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Britta from Community goes topless in Choke

ForgedReality says...

>> ^Darkhand:

40 GOTO 10

Only one of those is a BASIC command. You fail. I think you need to watch this video some more. It's very informative. You might learn something!

I know I learned a lot....

Britta from Community goes topless in Choke

arvana (Member Profile)

Canada's first Slut Walk

SlipperyPete says...

>> ^Xax:

In other news, it's completely legal for women to go topless here in Canada, but I'll be damned if I ever see it in action. Perhaps if this event were to take place in the summer... >> ^Aniatario:
I wouldn't want my sister sashaying around like that and I sure as hell wouldn't want her looking like that by herself, Downtown TO. That's just stupid.
Whats more, Its unsettling that you see so many little girls living up to this image, wearing clothes that're completely distasteful for their age.

An event with lots of topless ladies (and 'ladies') does take place here in the summer. It's called Pride.
(warning: you will also see man-junk)

Canada's first Slut Walk

Xax says...

What's unsettling is to see that their parents allow it. Even with girls who aren't so little.

In other news, it's completely legal for women to go topless here in Canada, but I'll be damned if I ever see it in action. Perhaps if this event were to take place in the summer...

>> ^Aniatario:

I wouldn't want my sister sashaying around like that and I sure as hell wouldn't want her looking like that by herself, Downtown TO. That's just stupid.
Whats more, Its unsettling that you see so many little girls living up to this image, wearing clothes that're completely distasteful for their age.

Cowboys and Aliens -- Super Bowl commercial

Yogi says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I may even have to go to the theater to see this one. An alien invasion of the old West seems worthwhile, and a topless Thirteen makes it something of a no-brainer.
Although, to be honest, I couldn't even make a good guess as to Wilde's chestsize...I've never been able to take my eyes off of her face when she's onscreen. She has the most amazing cheekbones I've ever seen.

Are you kidding? She's TERRIFYING! When she opens her eyes wide she looks like she's going to devour your soul!

Also...newly single.

Cowboys and Aliens -- Super Bowl commercial

Stormsinger says...

I may even have to go to the theater to see this one. An alien invasion of the old West seems worthwhile, and a topless Thirteen makes it something of a no-brainer.

Although, to be honest, I couldn't even make a good guess as to Wilde's chestsize...I've never been able to take my eyes off of her face when she's onscreen. She has the most amazing cheekbones I've ever seen.

On the business of NSFW (Sift Talk Post)

residue says...

In general, I agree with your opinion on the naturality of expressing the human body, I just don't want my colleagues at work walking up behind me when there are boobs all over the screen. Same goes with my kids.

As to the location of the discussion, this very discussion is the reason why I puit it in sift talk in the first place. I like talking about this stuff with people. Besides, I feel odd going straight to the top and leaving personal messages to people because I wouldn't presume to know what the sift needs more than they do, so I stick it in here to see what other sifters think about the issue. All communal-like, ya heard?

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^residue:
I honestly thought it might have warranted discussion and it was actually gwiz that suggested a "SFW" version of the sift without using any filters to completely remove content, so in that regard, the sift talk was a success. With only a few new sift talks a week I don't see why you're upset.
>> ^BoneRemake:
Where you posting this to get some form of support ? seems this entire thing could of been kept to a simple message to the sift gods. I think its ridiculous and laughable myself. I simply see no reason to make this a sift talk issue unless the only obvious reason to me as explained at the beginning my my paragraph.

spits in bucket

I am not upset, I voiced my thoughts on the matter, I simply do not think it warranted the avenue you took, although you are well entitled to it. I simply meant what I said without any behind the scene meaning. Ya know in ontario you can walk around with your top off if your a woman. That I'd like to see. And good for them, I cringe at how backwards we are about breasts and being "topless", people always revert at some point to "what will we tell the kids " well I think you should tell the kids exactly whats what, talk to children, tits are tits people. Fat people shouldnt be allowed to walk around without a shirt on if we are going to only hold it to females.

On the business of NSFW (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

>> ^residue:

I honestly thought it might have warranted discussion and it was actually gwiz that suggested a "SFW" version of the sift without using any filters to completely remove content, so in that regard, the sift talk was a success. With only a few new sift talks a week I don't see why you're upset.
>> ^BoneRemake:
Where you posting this to get some form of support ? seems this entire thing could of been kept to a simple message to the sift gods. I think its ridiculous and laughable myself. I simply see no reason to make this a sift talk issue unless the only obvious reason to me as explained at the beginning my my paragraph.

spits in bucket

I am not upset, I voiced my thoughts on the matter, I simply do not think it warranted the avenue you took, although you are well entitled to it. I simply meant what I said without any behind the scene meaning. Ya know in ontario you can walk around with your top off if your a woman. That I'd like to see. And good for them, I cringe at how backwards we are about breasts and being "topless", people always revert at some point to "what will we tell the kids " well I think you should tell the kids exactly whats what, talk to children, tits are tits people. Fat people shouldnt be allowed to walk around without a shirt on if we are going to only hold it to females.



WTF of the Week: Baby Yoga.

RFlagg says...

Should we tag this Not Safe For Work for the two or so topless shots that scroll by?
I would think the possibility of shaken baby syndrome would be too great to do this, even if you could be sure you wouldn't drop the baby... plus it can't be good on the baby's muscles, joints and skeletal system. Simple massage would be far better than tossing a baby around like he's an exercise tool for yourself.

Completely Lovely Wants to End the War on Christmas

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

i don't look like her.

if i did, i'm not sure modeling, not porn or stripping, but modeling/acting with my midriff and thighs showing wouldn't seem like a particularly degrading job, if my soul was otherwise in tact. i don't categorically disrespect models.

i have, however, just now found out what a page 3 girl is, that's a little ..... um.... i don't know, but she ain't selling body wash.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Would it yours?

Would seem like work too easy and lucrative to pass up.

You aren't looking into that?

Hmm. I wonder why..

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
would it injury your self esteem if people paid you strut around topless... like as a side job? i doubt it.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

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