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Notorious B.U.M.

biminim says...

Oh, yeah, this is so funny! Yeah, videotape of human misery and indignity. Oh, ho ho ho ho. Yeah, comedy. Everybody's got their addiction. What's yours? When the crash happens, will you be singing in the drivethru at Wendy's to get your Web on?

...and the cat could care less.

poolcleaner says...

This is one kinky pair. Mixing food with sex while people watch and videotape it all for the internets. Not to mention interspecies. You gotta applaud a couple that is this comfortable with their sexuality.

Guy Lives With A Fox

toast says...

A few interesting bit from


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Smile at the camera.

VERONICA DE LA CRUZ: He likes to cuddle and to be petted and take long walks into town. Cropper the fox is even popular with the kids. Unusual behavior for a wild animal, but this friendly fox can't survive in the wild on his own. A disease that affected his memory renders him incapable of hunting or defending himself. So Mike Trowler rescued and nursed cropper back to health, making him his pet, a relationship that took time to develop.

MIKE TROWLER, CROPPER'S OWNER: It started as trust and trust grew to familiarity and familiarity to affection. And now I can do virtually anything with him because he knows he's quite confident that whatever I do is going to be for his pleasure or his benefit. And it's wonderful. It's a superb relationship.

DE LA CRUZ: Looking more like a fur stole than a wild animal, Trowler takes cropper for a walk. He says this fox is like any family's dog or cat with one distinct flaw.

TROWLER: Fox urine has an unfortunate property. You can't wash it off. If you apply water to fox urine, the smell becomes a stench. It's a bit like switching on the amplifier at a disco.

DE LA CRUZ: So while cropper gets to run around the house during the day, Trowler says he does spend each night in this hut in a safe room with a view and the envy of all other foxes. Veronica de la Cruz, CNN, Atlanta.


Dog risks own life to try to save another dog

Lolthien says...

Of course its touching, any dog would try to keep its pack together if possible. But it's also incredibly sad because unlike humans that understand why their friend is dying (he got hit by a car) dog's have no understanding of that, and the dog is just as likely to get killed himself.

This is almost (but not quite) as bad as the video from India or somewhere, where all the ridiculous traffic stopped after one of two dogs got hit, and everyone got out of their cars and stood videotaping and taking pictures of an obviously scared to death and frightened dog who was waiting for his packmate (or any human) to simply give him some idea of where to go or what to do. That was just plain cruelty.

This is slightly different because it's in the middle of a freeway (or so i take it, like I said, I haven't seen it) but still, I'm not going to subject myself to watching this.

For some reason, loyalty in dogs is one of the few things that can make me sob like a baby.

Sack race... now with more penetration

Advice on videotaping your sex - 26 sec.

Advice on videotaping your sex - 26 sec.

davidraine says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Funny joke, but he could still mute the sound.

>> ^chilaxe:
Guys look at porn exclusively for the sound, so that would defeat his purpose, wouldn't it?

Indeed it would. Generally when I "watch" porn I'll just minimize it and play video games; I've trained myself to respond to sound only and it's wonderfully convenient. The only problem is I have to change my pants whenever an Herbal Essences commercial comes on.

Advice on videotaping your sex - 26 sec.

Advice on videotaping your sex - 26 sec.

Kid Loses Fight With Mom.

smooman says...

>> ^boblobblaw:
i wonder why this was videotaped to begin with?

I swear i've seen the entire video before and from what i remember it was the father, presumably, making some sort of informational, home-made video about something I cant recall and this happened. The video ended with him pointing the camera back to himself and describing what has just happened (for blind people that watch online videos i guess) and that he'd better sort things out. In the context of the ENTIRE video it is quite hilarious

and detheter, you're still a poopface =P

George Carlin - Kinky Sex - 46 sec.

Kid Loses Fight With Mom.

Kid Loses Fight With Mom.

boblobblaw says...

i find it impossible to judge the merits of said mother's parenting skills without more context. maybe the kid had it coming, or maybe the mother was overreacting. while i am inclined to agree with the argument she was correct to assert her authority, it's hard to say without knowing what transpired in the moments leading up to this clip as well as the overall context of the mother-son relationship, no? ... i wonder why this was videotaped to begin with?

blankfist (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Before you know it gay married couples will start murdering people on videotape and self-linking them on videosift and hitting #1 on a daily basis!!!

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
In reply to this comment by lucky760:
If this video is allowed we will be setting an ugly precedent that would then allow every one of the hundreds of fatal car accident videos available. From there everyone will be pushing to allow more gore. It's a slippery slope.

And if we allow gay marriages, people will marry their dogs. You voted yes on prop 8, didn't you?

Idiot Cop never heard of the Constitution

cheesemoo says...

Why did the cop need the camera turned off in the first place, imstellar?

If I am walking down the sidewalk with a yogurt, do police have the right to run up and demand that I put it down? Maybe if I'm doing something illegal.

Do you think that they were doing something illegal?

Do you think it's illegal to videotape cops?

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