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Steve Jobs dies. His life in 60 seconds.

budzos says...

Pirates of Silicon Valley is a very interesting movie that offers a rounded portrait of Jobs as driven, visionary, and sometimes lacking perspective or empathy for the more petty aspects of fulfilling that vision. I think most highly successful people or large-scale leaders must be perceived that way by a certain portion of the people they encounter. You have to be a bit hard-nosed in order to think about the big picture.

Triumph of the Nerds gives more detail on the story in Pirates.

Steve Jobs dies. His life in 60 seconds.

davidraine says...

Steve Jobs was a great man, but this video is pretty bad, so it doesn't get an upvote. If you have significantly more than 60 seconds, I would recommend the documentary "Triumph of the Nerds" to get a better picture of Steve Jobs early contributions to Computing as well as the rest of the environment back in the late 70's and the 80's.

Louis C.K. and Robert Smigel talk about dogs on Conan (1993)

Doug Stanhope about the British National Party

chilaxe says...


1. "Compared to their native Swedish peers, immigrant students, on average, have weaker education outcomes at all levels of education. Nearing the end of compulsory education, at age 15, there are very significant performance disadvantages for immigrant students." Source.

2a. Generally, in the modern era, the achievement gap between the descendants of immigrants and the host population correlates with the achievement gap between the immigrants' nation of origin and the host nation. For example, expect US achievement gaps to be with us for the long-term:
NYT: "Triumph Fades on Racial Gap in City Schools"

2b. US school test scores are virtually the best in the world once you break down test scores by region of ancestry. Asian Americans do better than Asians in Asia; Latino Americans do better than Latinos in Latin America; African Americans do better than Africans in Africa; European Americans do better than Europeans in Europe. The illusion that US scores aren't the best in the world is caused by the demographic composition of the US, not by US school policy.

2c. Indeed, as expected from the US's dominance of international test scores (once broken down by country of origin), descendants of Swedes living in Minnesota significantly outperform Swedes living in Sweden. (Search that post for "achievement gap" to read more about the achievement gap in Sweden between natives and descendants of immigants.)

3. Exceptions: US Muslims, such as Iranian-Americans, significantly outperform other US groups, including the majority group, because they were drawn from high performers in their country of origin, such as scientists.

How does Triumph build the Rocket 3? Osmosis

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

heropsycho says...

I'm a little late to the party, but I had to comment.

So that's the criteria to see if something works, let's try googling:

United States capitalism failure

SCORE! 11,300,000 hits!

P.S. I value capitalism and market ideology. I just think measuring google hits is a completely absurd way to disprove economic ideologies.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Ah, yes. SWEDEN. A monoethnic country of less than 10 million proving socialism really works.
Except it doesn't.
Just google "swedish socialism, failure" Close to 7 million results.

Speaking of results, the left can't hide the results of obamanomics.

>> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

gwiz665 says...

We have it the same in Denmark.
I'm on of the "poorest" earners here, so I play 37 % income tax. The rich pay up to 70 % income tax.
Plus all the sales taxes and stuff.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

Dennis Potter's Parting Shot at Rupert Murdoch

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Ah, yes. SWEDEN. A monoethnic country of less than 10 million proving socialism really works.
Except it doesn't.
Just google "swedish socialism, failure" Close to 7 million results.

Speaking of results, the left can't hide the results of obamanomics. >> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

Oh right, I forgot, how true a statement is is based on how many google results you get, like when I type "united states capitalism fail" and I end up with nearly 15 million results. Well it MUST be true now!!!

As far as the countries rank up according to current data:
USA's national debt: $738,600,000,000
Sweden's national debt SURPLUS $37,990,000,000

That doesn't look like fail for Sweden to me. What are you using to measure this fail? How is this not a shining example of successful socialism?

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

quantumushroom says...

Ah, yes. SWEDEN. A monoethnic country of less than 10 million proving socialism really works.

Except it doesn't.

Just google "swedish socialism, failure" Close to 7 million results.

Speaking of results, the left can't hide the results of obamanomics.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.

Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care

Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

quantumushroom says...

There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.

Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Neil Peart drum solo on Letterman last night

critical_d says...

If you have not seen the movie, Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, then I highly recommend it. It does well to capture the chemistry of the band, the absolute loyalty of the fans, and it has great interviews with Neil of course.
Also, I recently finished the book, Ghost Rider. For a guy who is painfully shy, he details the heartbreak and eventual triumph of that period in his life.

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...


Now, is this actually a nasty troll against women?

Kind of. Sort of. Not really, but kinda sorta.

I shall write a little essay on the relative value of words, to explain.

I was in my late teens when the Feminist Movement of the seventies was getting going. This was a time of women reclaiming language.

Women were described as "Miss or Mrs". Men were "Mr", with no designation as to their marital status. Just "Mr". So women came up with "Ms". No indication of marital status. The word was chosen to have an equal "value" to Mr.

We were also struggling with being called "girl" rather than "woman."

I got into many conversations, trying to convince folks that calling a grown woman a "girl" is very insulting. I heard many different reasons why it is okay to call a woman that, and I eventually figured out a logical response to each of those reasons.

It came down to a simple test.

Say something about a woman, calling her a "girl". Now change the gender -- would you say the same thing about man and be able to use the word "boy"? Or does it sound completely insulting to call a man a boy in that situation?


"I'll have my girl get back to you on that" when meaning your 51-year-old support staff person. Would you say "I'll have my boy get back to you on that." Think you would do it? How about if your support staff person is a black man? Now try it. Really drawl out that "boy", Southern it up big time.


If you would not call a black man a "boy", you got no business calling a grown woman a "girl."

It's okay to use girl sometimes, just as it is okay to use boy. "Boys' Night Out." "Girls' Night Out." Equal value phrases. No problem with "girl" if you can substitute "boy" and not feel weird.

So here we have rottenseed's eloquence.

"tits cunts cocks balls"

Nicely balanced, two sexual characteristics for each gender. They aren't the same area of the body, but that is just a reflection of the realities of anatomy. Our stuff is top and bottom, men have their stuff in the same place.

The only thing that sits badly is the word "cunt." That word doesn't have a male equivalent in rottenseed's attempt to be balanced. A truly balanced word would have been something like vay jay jay, or even @Lann's cooter. Cooter is a sweet term.

The word "cunt" has been used too long and too often as a pejorative to dismiss an entire woman as being just a body part, to shame her, to silence her, to reduce her to irrelevance. It wasn't that long ago that you wouldn't even hear or see the word -- it was spelled down to C-Word, and everyone knew what horrible thing had been said. Can't say that is true with the words "cocks" and "balls."

So "cunt" doesn't have a matched value word on the male side of this triumph of eloquence.

Women are starting to reclaim the word "cunt" for themselves, just as Eve Ensler made it okay to say vagina. I know you younger folks might be surprised to know this, but it wasn't that long ago NO ONE EVER said vagina. Penis was okay, but the word vagina was whispered and suggested and disguised (Lann's cooter, for example, it was always referred to with cute nicknames.) That was the beauty of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues. She set out to make vagina have the same "value" as penis, and she succeeded, brilliantly.

We haven't managed to reclaim "cunt" yet, but we are sneaking up on it.

So. To maintain the word value balance, just as I have been doing since 1970, I shall edit rottenseed's mature and eloquent tone poem to:

tits cooters cocks balls

TL DR: tits cooters cocks balls

>> ^rottenseed:

tits cunts cocks balls

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