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Zonbie (Member Profile)

mrk871 (Member Profile)

MPAA - Teachers Don't Rip DVDs! Tape The TV Screen Instead

Cop Fights For His Life Against Ex-Pro Boxer

Sagemind says...

Note, this is not THE Darroll Wilson:

This is: Darryl M. Wilson

When Darryl M. Wilson takes his psychiatric medication, he's as good as gold, his wife and supporters told a judge Wednesday.

But the problem is that he won't stay on the medicine, Judge Albert M. Pickett said in Richmond County Superior Court, while trying to decide what sentence Mr. Wilson should receive for crimes related to a videotaped attack of a Richmond County deputy.

"When he's not taking his medication, he is a threat to the community. He's a big, strong man. He is capable of and has demonstrated that he can hurt people badly," Judge Pickett said.

The problem is that nothing can be done to ensure Mr. Wilson is medicated every day, the judge said.

On Aug. 10, 2000, Deputy Shannon Mitchell saw Mr. Wilson drive through a red light. A video camera on the deputy's cruiser captured the traffic stop and subsequent violence on tape: Mr. Wilson attacked Deputy Mitchell and continued to do so after the deputy blasted him with pepper spray and shot him in the stomach.

The worst moments came when Mr. Wilson wrestled away the officer's gun, pointed it at him and fired, Deputy Mitchell testified in August.

"If not for the gun jamming, the state believes Deputy Mitchell would have been killed," Assistant District Attorney Jason Troiano said Wednesday.

After a bench trial in August, Judge Pickett found Mr. Wilson guilty but mentally ill. That finding requires state prison authorities to house Mr. Wilson in a facility that can provide psychiatric treatment.

Defense attorney Sam Sibley asked the judge to consider the time Mr. Wilson has spent in jail since his Aug. 10, 2000, arrest. He also told the judge how well Mr. Wilson does while medicated.

Judge Pickett imposed a 10-year prison sentence on Mr. Wilson, followed by an additional 17-year probationary sentence.

While on probation, Mr. Wilson must undergo mental health treatment, take his medicine, and submit to drug and alcohol screening and to voluntary commitment to a mental health facility at least twice a year.

Mr. Wilson gave a long and at times rambling statement Wednesday, beginning with an apology to Deputy Mitchell. He was off his medication that day, he said.

"(Satan) tricked me. He tried to kill me and Shannon Mitchell," Mr. Wilson said.

John Ziegler Arrested at Katie Couric Journalism Event

silvercord says...

John Ziegler responds:

. . . there is a lot more to say about this situation, largely because there has been so much misinformation, so many irresponsible accusations, and so much blatant hypocrisy in the general reaction to the remarkable videotape.

Now, one would think that there wouldn’t be much confusion about a situation that was videotaped in its entirety by not one but two cameras who were acting largely independently of the primary actors (we have posted a nearly real-time version of the entire affair at, but unfortunately that is clearly the case. I would like to try to address some of these issues here.

First, one of the ways that those on the left have used to try to avoid having to hold their nose and support the free speech rights of a rabble-rousing “conservative,” is that USC is a “private” school and therefore they had the right to kick me out for no purpose. I even saw one prominent blog with the headline “Ziegler Arrested for Trespassing on Private Property,” which is just laughably false.

While USC is indeed a “private” school, this does not in any way legally make their property like that of a private residence. First, they take federal tax money, and second it has a very “open” campus and the area I was in has direct access from a public street without even a gate blocking the way. At any given moment there are many people walking on the sidewalks where I was arrested who are neither students, faculty nor invited guests of the University. I had every right to be there (outside the building where the award ceremony took place) and I did nothing to provoke or warrant being handcuffed, arrested or removed from the property. It is very clear the only reason that happened was because of my previously expressed political opinion on what was going on that day. In short, I was targeted for different treatment because of my beliefs.

The next tactic many have tried, in order to avoid facing their own politically induced hypocrisy on free speech, is to minimize the incident by saying that I was not “arrested” and that what happened was not a big deal.

While in the end I was not charged (I was told that I would indeed be booked at LAPD headquarters), that was only because higher authorities saw that the campus police “arrest” was clearly problematic if not completely bogus. After I was already “arrested,” they shifted gears and told me that I basically had two choices: leave the premises or be charged along with the two photographers who did not work for me and who in no way bargained for such a situation. Not wanting to put them in jeopardy and seeing that I could not possibly do anything further to achieve my original goal of educating those attending the awards, I decided, under threat of prosecution, to leave the grounds.

But make no mistake, I was arrested. I was handcuffed and detained against my will for an extended period of time with my microphone and blackberry taken from me. The photographers were also told to stop shooting under threat of arrest themselves. And, as the video clearly shows, my wrists were significantly bruised by the handcuffs that I had rightly complained were put on way too tight.

All of this happened obviously not because of my actions but because of my political view on the proceedings. In effect, I was being punished, repressed, and physically harmed as a form of prior restraint because they anticipated that I might do something to disrupt the proceedings based on my prior writings and commentary on the event (in which I never claimed I would do anything more than exactly what I tried to; give away copies of my film as an educational exercise). No matter how hard liberals try to rationalize it, this makes this a very obvious case of a blatant free speech violation.

Another way that commentators (including some on the right) have attempted to ignore the very serious First Amendment implications of this case, is to say that I set this up as some sort of publicity stunt to promote my film.

First of all, this could not be more irrelevant to the constitutional issues involved . . .

the rest:

Disturbing Strokes (Creepy Audio Intro)

pipp3355 says...

Three of the child stars ended up having problems after the show ended. Dana Plato went on to pose for Playboy, and also appeared in softcore films. She was later arrested twice (once for armed robbery, again for forging a prescription for Valium). She died of a drug overdose in 1999 at the age of 34.[2]
Todd Bridges was arrested in 1994 after allegedly ramming someone's car after an argument.[3] He also had issues with illegal drugs for several years, before turning his life around. He has since traveled across the U.S.A., touring schools discussing the dangers of drug use.[4]
In 1989, Gary Coleman sued his parents and his former manager over misappropriation of his trust fund. Although he was awarded over $1,000,000 in the decision, he filed for bankruptcy in 1999. Coleman was charged with assault in 1998 after he punched a woman while he was working as a security guard at a shopping mall. In 2001, Coleman (still working as a security guard) was videotaped trying to stop a vehicle from entering the mall. The driver ridiculed him, and released the tape to be broadcast on numerous television shows.[5] In the mid-2000s, Coleman lent his voice and likeness to the controversial videogame Postal2. In 2007, Coleman was cited for disorderly conduct in Provo, Utah for having a "heated discussion" with a woman.[6]

Officer Robert Powell Apologizes For Ryan Moats Incident

rougy says...

Police departments all over the country are very harsh about being videotaped and will often threaten the camera person with arrest or confiscation of the camera.

If the video had not been taken of what he did to Moats, then it would have been a perp's word against a cop's, and nothing whatever would have been done about it.

I know that cops have a hard job, and I wish that people with badges would stop taking honest criticism personally, but I think we've all had about as much as we can take of the hard-assed, almost robotic law enforcer.

We need fewer Rambos and more Andy Taylors.

Ayn Rand's chilling 1959 interview on 21st century ills

dannym3141 says...

^ People are disagreeing with what they think ayn rand thinks. I'm no expert, i don't know what her manifesto might have been, but she had some good ideas and thoughts about human nature, imo.

The only bad thing about ayn rand, imo, is the book atlas shrugged, in which not only does she describe every brain process of every character involved and cloudy up an otherwise fantastic novel, but she puts her own views into it on male/female sexuality, ties it to "instrinsic human nature" and makes me feel sick.

But other than that a lot of the views she expressed in it were clever and astute. Maybe i should check her out a bit more.

Edit: In fact i'll say some more..

Everything she says here is 100% fine, it makes sense and it's true as far as i understand it. However, i feel it suffers from the same thing as communism. The system would only work if everyone was perfect (which shows in her book atlas shrugged, where all masters of industry are fair and honest and true), and unfortunately that is not the case. In her world, a steel manufacturer would be allowed to make a monopoly on the steel industry, put every other steel company out of business using skill and acumen, and continue to improve the product and offer fair services and prices to everyone. However, in our world, that isn't the case. Political palm-greasing, schemers and scammers, 'grab all you can' types.. it'd never work out how she thinks it'd work out. It'd be great if it did, if everyone was perfect, but it never would happen. You could almost take microsoft as a living example of how a monopoly can lead to poor service. Take betamax vs. videotape.

That's aside from the fact that someone who has a monopoly on such things may not have the best system or idea. Let's say microsoft are a monopoly and they wipe out every other form of operating system. They had the best operating system in 1990-2000. But after 2000, their operating system was really poor and didn't get the best out of our computers. But there would be no one to offer an alternative because no one would be willing to research and develop such an idea, they'd never get any sales, or they'd be bought out, or they'd never even begin to start with because the knowledge would have been lost to all but microsoft. So as far as we all know, that system is the best system available. Even microsoft think so. But that's only one perspective, and humans have mostly always arrived at the best system through review and competition.

blah, rambling again

(Member Profile)

Norwegian kid banned from PS3 - drama ensues

cybrbeast says...

Maybe they were videotaping the tantrum so they could show it to him once he calmed down and let him see how bad his behavior was. High-tech parenting. Why they put it on YouTube I don't know, but it's a good source of amusement.

Norwegian kid banned from PS3 - drama ensues

Norwegian kid banned from PS3 - drama ensues

bareboards says...

Not a single post on how weird it is that the parents are videotaping this kid's meltdown? That is what I find most disturbing about this clip. There is something fundamentally wrong that this kid is not talking to his father, he is talking to his father with a camera in front of his face.

Creeps me out.

3 Cops Subdue 42 Year Old Woman on a Bicycle

CIA Station Chief Accused of Drugging & Raping Muslim Women

Richard Dawkins Angers Stupid Woman, 2 girls 1 cup style

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