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Officer Friendly is NOT your friend

Mordhaus says...

You just have to remember Lantern that there are two unwritten rules when it comes to Videosift commentary.

1. Never, in any way, show support for the police.
2. Never show support or defend religion.

If you do either of those things, you will be shat upon as if it was a downpour and you neglected to bring an umbrella. I admit, I will be one of the first to rip into someone over either if they don't have a logical argument; such as people defending Islam. But I am also aware that there are good cops and good religious people out there, they are just rarely videotaped because it lacks sensationalism.

Now I don't have all the information on this video, but I have been stopped in a similar situation many years ago for driving late at night in an expensive sports car. Why, you ask, incredulously? The cop was nice enough in my case to explain that the area I was leaving, having just come from a friend's house where we were playing xbox, was a known manufacturing area for meth. He asked why I was out so late, I told him. He asked if I had any drugs or dead bodies in the car in a joking fashion, I told him that he could clearly see everything in the car but the spare tire so I didn't. He told me the above thing about why he stopped me and let me go. Well, he also gave me a warning for not using a turn signal at a stop sign, but who really uses their turn signals all the time at 3am in the morning?

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

Asmo says...

You are empirically incorrect. You are proposing an impossible scenario, that somehow 1.5bn world wide are perfectly aligned, have some say over the actions of all the other people simultaneously and ergo bear some responsibility for any actions committed under the broad umbrella of "Islam"...

To speak of “Islam” as a homogenous phenomenon is analogous to speaking of “Christianity” as a single whole that includes Catholics and Orthodox, Protestants and Copts, and countless other sects, including such marginal ones as the Mormons, the Scientologists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Of course, we never do so, because we intuitively recognize that the label loses all meaning when forced on to such a diverse group. We seldom have such qualms, however, when it comes to Islam, even though the label “Islam” covers just as wide a spectrum of geographic, cultural, and sectarian diversity as the label “Christianity.” If anything, it is even more internally diverse than Christianity, which crystallized around an institutionalized Church from the very beginning. In Islam, such an institution never developed. There is no religious hierarchy and no single individual qualified to pass final judgment on questions of belief or practice. Within thirty years of the death of the Prophet, the Muslim community had split on matters of doctrine. Since then, there have been multiple and simultaneous sources of authority among Muslims. Authority is located not in church councils and such, but in individuals who derive their legitimacy from their learning, piety, lineage, and reputation among peers. This gives Islam a slightly anarchic quality: authoritative opinions (fatwa) of one expert or one group can be countered with equally authoritative opinions, derived from the same sources, of another group, or one set of practices devotional practices held dear by one group can be denounced as impermissible by another. In more extreme cases, such conflict of opinion can turn into a “war of fatwas,” fought out, in the modern age, in the press or in cyberspace. (If Islam were held in a more positive light in the West today, this diversity would be described as a “free market of ideas”!) To speak of Islam as a homogeneous entity ignores this fundamental dynamic of its tradition.

This pluralism extends to the most basic level of belief. The major sectarian divide in Islam, between Sunnis and Shi‘is, goes back to the very origins of Islam. The two doctrines evolved in parallel, and therefore it is incorrect to see in them an orthodox/heterodox divide. All Muslims share a number of key reference points (the oneness of God, loyalty to the Prophet and his progeny, the need to prepare for the Hereafter, to take a few examples), but they have been played upon in different ways by different sects and movements. Nor do the two sects exhaust the diversity, for they both have many branches and various theological and legal schools within them, while many modern ideological groups straddle the divide between the two sects.


I could provide link after link, discuss Sunni vs Shia, or any one of the innumerable other sects (70+ iirc), discuss Islams war with itself throughout history etc, all demonstrating that you are wrong.

You are portraying (demonising actually) Islam in the same way the two morons in the video are, by making all Muslims responsible for any action committed by a Muslim. You talk about enlightenment, but your post reeks of bigotry, hardly the hallmark of an enlightened person, right?

Incidentally, the "popular" view of Islam is of a homogenous group of people, us vs them, a group to be afraid of, or to attack. The average person on the street (ie. plumb ignorant, much like yourself) would not be aware of just how complex it is, far more so than Christianity. It's exactly why the talking heads who got schooled kept trying to make out that Islam was homogenous, and were proved wrong...

But give it your best shot trying to shoot down the considered opinions of Phd's, scholars, philosophers etc if you want to continue to make a fool of yourself.

gorillaman said:

It would be more correct to consider religion one of many paths leading away from enlightenment than secularism as one leading toward it. That would usefully sidestep the sophistry involved in the rebranding of oppressive but secular ideologies as a special kind of religion. Secularists don't need to account for the actions of other secularists any more than people who aren't thieves need to answer for arsons committed by other non-thieves. Muslims, conversely, have signed up for a particular club with a particular set of club rules and practices; they are accountable.

Islam is a homogeneous whole, as much as a global movement can be. Its foundational text is intact and whole, not arbitrarily selected from masses of contradictory documents of dubious provenance. That text explicitly rejects the possibility of interpretation or allegory and there's an established, foolproof mechanism for resolving contradictions. It has a single author, really a single author rather than the fiction of the will of god being channelled through the accounts of various liars, a single founder, and a single exemplar.

The popular view of islam as "a religion that is as varied as any other in the world" is unarguably born from ignorance. It's about as variable as scientology, and substantially less reputable.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

heropsycho says...

That's not what he's saying at all.

The bible, or the Quran, or many other texts, just like historical events as they were, or works of literature, or other even historical texts as complex as this often have contradictory ideas. The US constitution is founded on a set of beliefs and ideas that almost all of us subscribe to, yet there are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, pragmatists, etc. all deriving very different ideas from the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and more. The reason this is true is because those values often come into conflict, and can outright contradict each other. Freedom vs security, equality vs prosperity, I could go on and on.

With the Bible, you have Catholics, Protestants, subdivided into a plethora of different religions in their own right under the umbrella of Christianity. You have the running joke even within Catholicism that American Catholics aren't really Catholics at all. Not only do different Christians interpret the bible differently, the amount they count on the bible varies between fundamentalists like Jehovah's Witnesses who take the bible extremely literally to extremely secular Christians who have absolutely no problem discarding any part of Christian doctrines when scientific evidence proves otherwise.

You have Christians who act as saintly as Mother Theresa to mobsters.

That's just Christianity. There are extremist Islamic groups that sound more like the Westboro Baptist Church than other Muslims.

But within Christianity, there's "honor thy mother and thy father" and "thou shall not kill". What if your parents are murderers?

That's a crude, and obvious example of conflicting values, but the 10 commandments are simple rules that don't completely resolve every situation.

What's stupid is to believe that you can know about a person's specific ideology just by their religion. Does their religion play a role in their ideology? Absolutely, but how it impacted their ideology has much more to do with their experiences, their natural tendancies, etc. than necessarily their religion. If you grew up in a mob family, honor thy mother and father was more likely the lesson you took from the Bible than thou shall not kill.

And if you look around you, this is plainly obvious. Even look within yourself. We're all a melting pot of lessons and ideas we've learned from school, personal life experiences, our religious beliefs, our parents, our socio-economic backgrounds, our friends, etc. That's why you are different from everyone of your religion, your friends, who you went to school with, your socioeconomic class, etc.

gorillaman said:

What he's claiming is that religions are not ideologies; that their doctrines don't influence the behavior of their followers or the cultures where they're adopted. Because, hey, "it depends on what you bring to it; if you're a violent person your islam, your judaism, your christianity, your hinduism is going to be violent."

That is frankly, and I use this word seriously, stupid.

rbar (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Pixar short - blue umbrella - Pixar is back!, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 1 Badge!

Pixar short - blue umbrella - Pixar is back!

rbar says...

I hope Pixar never went away, but it has been a while since I saw something so artful and powerful from them. And I think it is the first time umbrella was watchable for free? Well, in any case hope it made you happy to see it again

Pixar short - blue umbrella - Pixar is back!

nock says...

I think it's neat that despite having red/pink and blue characteristics, the human characters are of ambiguous gender (as are the umbrellas), so it could be 2 men, 2 women or a man and a woman.

rbar (Member Profile)

Monty Python Asteroids

Grimm says...

Who could name it "Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel".

That would at least be easier to remember than "Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Umbrella Stand Jasper Wednesday (pops mouth twice) Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable (whinnying) Arthur Norman Michael (blows squeaker) Featherstone Smith (whistle) Northcott Edwards Harris (fires pistol, then 'whoop') Mason (chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff) Frampton Jones Fruitbat Gilbert (sings) 'We'll keep a welcome in the' (three shots) Williams If I Could Walk That Way Jenkin (squeaker) Tiger-drawers Pratt Thompson (sings) 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' Darcy Carter (horn) Pussycat (sings) 'Don't Sleep In The Subway' Barton Mainwaring (hoot, 'whoop') Smith"

Insane police chase of drunk semi truck driver

skinnydaddy1 says...

Aaaaah The good old Russian Roads.

Smokey and the бандит!!

The бандит is hired on to run a tractor trailer full of Used cars over country lines in hot pursuit by a pesky sheriff.

бандит is a truck-driving Russian who accept a dare from big-shots Big and Little Putin to pick up a truckload of Cars from Kiev and drive through Donetsk and then return it to Moscow within a specified amount of time.


Russian Trooper: Did you see that? They went right through our roadblock!

Valery Bolotov: You som'bitches couldn't close an umbrella!

Are You a Feminist? And Do You Know What That Means?

Shepppard says...

I'm fairly certain that I've never looked into anything to do with feminism in the media, mostly because I don't watch or read news most of the time. My opinion comes through interaction, and my interaction, both with the crazies and the not crazies, has never been about anything other than fighting for womens rights. Not a bad thing, but it wasn't the umbrella that you make it out to be.

You also contradict yourself with your own sarcasm. You seem to think it's cool to make a sarcastic comment about my ideal about Equality and fighting for everyones rights at once, then say that feminism is about fighting for everyones rights at once.

Also, just throwing this out there: anywhere you look at a definition of the word "Feminism" it's straight up about equal treatment for women. Again, not a bad thing, but fight for everybody.

dystopianfuturetoday said:

I don't want to take a MATH class and only learn MATH, I want to take an EVERYTHING class so I can learn EVERYTHING. /s

Feminism is about equality for all, it's just useful to be able to specify a category/focus. It's not about female superiority or 'special rights'. Being concerned with equal rights for woman does not preclude your ability to support rights for other groups. Feminists are concerned about male rights and male well being as well. The word has been under assault from right media for a long time now.

Mr. G and Jellybean

Biz tired of drunks peeing on it installs security SHOWER

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Ha. You know, when I first got into LA back in 1999, it had started to lightly drizzle, and I was on my way to buy a book from Barnes and Noble at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica.

I got no more than a few steps onto the Promenade before I see a news team with a plastic wrapped camera. The instant they see me, it was like Christmas morning to them, because I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and carried no umbrella. In fact, I remember thinking how odd it was to see people covering up as if it were a monsoon sweeping through LA. They sprint for me. The camera goes up. And the mic goes into my face, and it's like, "Why are you dressed like this in the rain?" It was surreal. To them, this was fucking news!

But I must admit that since being in LA for 14 years, I am not a big pussy when it comes to rain. Time in a place changes you. Now, to me, the light drizzle feels like a monsoon and I have to get out of it pronto! Ha.

eric3579 said:

Are you OK? I heard it was fricken raining down south. Hunker down. Dont go outside. It will pass.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

VoodooV says...


while I'll give @lantern53 some credit for attempting to justify his position instead of usual troll and run away we get from the others.

You're just wasting your time. They're not going to let a little thing like facts or perspective or reality get in the way. They're DESPERATE to find anything to stick...anything. They were even criticized him because a marine held an umbrella for him during a speech.

They're predictably tossing around the idea of impeachment as much as they can trying to drum up the pitchforks so they can lynch the black guy, err I mean remove him from office.

Brace yourself for more. I mean shit, they impeached Clinton over a blowjob..and he was white. What do you think they're going to try to do to a black democrat president.

Don't like it? Good, make sure you vote them out in 2014 and 2016. Republicans are done (maybe they already are) if they can't retake the presidency in the future. But if you think they're going to go down quietly, you're stupid.

Be prepared for more obstructionism and scorched earth mentality.

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