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Zero Punctuation: Battlefield 3

braindonut says...

Hey, don't get me wrong. I enjoy Zero Punctuation quite a bit. For the same reason I enjoy Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. It's witty and amusing. [EDIT: Right there was I referring to Zero Punctuation, not the dog puppet...] But there are plenty of games which are actually a ton of fun, despite getting torn up by Zero Punctuation. Hate was prolly the wrong word - but he definitely ratchets up the flames to a exaggerated level. Claiming otherwise is disingenuous.

>> ^Deano:

>> ^braindonut:
Zero Punctuation is hate packaged as comedy.

I'm sorry mate but that's complete rubbish. The guy loves games and is expressing an opinion blended with comedy. How much you get out of that is one thing but it's certainly not "hate".

siftbot (Member Profile)

Watch Rick Perry's Campaign End Before Your Eyes

NetRunner says...

@quantumushroom, I'm not old enough to remember things before FDR, much less the time of Jefferson.

I'm not old enough to remember Nixon either, but while I agree that he did found the EPA, I should point out he was a Republican, not a Democrat.

I guess the real difference between us is that I see America's progress over the period from the Civil War through to about 1968 or so as being mostly in the right direction. Increased individual rights, increased equality, increased prosperity, and a largely shared prosperity.

Sometime in the 1968-1980 period that started to break down. In the Reagan-era, I mostly just saw the pieces of what was the American Dream being hauled off and sold, with the rich keeping the proceeds.

My goal is not to see government controlling everything -- that's the mirror-image assumption again.

I would like to see us have a more generous set of welfare programs, like many European countries have. But that's not socialism, it's still capitalism, just like we've had since the country was founded. Socialism would be the government literally running everything, with private ownership of capital being illegal. The only place that still runs that way is North Korea, and I'm no more eager to emulate them than you are.

I don't like corporations using government to stamp out competition, or to line their pockets with subsidies and tax cuts, either. I just think the solution to that problem is to get corporations out of government, rather than government out of corporations.

I want to see everyone get richer, I just don't think that cutting taxes on the rich and abolishing environmental regulations helps anyone, not even the rich.

And I've definitely not "won" with millions of people unemployed, millions without health care, millions of children needing food stamps, and seeing our roads, bridges, and schools crumbling away, while the military budget keeps on going up and up and up.

You're winning! The public sector is shrinking! Corporate profits are at all-time highs! Union participation is at historic lows! Taxes collected are at historic lows! The Pentagon budget is bigger than ever, and we're at war with two countries!

The world outside your window is the result of your triumph! Aren't you happy?

Triumph Visits Occupy Wall Street

Triumph Visits Occupy Wall Street

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Triumph the comic dog, Occupy Wall Street, Conan OBrien' to 'Triumph the insult comic dog, Occupy Wall Street, Conan OBrien' - edited by xxovercastxx

Triumph Visits Occupy Wall Street

Triumph Visits Occupy Wall Street

Triumph Visits Occupy Wall Street

TYT - Fox: OWS and Supporters are "parasites"

chilaxe says...

"A third unknown factor which causes both the economic gap and the wide array of social "decay" in country after country."

Nobody alive knows how to bring white people's average test scores up to the scores of north-east Asians and Jews, or NAMs (non-Asian minorities) up to the scores of white people. Naturally, permanent gaps in test scores cause all manner of social decay, all deriving from population replacement.

This chart concisely explains every problem the US experiences (the need for income redistribution, high murder rate & prison population, low test scores, high unemployment. On every societal factor, if you break it down by region of ancestry, the US scores equal to or better than the countries its population came from, and it's the population replacement responsible for problems.

Before I leave the sift, we should place a bet.

You bet is OWS will help fix these problems by creating a shift to the political left. If the next president after Obama is Republican, as I expect, or if the economic decline continues in liberal states, that would seem to be counter to your prediction.

My bet is the US is in permanent economic decline that will correlate (just as it already correlates) with 1. how liberal a state is and 2. the proportion of the state population that's not White/Asian/Jewish. Next time you notice statistics suggesting that the global fiscal crisis only occurred because it was assumed NAMs would manage their finances in the same way Whites/Jews/Asians do, question whether it's really in society's interest to pretend reality isn't the way it is. If these achievement gaps close within the next 100 years without the help of reprogenetics (reprogramming genetics will probably start via embryo selection around 2040, and liberals will oppose it until they finally reverse their position in the latter half of the century), that would disprove my prediction.

Some sources that Cenk would be furious we're talking about without applying deception:
NYT: Triumph Fades on Racial Gap in City Schools
The Great Dumbing Down: California Skills Decay Due To Immigration

Anyway, I'm off. This should be my last substantive comment on videosift. Best of luck on your path, Messenger.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

14/10/2011: Batman: Arkham City Launch Game Trailer

2,000 Ducks.

Boise_Lib jokingly says...

>> ^Barseps:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^Barseps:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
That's a lot of ducks. is..... leave the ducks alone, ok? This is my duck army & we shall triumph....ok?


I shall ignore that insult (as it's time for bed & my chocolate drink is waiting)... but I will have you know THIS Sir..... I AND my duck army shall wait for you at dawn .....(although I have NO reason why.....apart from bein' half-cut )

Half-cut? Is that some british thing--or an accident during circumcision?

2,000 Ducks.

Barseps jokingly says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Barseps:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
That's a lot of ducks. is..... leave the ducks alone, ok? This is my duck army & we shall triumph....ok?


I shall ignore that insult (as it's time for bed & my chocolate drink is waiting)... but I will have you know THIS Sir..... I AND my duck army shall wait for you at dawn .....(although I have NO reason why.....apart from bein' half-cut )

2,000 Ducks.

2,000 Ducks.

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