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Hello gentlemen: the lady you wish your lady was

peggedbea says...

would it injury your self esteem if people paid you strut around topless... like as a side job? i doubt it.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Well the discussion Gallowflak brought up was about dignity/esteem not immorality
I was attempting to make the point that:
Even if she's secure in the fact she's on her way to reaching her potential..
..being sold as an object, even if you enjoy it thoroughly, has its limits.
Humans have complex emotions and thoughts and self-images. Objects don't.
Hence why esteem will suffer inevitably. most cases.
>> ^entr0py:

Wait. . . have you seen your avatar image? Or are you pro-immorality? I'm confused.

Karen Black- Underwear Drawer

CineMassacre: Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Russ Meyer - Mondo Topless

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

KnivesOut says...

My old copy of that book is on the table next to me, as I sit here in the living room. My son absolutely loves it... I wonder why...

Yeah, the new D&D system has been re-engineered to appeal to MMO gamers. I guess it's cool that they're trying to appeal to a new generation of gamers.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
It's funny that I stumbled across that video, because I found it shortly after I had come home from the mall, in which I had visited Waldenbooks. And though I haven't looked at D&D stuff in ages, for some reason I decided to check them out today. None of the manuals look even remotely similar to the stuff I had when I had last played it (early '80s), but it still brought back some fond memories. Do you remember the original Deities & Demigods, or was that before your time? Anyway, my mom got a little upset when she found out that some of the goddesses were drawn topless, like Aphrodite and Bast.

Try as I might, I can't find any online images of them. Kind of a tease, isn't it?

In reply to this comment by KnivesOut:
Thanks mang! I love me some pen-and-paper.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I always hated the mind flayers (Illithids). They had psionic powers, and using psionics was almost like a game within a game. And I hated them also because of their relation to the githyanki, who were just lame-o. (Almost everything in the Fiend Folio was lame-o).

So who's got a 20-sided die?

KnivesOut (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

It's funny that I stumbled across that video, because I found it shortly after I had come home from the mall, in which I had visited Waldenbooks. And though I haven't looked at D&D stuff in ages, for some reason I decided to check them out today. None of the manuals look even remotely similar to the stuff I had when I had last played it (early '80s), but it still brought back some fond memories. Do you remember the original Deities & Demigods, or was that before your time? Anyway, my mom got a little upset when she found out that some of the goddesses were drawn topless, like Aphrodite and Bast.

Try as I might, I can't find any online images of them. Kind of a tease, isn't it?

In reply to this comment by KnivesOut:
Thanks mang! I love me some pen-and-paper.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I always hated the mind flayers (Illithids). They had psionic powers, and using psionics was almost like a game within a game. And I hated them also because of their relation to the githyanki, who were just lame-o. (Almost everything in the Fiend Folio was lame-o).

So who's got a 20-sided die?

QI: Emma Thompson Scares the Hell Out of Stephen Fry

Florida State Senator views softcore* porn on the job

burdturgler says...

>> ^demon_ix:

Was there any more "porn"? Or was that one photo of topless girls on a beach it? Because if so, it could just be him checking emails and receiving links from people.
Anyway, calling that photo "porn" is an insult to an entire industry!

Pretty sure that's all it was. Just him checking his personal e-mail (instead of doing his job and paying attention to the issue) and some links he received/clicked and then closed pretty quickly. People receive shit in their e-mail all the time, can't really fault the guy for that. The way I've seen it reported, you'd think he was jacking off on the Senate floor.

Florida State Senator views softcore* porn on the job

demon_ix says...

Was there any more "porn"? Or was that one photo of topless girls on a beach it? Because if so, it could just be him checking emails and receiving links from people.

Anyway, calling that photo "porn" is an insult to an entire industry!

Ben Folds does an Ode to ChatRoulette Piano Guy

spoco2 says...

>> ^Xax:
I'm a bit surprised people weren't more blown away. It's like this happens all the time to them.

Yeah, I thought the same...
"Oh, hey... Ben Folds and a crowd of two thousand people... cool.... next"
"Dude, you have, like thousands of people behind you and a pretty nice looking music setup there... but I can't be arsed being enthusiastic."
"Hey, like, am I topless in front of that entire audience of people and Ben Folds? Whatevs...."

Bizarre indeed.

Jacques Magazine presents Tori

ponceleon says...

So I googled the Dag Wood Test because I didn't recognize the term and this is the only refererence I found:

Lawl... back on topic. I still feel that this is soft-core porn. I mean, we should be straight here that soft-core porn is not mutually exclusive with Art, but the fact remains that if I was caught looking at this video by a female worker at my place of employment I would surely lose my job (or at least end up in HR hell).

The comments made me think to exactly what my point is and I'm not entirely sure to be honest. I guess my fear is that I don't come to Videosift for outright porn and by letting this video pass muster, we are changing the fundamental purpose of the site. Again, I'm not a moderator or anything and I can definitely subscribe that this is, in the grand scheme of porn, on the artsy side of things, but it is still porn, plain and simple.

That said, I'm a man of common sense and I realize that this doesn't mean we are going to start approving double donkey penetration videos, but I suppose part of me feels this is just slightly out of place.

Devils advocate in me should point out that I've previously posted:

WTF? Choggie is back and there's no more Sifquisitions!? (Wtf Talk Post)

schmawy says...

There are topless waitreses in the Sift Lounge now. Unfortunately there are bottomless waiters, too. I sit at the bar instead of the tables if you get my drift.

Welcome back Gunny. Stick around a while. And don't eat the peanuts.

On Porn and Other Matters (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK, so first off- let's drop the loaded word "porn". Let's call it instead, "explicit sexual content" lets define explicit sexual content as:

"gratuitous nudity of a sexual nature displayed for the sole purpose of causing sexual arousal- without artistic or educational merit".

I'm a little unsure about the "artistic or educational merit" bit as I bet that would be debated in many cases. I don't want to lose "defensible nudity" like pelvic exams or someone topless in an R rated movie.

braindonut (Member Profile)

Reason #147 to be scared of clowns...

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