final rumble,
Along the last conveyor belt at Resyk.

A-rumbling! A-rumbling! They loved to go A-rumbling!
But the Zits will go A-rumbling no more!
A-rumbling! A-rumbling! They loved to go A-rumbling!
But they should've known they couldn't buck the law!

Best costume for your dog ever

Charlie Veitch Vs Hugo Boss

artician says...

I'm always surprised when someone is accepting of any use of force, especially when it's so completely uncalled for. The idea that tasers are even 'lawfully' allowed, you could say, shocks me.
There used to be a time when the police would simply explain the law to one side or the other. If he's in the right to film their store, the manager should go back inside and he'll eventually shut the fuck up. If, by some retarded legal standard (which I suspect would be close to reality), retail chains managed to pass a law forbidding members of the public from simply filming their stupid property, the police should just arrest him after he refuses to stop.
No tasers are necessary. Ever. Accepting their use is just climbing on board the lobotomy-wagon like everyone else who allows modern life to slide into the shithole.

overdude said:

Sorry, but I'm inclined here to call this one as I see it.

If Mr. Veitch is trying his hardest to come across as a loud-mouthed, peace-disturbing, douche-nugget, then I must commend him on a job well done. Really would have made my day to reach the end of the clip and find this obnoxious dicktard flopping around on the ground like a beached fish as a couple of the legit officers steadily pump some serious Mega-voltage through him via their several well-tuned tazers. A-hole.

Transformers StopMotion Attack On Giant

ChaosEngine says...

I saw the first one when it came out, more out of curiosity than anything else. I was a big transformers fan as a kid, but I wasn't expecting much from Bay. Even my low expectations weren't met.

Tonight, by coincidence, Dark of the Moon was on TV. "Maybe I'm being too hard" I thought. I mean, they're only glorified toy commercials anyway, right? Maybe I'm guilty of just jumping on the Bay-hate band wagon...


Aside from being a completely un-fucking-watchable mess, it was just boring. How the hell do you spend that much money (and the money clearly didn't go on writers or actors), have that many explosions and still have it be boring?

I didn't like JJ Abrams new Star Trek movies, but at lest he was in trying (in his own half-assed, ham-fisted way) to pay homage to the property. Bay clearly hates this whole concept. He hates the characters, the design, the plot lines, he's not even really interested in the central concept of robots that bloody transform. And to top it all off, you couldn't even let kids watch this. Instead of the noble, if naïve leader of the 80s, Optimus is just a dick here. And a psychopathic one too. He flat out murders his defeated enemy at the end.

FFS, if it's a terrible movie and you can't use it to sell toys to kids..what is the goddamn point of its existence?

ant said:

It beats all of Michael Bay's movies too!

Colbert responds to #CancelColbert

andyboy23 says...

No arguments there on the good at math idea not being funny... I never suggested such an option. What would have been good funny alternative bits for Colbert to have done could be a separate conversation I think (good satire punches up, etc).
I appreciate your personal note. It indeed jives with what one of my Asian American friends told me- they don't find particularly offensive either. This friend also mentioned that their experience is not equal to every Asian American experience though. For others, it seems that it stings quite significantly. So I don't think this is case closed.

The question I posed with my analogy still stands -- while this is not true for yourself or my friend, for some people of Asian descent, "the Ching Ching ding dong foundation for cultural sensitivity" might be offensive on a level similar to how it would have been for Blacks if he had used "The cotton-picking nigger foundation for cultural sensitivity". How many? Maybe that number is at 10%. Maybe that number is at .1%. Maybe that number is at 50%. I have no idea. How do we as a society figure whether that is the case? I think we do it by having a big old dialog where a lot of people of Asian descent are involved.

Instead what I see is a whole lot of posturing, sabre-rattling, and band wagon jumping from people that are not of Asian decent and therefore have no personal experience with this particular form of racism to bring to bear on the matter. Those people should be primarily listening and asking questions, not posturing and sabre-rattling.

shoany said:

I would maintain that in order for the satire to be effective, it actually needs to use offensive terminology. Clearly folks are already upset about the word "Redskins" (otherwise we wouldn't be hearing any of this), but not enough folks that anything is being done about it. To draw attention to how offensive it may be to those affected, he's using other, very offensive terms as a direct comparison. It simply wouldn't have any effect if he joked about "The Stephen Colbert Culturally Good at Math Foundation".

Also, on a personal note, I grew up with all the terms I mentioned in my first comment, and found them hurtful and offensive. I haven't, however, encountered them used as anything but clear satire for a very long time (a handful of exceptions in the past 15 years), and I personally find it takes a lot of the sting out hearing the phrases themselves made ridiculous, hearing people publicly accept that they're ignorant and offensive, and seeing people who would use them to sincerely hurt someone quickly ridiculed and shamed. So, still backing Colbert on this one.

Bronco Fan Loses Her Shit

Inner-City Wizard School - Key & Peele

ugh says...

Aha! I thought Vincent Clortho sounded familiar. It's from one of my all time favorite movies - Ghostbusters. Louis, played by Rick Moranis, was possessed by the Keymaster Vinz Clortho. Here's a bit of the script from IMDB.

Louis: [Louis, as the possessed Keymaster Vinz Clortho, runs out of Central Park, scaring a married couple] I am the Keymaster! The Destructor is coming. Gozer the Traveler, the Destroyer.
[Louis pants and sniffs, then notices a horse carriage; horse neighs]
Louis: Gatekeeper.
[Walk over towards the horse]
Louis: I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?
Coachman: Hey, he pulls the wagon, I made the deals. You want a ride?
[the possessed Louis growls at the coachman with his red-glowing eyes]
Louis: [to the horse] Wait for the sign. Then our prisoners will be released.
[Runs amok, scaring bystanders; yelling]
Louis: You will perish in flame, you and all your kind! Gatekeeper!
Coachman: What an asshole.

Bodybuilder And Then Some

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Quadrophonic (Member Profile)

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186 mph motorcycle gets passed by a station wagon (Audi)

skinnydaddy1 says...

It was a beautiful thing. Got to ride in a 1991 E31 BMW 850 limiter removed on the Autobahn back in 95. The guy driving looks at the rearview mirror says something to the effect of "Thats Interesting" and moves right just as a Volvo station wagon blows by at well above 320 kph. Drive just grins and says "Not Stock" and keeps going. Had a lot of fun there.

SFOGuy said:

uhm, I just wanted to post a cool video of a station wagon (admittedly, an Audi RS6, yes, I have gearhead lust) zipping by a motorcycle already going at insane rates of speed.

Hope everyone can still see the beauty and marvel in that...

186 mph motorcycle gets passed by a station wagon (Audi)

SFOGuy says...

uhm, I just wanted to post a cool video of a station wagon (admittedly, an Audi RS6, yes, I have gearhead lust) zipping by a motorcycle already going at insane rates of speed.

Hope everyone can still see the beauty and marvel in that...

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