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Pres. Trump Tweets Vid of Himself Physically Attacking CNN

MilkmanDan says...

Yeah, and a Democrat shot up a GOP basketball practice after Kathy Griffin {or insert whatever left-leaning public persona you want} made negative / seemingly "violent" comments about Trump / Republicans.

The common thread isn't that trivial nonsense like this video "incited" those people to violence. The common thread is that unhinged idiots that can't differentiate between fiction and reality sometimes do crazy / terrible / violent stuff. The fault lies with said unhinged idiots, not any external entity that they claim influenced them (Trump, Kathy Griffin, Grand Theft Auto / Doom video games, Ozzy Osbourne, whatever).

cosmovitelli said:

You know a Republican did exactly this to a guardian reporter a month ago right? In, like, real life.

11 year old uses saved birthday money for Dad's Xmas Present

lucky760 says...

Spiritual down-vote from me. Hadn't seen this video, but someone just shared it on Facebook and this was my reply (I think inline with @JustSaying's feelings):

Good kid, but their parenting values are not something I can agree with. He ostensibly taught the boy "My fun is so important to me that you should disregard your own birthday and anything else you need or want or that your family needs or even saving your money, and instead buy me a PS4 so I can play video games." A child should never be in a position where he feels any responsibility to be the provider of his father's several-hundred-dollar play things.

Yes, it was nice of the boy; I just feel bad for him. He's supposed to be the one being treated like a child by his father, the provider, not vice versa.

But... to each his own.

I came searching for a different, but related video where the parents did surprise their son with an XBOX (I think), but instead of being excited, the boy was concerned that his parents spent money on it that they couldn't afford to lose.

Tabs v(ersu)s Spaces from Silicon Valley S3E6

eric3579 says...

Don't think i've ever used a tab outside filling in a form or playing video games. Does the tab thing have more to do with writing code?

I do not support a livable wage

RFlagg says...

I think Republicans have a disconnect on the word "Build" when they talk about Building an Economy. You build from the ground up. You don't build an attic, then put up walls, then floors, and finish with a solid foundation. It starts with that solid foundation. In an economy like ours that rely on people spending, you need people to be able to spend. That means the people at the low end that do more spending than those on the top (per dollar earned anyhow), need to be the ones having disposable income. If they spend 100% or more of their income on living essentials, they can't spend to move the economy. When they finally do spend, then the retailer can hire more people (at least until automation starts taking over low end jobs, which is frighteningly soon), which means more people with income to spend, which feeds into the cycle. Eventually transportation starts picking up, which feeds more money into the economy. Eventually production has to keep up. By punishing those at the bottom, is shooting oneself in the foot. Half the people who work for Walmart qualify for food stamps, though Walmart makes enough to pay everyone a living wage, give them benefits, and still be profitable, but the people conservatives (Christians yet, who Jesus said to help the needy and the poor, and how the rich were going to hell) are mad at, are the poor people working there, rather than the rich owners/operators for not paying living wages. So conservatives seek to punish those workers by taking away something that allows them to spend money on things that actually move the economy forward. 3 people buying a $25k Chevy will do far more for the economy than that rich ass hole who just put $70lk on a Mercedes or Lexus. Their collection of TVs, video game systems and the like, do far more for the economy than that rich guy's super high def, ultra large screen TV. It's such a fucked up world in conservative land... I'm still at a loss how I used to be a part of it.

It gets to what @enoch was talking about above. There are some really good business owners, then there are the winny bitches who say they can't pay living wages... One of the jobs I worked at, complained in a letter to all of us that if Obama won (first time around) he'd have to fire over 350 people if he put his tax plans in place. Come that February, Obama isn't even in office yet, and he fires 350+ people. Then tells the rest of us that the company couldn't afford to give us raises... of course the company at the same time, went out and purchases a private jet for him, and then he purchased a second mansion in the local, Jack Nicklaus, signature golf course gated community... and he already owned the second largest mansion there. But oh, the conservatives are so support him over his employees, and think poorly of his employees for needing help living day to day, and praise him for his business acumen. The problem with conservatives is they LOVE greed. Love it. They worship it more than they do the Christ they say they serve. They just don't want their money going to help others, they give plenty at their church, they give time at the soup kitchen, but God forbid that their taxes help those working for the asshole business owners who chose greed over their employees. Pay your employees living wages, and no, you won't have it on easy street like Enoch's nephew, but I can guarantee you that his son is the far better human... and that's not to say the nephew doesn't give, he very well may, but he chose to take that money for himself than to pay his employees well. It doesn't matter if he gives tons of it away, it was ill gotten, how much could it have helped his employees had he let them keep more of their labor? Sadly, that nephew seems to be the vast majority of businesses in the US.

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Lilithia (Member Profile)

R-Type: Encounter (shorter and no dialogs)

R-Type: Encounter (shorter and no dialogs)

Matrix:A Lesson in Effective Scene Transitions (video essay)

Jinx says...

The Matrix is my Star Wars. Green tinted nostalgia has me looking back upon even the sequels and the atrocious video game tie-ins favourably.

Star Wars - The Last Jedi Trailer

ant (Member Profile)

M60 - History in life & gaming (Ahoy)

TheFreak says...

The M60 was my weapon in the light infantry. Not so easy to fire from the shoulder while standing and I can't imagine why you'd fire it from the hip. That's video game stuff.

When my 60 was replaced with a SAW in '92 I was sad to see it go. The SAW didn't have nearly the effective range of the M60 and the higher rate of fire and shorter timed burst made it less effective at walking rounds on target. I did, begrudgingly, have to admit that the improved portability and easier handling of the weapon made it more flexible overall. I believe it was a less rugged weapon but being in the light infantry, the lighter weight was welcome.

Sell House Fast San Diego: Sell Your House Fast San Diego: 8

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How 'Rogue One's' Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin Were Crea

MilkmanDan says...

To me, they were 100% acceptable, and *almost* entirely out of uncanny valley territory.

Two possible sources for my tolerance are lots of time spent playing video games, and a highly introverted nature. Would be interesting to see survey results to see if there is any positive correlation between those or other factors and being generally easier to impress / satisfy with CG movie effects.

entr0py said:

An amazing amount of work and cleverness went into it, but those characters still look like creepy sadness robots. It would have been so much better to just use lookalikes like they did with Mon Mothma.

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