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Man sets car on fire: playing with lighter at gas station

Auger8 says...

Your right fire makes people stupid and panic for no reason most of the time. Funny story I was working as a fry cook at a Buffalo Wild Wings in my home town in Texas when one night one of the guys pulled the fryer out to clean behind it well he yanked on it too hard and it ripped the gas hose off the connection to the wall. I swear to god 6 guys saw fire spurt out of the valve and immediate dropped everything and ran for the hills. I saw that the valve wasn't damaged in anyway so I calmly walked over and turned off the valve the fire went out and the disaster was averted. I couldn't believe how everyone else just panicked instead of taking the logical easiest path to put out the fire. I'm just glad no one pulled the Ansul fire foam system that would have cost the store 20k and we would have spent two days cleaning the inside of the kitchen out.

>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^PlayhousePals:
>> ^Stingray:
Fire extinguishers: Not just ornaments

It appeared that the guy near the end was using the contents of a gas can to extinguish the flames. A fail all around if that were true =oD

I'll assume this is sarcasm that didn't translate well across the Internet--it was water, the stuff you use to wash off your windows with--which is ALSO found RIGHT NEXT TO all the man-made flames and fuel for cars--BTW did you know fuel vapor is pretty nasty--I swear eia is just not enough sometimes.
Fires (and any other such similar event were an emergency is involved) while active creates apparently, an atmospheric anomaly that causes--from what I've noticed in these situations--a strange and sudden affliction that seems to afflict the human nervous system in roughly 95% of the population (some of you may think I'm being TOO generous) it has these noticeable effects: mass stupidity, mass standing comatose adult/children (like deer in headlights), GRABBING THEIR FUCKING cellphone to video it, calling anyone but 911, calling 911 when the situation could have been averted for atleast a minute (sometimes more, MUCH MORE--it can get ridiculous) by them doing a small innocuous measure--but the measure is: beneath them, might get them dirty, they may get close to "the action", they could injury themselves requiring a band-aid; and so, so, so, so, so, many other things that could be listed, but you really can just go to the Failblog and look around and find one thousand examples I don't have here. But this 95% always does the things I listed above and do similar ridiculous actions OTHER THAN stopping the problem! It really is quite amusing and it's also why we've got the term "hero". Hero really should read:
Hero: The person that finally decided to resolve a problem when everyone else decided it was better to journal about it. You get my drift... Yes, there is the "real" hero out there, but they typically have other things that show that they are, like undying loyalty from their followers or getting the Medal of Honor--that type of thing.
This window washing water can be found in large containers, like the one he was carrying to put the fire out, around EVERY single station (typically, sometimes there are even WATER HOSES in the middle). Atleast ONE person was paying attention and put the fire out on both the fuel hose and the gas tank (it looked like he got them out--with a little bucket of water...well used if I might say). He is a minor hero, but he's one of those people that solves an emergency put before a group of people, and decidedly did not take photos first.
Just felt like the man deserved some credit, so I decided to have someone say something good about him (me ); since it's mostly about the idiot eia douche who RAN to find help from the store manager, running RIGHT PAST the fire extinguisher--fucking poetic and on camera. That guy will NEVER live this down...
I'm ALSO assuming he did panic and run into the store to find the clerk, rather than just running away, BUT people HAVE done that... ((Benefit of doubt for this eia, I guess...)

Man sets car on fire: playing with lighter at gas station

kceaton1 says...

>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^Stingray:
Fire extinguishers: Not just ornaments

It appeared that the guy near the end was using the contents of a gas can to extinguish the flames. A fail all around if that were true =oD

I'll assume this is sarcasm that didn't translate well across the Internet--it was water, the stuff you use to wash off your windows with--which is ALSO found RIGHT NEXT TO all the man-made flames and fuel for cars--BTW did you know fuel vapor is pretty nasty--I swear eia is just not enough sometimes.

Fires (and any other such similar event were an emergency is involved) while active creates apparently, an atmospheric anomaly that causes--from what I've noticed in these situations--a strange and sudden affliction that seems to afflict the human nervous system in roughly 95% of the population (some of you may think I'm being TOO generous) it has these noticeable effects: mass stupidity, mass standing comatose adult/children (like deer in headlights), GRABBING THEIR FUCKING cellphone to video it, calling anyone but 911, calling 911 when the situation could have been averted for atleast a minute (sometimes more, MUCH MORE--it can get ridiculous) by them doing a small innocuous measure--but the measure is: beneath them, might get them dirty, they may get close to "the action", they could injury themselves requiring a band-aid; and so, so, so, so, so, many other things that could be listed, but you really can just go to the Failblog and look around and find one thousand examples I don't have here. But this 95% always does the things I listed above and do similar ridiculous actions OTHER THAN stopping the problem! It really is quite amusing and it's also why we've got the term "hero". Hero really should read:

Hero: The person that finally decided to resolve a problem when everyone else decided it was better to journal about it. You get my drift... Yes, there is the "real" hero out there, but they typically have other things that show that they are, like undying loyalty from their followers or getting the Medal of Honor--that type of thing.

This window washing water can be found in large containers, like the one he was carrying to put the fire out, around EVERY single station (typically, sometimes there are even WATER HOSES in the middle). Atleast ONE person was paying attention and put the fire out on both the fuel hose and the gas tank (it looked like he got them out--with a little bucket of water...well used if I might say). He is a minor hero, but he's one of those people that solves an emergency put before a group of people, and decidedly did not take photos first.

Just felt like the man deserved some credit, so I decided to have someone say something good about him (me ); since it's mostly about the idiot eia douche who RAN to find help from the store manager, running RIGHT PAST the fire extinguisher--fucking poetic and on camera. That guy will NEVER live this down...

I'm ALSO assuming he did panic and run into the store to find the clerk, rather than just running away, BUT people HAVE done that... ((Benefit of doubt for this eia, I guess...)

War on Weed

bmacs27 says...

No, I think it's right. It basically comes from the tar. The problem is they are saying that "by weight, there is this much more tar." That's a bullshit argument though because a pack of smokes by weight per day would be a hell of a chronic habit. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's pretty rare. Also, the argument goes out the window when you consider the options for alternative intake (vaporizers, edibles, etc). It don't matter though. They're losing.

Asteroid 2012KT42 passes earth closer than geosync satellite

Sagemind says...

2012 KT42 is an asteroid discovered by Alex R. Gibbs of the Mt. Lemmon Survey (part of the Catalina Sky Survey) with a 1.5-m reflector + CCD on May 28, 2012. The asteroid had a close approach to the Earth on May 29, 2012, approaching to only Distance: ~8950 miles / ~14,440 km above the planet's surface. This means 2012 KT42 came inside the Clarke Belt of geosynchronous satellites. As of May 28, 2012, the estimated 5 to 10 meter wide asteroid ranked #6 on the top 20 list of closest-approaches to Earth. There was no danger of a collision during the close approach. 2012 KT42 will pass roughly 0.01 AU (1,500,000 km; 930,000 mi) from Venus on 2012 July 8.[3]

It is estimated that an impact would produce an upper atmosphere air burst equivalent to 11 kt TNT,[4] roughly equal to Hiroshima's Little Boy. The asteroid would be vaporized as these small impacts occur approximately once per year. A comparable-sized object caused the Sutter's Mill meteorite in California on 2012 April 22. It was removed from the Sentry Risk Table on 2012 May 30.[5]

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

It's not three different's three persons, one God. There is only one God, and that
God is three persons. How can God be three persons at the same time? Perhaps because He is
hyper-dimensional, although I don't think that would be an adequate description in reality. I think though that the concept itself illuminates the potential differences between His existence and ours.
>> ^Bruti79:
>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^Bruti79:
>> ^shinyblurry:

Jesus and the Father are not the same person. The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father, but they are both God. God is three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Wait, so it's a grammatical thing? How did god use improper grammar in the bible?

You could think of it like can be liquid, ice and vapor..but it is still water. That is analogous to the Holy Trinity.

Even in three different states, the same water molecules can't exist in different states at the same time. That's an analogy though. I want to know the true answer. Either it's bad grammar, or how can god be three different things at the same time, when other things can't? What about only worshiping the one true god, when this one is three separate god beings? Why isn't that hypocritical?

Do you mean "persons" like "people?" Of not, what is your definition of a person? If so, if they are people, then it/they/he must sin right? But if so, do they just punish each other for their sins? And if so, do they use paper/rock/scissors? Because I would think that's the most effective way of doing things.

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

shinyblurry says...

It's not three different's three persons, one God. There is only one God, and that
God is three persons. How can God be three persons at the same time? Perhaps because He is
hyper-dimensional, although I don't think that would be an adequate description in reality. I think though that the concept itself illuminates the potential differences between His existence and ours.

>> ^Bruti79:

>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^Bruti79:
>> ^shinyblurry:

Jesus and the Father are not the same person. The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father, but they are both God. God is three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Wait, so it's a grammatical thing? How did god use improper grammar in the bible?

You could think of it like can be liquid, ice and vapor..but it is still water. That is analogous to the Holy Trinity.

Even in three different states, the same water molecules can't exist in different states at the same time. That's an analogy though. I want to know the true answer. Either it's bad grammar, or how can god be three different things at the same time, when other things can't? What about only worshiping the one true god, when this one is three separate god beings? Why isn't that hypocritical?

grinter (Member Profile)

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

Bruti79 says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^Bruti79:
>> ^shinyblurry:

Jesus and the Father are not the same person. The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father, but they are both God. God is three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Wait, so it's a grammatical thing? How did god use improper grammar in the bible?

You could think of it like can be liquid, ice and vapor..but it is still water. That is analogous to the Holy Trinity.

Even in three different states, the same water molecules can't exist in different states at the same time. That's an analogy though. I want to know the true answer. Either it's bad grammar, or how can god be three different things at the same time, when other things can't? What about only worshiping the one true god, when this one is three separate god beings? Why isn't that hypocritical?

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Bruti79:

>> ^shinyblurry:

Jesus and the Father are not the same person. The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father, but they are both God. God is three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Wait, so it's a grammatical thing? How did god use improper grammar in the bible?

You could think of it like can be liquid, ice and vapor..but it is still water. That is analogous to the Holy Trinity.

Smoking Pot VS Cigarettes

Smoking Pot VS Cigarettes

Tattoo Removal - Dr. Tatoff

ant says...

>> ^RhesusMonk:

Yup. The laser boils the ink, which is embedded in the live tissue dermis, forcing it to evaporate and escape through the layers of skin. Boiling ink escaping as vapor through your skin. Yup, it hurts.>> ^ant:
Does it hurt?

Which hurts more? Getting a tattoo or boiling it away?

Tattoo Removal - Dr. Tatoff

RhesusMonk says...

Yup. The laser boils the ink, which is embedded in the live tissue dermis, forcing it to evaporate and escape through the layers of skin. Boiling ink escaping as vapor through your skin. Yup, it hurts.>> ^ant:

Does it hurt?

Giant Koosh Ball in Liquid Nitrogen!

rottenseed says...

I'm pretty sure the liquid would vaporize before hitting your arm. Or at least that's what they're banking on...>> ^brycewi19:

Seriously, why the hell would you wear a short sleeve polo when doing an experiment with liquid nitrogen?
You got the gloves but are exposing the forearms to all that splashback.

How Good Pot Goes Bad

PlayhousePals says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Auger8:
And then this guy blows the whole point of the video by rolling a smoke wasting joint. Joints keep smoking even when you aren't.
Pinch Hitter, it's the only way to smoke good Kind bud.

Ha! Exactly my thoughts when he did that. What a waster.

Vaporizer anyone? =oD

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